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Everything posted by baduk

  1. I looked at the incinerator from new vegas and its probably the same as the flamer from fo3. Its using dlc03flamerprojectile.nif for projectile and dlc03flamerexplosion.nif for the explosion effect. And then for when you are on fire there is a flames shader effect that does not use a nif. dlc03flamerprojectile.nif has a complicated particle system. the megaton water sprays also are having a complicated particle system. U can read about particle systems here. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/Oblivion/Oblivion_401_-_Particles I also want to make particle system for my nif but i want to do something simple u know just to learn the basics. dlcflamerexplosion.nif is having an animation http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Basic_Animation_Tutorial That page has an article about animated nifs. I havent made any of those either. sorry. I think it is more advanced than you were expecting, but if you keep working on this please post about what you learned.
  2. Hi! There is something to know about this situeation. The nifscripts and pyffi have gone through updates over the years. It has improved lots. There is no reason to copy and paste stuff. between nifs. Many tutorials become outdated this way, so it is good to keep this in mind so you dont waste a bunch of time using nifskope tricks. But nifskope tricks are still useful. depends on what you are trying to make. no need for armor. Notice in the op screenshot of export options, Shadow map is not selected. If it is selected then it will show up in game correctly. If you simply select everything u want to export at once, select default settings for fo3 plus shadow map for your export option in blender, export your nif straight into data folder. It will work in game the way it is. Just make sure that your shader options are set correctly and u can change em with nifskope if u want. it is zbuffer test, shadowmap, empty, and unknown 31 for regular armor parts and including your meatcaps. For your showing skin parts (arms01) just add enviroment mapping and change shader type to skin. Keep in mind there are other settings that fo3 default button will not change back. using bsfadenode and exporting dismember body parts You will need to set manually, if you were previously making nifs that require those settings to be different. For armor u turn off bsfadenode root and make sure dismmeber body parts is on.
  3. Thats really cute! I like it.
  4. Hi! I dont use max but your probem is just normals pointing the wrong way. Select the afected faces and flip the normals. You can add nistencilproperty to a nif to get 2 sided if you need but you dont need that since you should not see the inside of your knife in the game. It is good if you can turn on a normals view in max. it would make it look like a cactus, so i call it always cactus view. That can help u see em sometimes.
  5. Hi! good for u to learn blender. Ok but in blender selection of parts is important and ways of moving things. u can see xyz axes . its global. theres also local and normal axes that is important to use. most basic thing is try to use quads all the time instad of making lots of triangles cause then you will be able to cut them through the middle when needed. you cant cut the middle of a series of triangles. its kind of a strategic exercise to build what you imagine. How to make cube thin? there is lots of ways. ok so u should go ahead and experiment. u have to keep learning the interface to improve at blender so read the thread at the top of this page.
  6. Hi! I dono about your problem cause im on 32bit but.. I try to suggest something ok. Maybe you need to install the 32bit version of blender and python and stuff. then you can make em go in compatibility mode for 32 and use the nifscripts with that? I hope it helps u.
  7. Hi! The chameleon texture is what happens when the game cant find the texture files so. that means that u need to make sure the mod is correctly installed. just make the texture files be in the right folder with the proper hierarchy of folders. So. the mod you are using is a replacer? a retexture? normally if you fail to have the files in the right place it will be the mesh file that is not in the right place. in that case you will have an exclamation mark. once you become familiar with the corect paths of folders you should switch to using fomm cause then its easy to install and uninstall your stuff.
  8. Hi! I never made any conformulated helmets or that kind of thing that didnt already have a record for them so i didnt know this at the time. If u do it in geck it will go through other records and toggle the flag. this can make other helmets and stuff stop working and thats bad! So if u use fo3edit instead you can find the biped model section of the record and it says something like MODD - Facegen model flags. And u can right click that and change it to 1 and also the thing for head underneath that.
  9. Hi! U just make em the same way as u make em for fo3 cause they didnt change that part of the nif. i think they didnt change too much stuff. Its better to make your question real specific. so what u gotta do is get your hands all messy and then come back with a real question. But! the basic way for me to be making em is with blender my workflow sucs by the way! I am so indecisive and I end up going back and forth once into texturing. Well anyway i Import the skeleton only from the body. then i import the body. then i make the shapes of the outfit. then make the uv map for those shapes, when i fill the texture full of uv maps I export the uv map layout for texturing later and maybe i end up with 2 or 3 textures for the whole thing. I set the materials for the objects and then i start out by using the bone weight copy script to copy the skinning stuff from the body to the different armor and clothing parts. Then especially if its a skirt or a loincloth or something its gotta be done differently or it wont look good. I can make a inbetween mesh with lotsa vertices to use bone weight copy from the body and then go onto the skirt but still its gona need more tweaking, so i delete the skeleton and import the skeleton.nif and move it around while weight painting it. Oh yeah u gotta parent it first tho or it wont move with the bones. Then u delete the skeleton again and just import the "skeleton" from the body again. its actually just the bone markers tho and not the real skeleton. ITs a good idea also to delete the body parts that are completely hidden by cloting cause it reduces polys and helps to prevent clipping. Then u select all that stuff and export it using the default settings. and have shadowmap shaderflag and all that stuff that u probably wont remember anyway until u get to that point. then u gotta make the texture and save it as a dds with dxt5 compression and make a normalmap also and then u can wear it around for testing. Ok so thats just an abstract overview of the process. please look for a tutorial to follow tho cause that will make it easier for you Maybe u can find that in fallout mod talk or new vegas mod talk. up at the top or something. And u know i learned how to make models and never had to ever start a thread asking how to do something cause if you use searching u will find that all your questions have been answered already somewhere on the forums.
  10. Ha! I was just wanting to show off my new toy robot is all. btw. moving the bones around worked a lot and now the balls are in all of the sockets like they are supposed to be. Anyway. U must look at the mod troubleshooting section a lot cause thats mostly the only place i post at. I do think the blinky red eyeball looking thing looks cool and all but i always imagined sitebot being more of a friendly r2d2 type of image. I would like to see more ideas from people cause we're supposed to have a lot of creativity around here!
  11. Hi! Yea i dont think u can rig the head from niskope. u need to use something like blender. ok so import em into blender and fit the head part on together how u wanted it and you can just use the bone weight copy script to copy the skinning data from the original head to the one u added. the monsters dont have the facegen stuff so you dont have to worry about anything so involved as that. make sure everythings set up just like if your making an armor for fo3. u can refer to tutorials for that when u need the details. Arent trogs the cool ones with the animation and all. and u can shoot off the top of their head and see their brain? Yuck! i like those ones. ok so look at the meatcaps for the head part and make sure they are positioned good in relation to the bp_torsosection head and the bp_head painted vertices that u can see in the weight painting view. if you dont do that then when u blow their head off there might be gaps around the gore part. I always end up testing my stuff before i do that part tho cause im inpatient to see it in action u know. and i can get an idea of what i want to blow off and stuff. when u export it just click on the default for fo3. then check some of the buttons . like u want to strippify it and export dismemberment partitions and dont use bsfadenode. make sure u checked shadowmap in the shader options cause that one doesnt come on with the default fo3 gbutton for some reason. Enjoy playing your game with the new monster for a while and then go back and perfect it! Edit: oh yea i forgot to say. some tutorials u find are outdated and say u have to copy blocks over between nifs and stuff. but with the newer scripts u just have to have the settings right and maybe update tangent spaces once in a while. your exported nif will work directly into the game.
  12. Here is a pic of the sitebot doll i just made. I was trying to move the pivots for the constraints but its hard with a robot that has ball socket joints, but i have an idea to change the skeleton that i think will work. Yeah! U are right I would have been able to use the logo on the hat if there was one. He is wearing a niftools hat right now.
  13. Hi! Its good to hear about u and blender. a really great hobby to have. Anyway. so u been trying to make belts with extrusion, or duplicating underlying faces. Its just not looking quite what u want? well if u want a smooth even strap to start out with u can try the nurbs. I make my straps with em always, just get em around where i want em and then use proportional editing to fine tune em. they turn out great. use add menu >curve>nurbs. choose circle or curve depending on what u want. I dont find them necessary to subdivide cause they have plenty of vertices. Then when its where u need it select it in object mode and hit alt-c, or convert object type from object menu. IT make into a mesh and now u go into edit mode , select all the vertices and duplicate it (shift d or in mesh menu) Move it straight in one direction for regular kind of strap. that is select local transform orientation with alt-space or the little dropdown thingy about the middle of your 3d pane bar. (might say global by default) select the duplicated one hit g for grab and z twice to lock it to local z axis then moov the duplicated ones and make it as far away as you want your strap to be wide. Then u can go in and select 2 opposing edges at a time. edge select mode, and hit f to make faces between the 2 meshified curves. It ends up with a nice strap of all quads and good local atributes. Hope u like this way!
  14. Hi! I just read the thread and got it. Its super great and i love it lots! Anyway it can stop working suddenly and when that happened i had to find out how to fix it and the answer is in that thread but. It is convenient to have the way to fix it here also i think. First u gotta look in the c:\documents and settings\username\application data\adobe\photoshop settings folder for the photoshop preferences file. It is maybe different for your os? but the preferences file is in some place like that. Delete the preferences file and start photoshop again. then shut it down again and set the new preferences file to read only. now it works again!
  15. Hi! I was just thinking about robots and how i like em and stuff.. Hey! how about we give site bot an avatar. We could have a contest and people can submit entries and then site bot can get a nice avatar. It sounds like a lot of fun. Gotta decide about how it can be judged or whatever. could be set up like a tournament with a series of polls. or just have the admins judge em. This kind of thing may get a lot of entries tho. I hope it works out!
  16. did u look the link? It is exactly how you can fix the problem that you have. It is not good for you to end up using the default headgear cause that way you dont solve anything and you learn nothing.
  17. its your facegen model flags in the esp u made. I just learned that the best way to set these is with fonvedit cause with geck it does a batch toggle on all of em. Just look at the recent thread here. Lol it seems to come up just every other day :laugh: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/277843-need-some-help-with-modeling-glasses/
  18. Its the name of your nitristrips blocks. The txt field for each nitristrips block u can name what u want. If the name is "arms" something then they will show up in first person view, if the name is "meat" something then they will only show up when your dead. So for the body neck part or whatever other part of your armor u dont want to see in 1st person, it has to be named something else, like SecurityArmor or whatever.
  19. Hi! Its good thta its working now for you. Sometimes it is very mysterious when things go like that. I never did weapons so i dont know how to build the animated portion of the nif. I think its hard the clips i saw have niviscontroller with a nitransformcontroller inside of it I will try to figure that part out tho cause i want to make some animated nifs. Anyway, Since the nitristrips or nitrishape node already exists on the target nif u can just delete the nitrishape data only. The geometry data part has no name. When u add a new nitristrips node onto the nif u have to name it tho and add the shader parts and texture parts and set the flags and stuff. oh and u gota do the nimaterial property also with the color wheels on it. U can convert the ninode to bsfadenode and back but i cant seem to convert nitristrips node into nitrishape. I did paste a nitristrips data into a nitrishape node tho and it worked fine in game. I think the next time i exported tho i decided not to stripify tho anyway/
  20. Hi! Yeah, u can change the nif file so u things looks different. If you want to just change one vanilla item to look like another vanilla one, well all the vanilla resources are locatred in the bsa files. U can get fomm and use the bsa browser to extract some nif files, just dont extract them all into your data directory. if u are using the geck to change the art for an item u can just put the replacement nif wherever cause u will be activating the esp. If u change the name and locate the nif in the data folder with the same path as the items normal nif in the bsa then it is a replacer and does not use geck or esp. U can download modders resources from nexus here and they make all kinda stuff tho. there might be some texture replacers or different nifs u might like to try out. U can use fallout 3 stuffs also. the fallout 3 nif files are almost all the same as in nv. Its nice to go to the niftools for more information about them or get the tools. you want nifskope for sure. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/ then u start making your own art and its a slippery slope.
  21. Whenever i pasteing parts onto a nif. I right click on the bsfadenode or ninode in the target nif where i want to add the blocs on. then go node > attach node nitrishape; right click on the nitrishape node> atach property bsshaderpplightingproperty; node > atach property nimaterialproperty . then i go copy the data i need from the other nif with copy bloc on the nitrishapedata, paste it into the data ref thingy area in the block details of the nitrishape node i added. copy the bsshadertextureset into the data ref place on the bsshaderpplightingproperty also. dono if it has anything at all to do with your issue tho. never had something working and then crashing wheni load the save.
  22. Hi! U can go ahead and forget a bout the tutorial cause its outdated. no reason to paste your nitristrips back and forth for making armor nif. Your problem is your export settings in nifscripts. so make sure u are updated to the latest ones to begin with. OPend up the blend file of from when u had already seaparated the armparts. and make sure the everything is in order. u want to have your scene root (the thingy with all the bone markers on it) the meatcaps, the armor part, the pauldrons, the arm part of the armor. make the name of the arm parts of the armor to arms01 cause it doesnt look like u have parts of the human body model included. when u go to export then click fallout 3 in the game list and restore default settings for selected game. on the exporter button screen the lighter color buttons are not selected and the darker coloer ones are selected. so it should automatically select export dismember body parts, which is not properly exported in your skining data on your second nif. also you need to select shadow map for your shader options.and make sure that use bsfadenode is not selected. ignore the colliision options. this will export a correctly working nif file and it will show up with arms in 1st person view and everything. in game
  23. Hi! U gota name the nitristrips block for the arm parts of your armor "arms" something. i called mine "arms01.001" but, i was thinking of making gloves for it also and i never made gloves before but i would try calling those arms01.002 anyway to begin with and see if it works. i bet u could call em arms02 and arms03 or whatever but i never tried that. Its like how meatcaps have to be called meat something etc. I dont know what can cause your geck to complain the mesh is mising. when did this happen? Was it after you separated the arm parts? Cause it sounds like u had it in game earlier in your first paragraph. Maybe u can look on the bsdismemberskininstance of the arm part of the nif and check for if the skeleton root part is filled in cause if u had this problem after separating the arm parts in blender then u may have forgotten to parent it to the skeleton? I dont know if that causes your problem tho. Well anyway if that doesnt help u post screenshots of your nif in nifskope with relevant blocks expanded.
  24. So. were u playing this game for along time before you started to get ctds or not? I dont look at your load order. Look with fo3edit to find conflicting records marked in red. make sure that you have the record you want loading last in your order. I had a problem with my fo3 crash everytime before i get main menu to load my savegames. It turned out that i had too much data in my savegame folder. I had moved them to oldsave folder but oldsave was in the savegame folder. It maybe is not a help. delete old saves or move them to a neutral location. It may help to delete or move screenshot files if you have a large number of those. After I do these 2 things my game will start up easily again.
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