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Everything posted by baduk

  1. Hi! There is nothing to worry about regarding my patience :D If it wasnt for people like you asking specific questions and giving feedback on your reults I would have had much more difficulty learning how to do modding. Hope you find those files you need.
  2. You dont have to extract the entire bsa, you can extract just what you need when you need it. The fomm bsa browser has a handy keyword search function that you can take advantage of. If you have all your files extracted from the bsa make sure they are not in your data folder cause that potentially reduces performance.
  3. Hi!!! Download fomm and use the bsa browser/unpacker to search for and extract the files from fallout-textures.bsa
  4. Hi, I havent had any of the problems with exporting or importing obj files. I believe that my obj scripts came with blender 2.49b I suggest that you change the settings for your obj exporting to include your uv map and stuff. I did not check export animation though but when I pasted over the nitrishapedata, I checked the skin partition and all the vertexes had decent bone weighting, or so I thought. Come to think of it this may be the reason I had a small neck gap. I might look into that more later. I dont think you can get away without using morphing in fallout 3. The head will not be able to move its mouth or anything, so no lip synching. Even worse, you will have all these weird bumps all over your head because of the facegen settings. If you really want to port a completely new head mesh to fallout 3, i got the impression that its really hard to do. On beth forum Malefic has a thread about his experience with this. http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...;#entry14942655 You will want to read this tute for oblivion: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18566 I havent read it tho :D Well I did skim some of the stuff but when throttlekitty starts talking about going throuh thousands of vertexes with a hex editor i sorta lost interest. Maybe you dont have to do all that tho, maybe you only have to conformulate the head. Cause the tutorial is actually about adding eye morphs.
  5. well.. I have never seen that before, but I have modified a head and had it working fine in my game. The head was originally a fallout3 head though so I did not have to go through conformulation and hex editing or whatever you have to do. The head is supposed to be weighted to the head, clavicles, neck and spine2. But it also needs to have a compatible tri and egm files. when you export the head as a nif, it changes the vertex order and that breaks facegen morphing. and you need to have the head positioned at xyz000 or your eyelids will goo to the floor everytime you blink. in blender, when editing a head mesh that has tri and egm files, after you make your changes you need to drop the head to xyz000 by selecting the head bone in pose mode, cursor to selection, select head mesh, center cursor, select the skeleton in object mode, cursor to selection, and then select head mesh, selection to cursor. Then you gotta export the head mesh as an obj file without x90 rotation And keep vertex ordering. Mine got smallened tho but it was ok. Then i opened a head nif and import obj. select the nitrishapedata of the obj and paste it into the data field of the block details on the original head. then you delete both the imported nitrishape block and the extra nitrishapedata that appeared on the bottom of the list when you pasted the new nitrishapedata finally you go into nitrishape>right click>transform>scale vertices and scale it by 10 and uncheck scale normals. update all tangent spaces and save the nif. This process caused my head to have a tiny gap at the neck, i only ever did it once so i dont know if it can be avoided. the gap is pretty darn small tho. otherwise it functioned perfectly normally with facegen morphing and all. As for what head mesh to use, Malefic at eyecandy forum is porting throttlekittys high poly head to fallout 3, i dont know if it is released yet, but i think the morphing works fine at this point. http://teseyecandy.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=20413.0
  6. Blender is FREEEEEE!!!! you dont have to buy anything extra to mod. You can even use gimp with dds and normalmap plugin to make textures and thats also free. only thing that its going to cost you is time and effort.
  7. google sketchup is not supported by niftools. You should get blender and use that excellent free program. Blender 2.49b http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ Since you seem to have already created something with sketchup, you will want to export that as obj and then import to blender. unfortunately you need to pay money to get google sketchup pro. Maybe its just more worthwhile to start using blender instead, cause i seriously doubt you will want to use sketchup anymore. Go also to this site to get other great tools that you will need to http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/ PyFFI 2.0.2 blender nifscripts 2.4.10 Nifskope 1.0.20 To make all this stuff work you also need to get python 2.6 http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6/ And you probably need to spend some time learning how to use all this stuff so have a look at some of the forum sticky threads for tutorials and stuff.
  8. Yeah, you dont have to do it all. if you want to do modelling you probably want to work on texturing as well and that is plenty, at least for me. For my modding projects, i intend to get someone else to handle the other things so i can concentrate on my area of interest. I guess other people might be able to do everything tho. depends on you. My first modding project was making a helmet out of the teddy bear head. It is more rounder than the vanilla one cause i subbed it and it is complete with a havok world item so you can toss it on the ground and kick it around. That was a month ago. When you get your creation working in the game it is a great feeling and you will be hooked on it!
  9. Hi! Are you by chance using the russian version of fallout 3? It has starforce and thats encrypted so fose cant support it. I just noticed u are using russian.esp and maybe that is distributed for the russian version.
  10. Many tutorials are a version or 2 out of date. Its a good idea to frequent niftools forums to make sure you have the newest software. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/ For example the new nifscripts exporter has an option to use bsfadenode for a havok object instead of the ninode.
  11. I dont know if this helps, or is related... Today i tried to start fallout and it kept hanging in the loading screen or after I clicked on load game. Never had a problem before. lol Then i tried without fose for troubleshooting and it worked. Then i realized that I was using fose v1 On silverlock fose site it says fose v1_1_beta9 is the current stable and fose v1_2_beta1 is the current beta http://fose.silverlock.org/ When i installed v1_1_beta9 it works fine again. I still have no idea why fose stopped working for me suddenly but you might try updating fose anyway.
  12. You can get away with using a vanilla collision mesh if you are makeing a vase or other such object that just needs to sit there. If you need to make your own collision mesh cause you dont want the object to clip through things when its knocked around. i recommend this tutorial: http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6107 It has a section on using nifskope to pack your collision mesh and put it into the bhkcollisionobject
  13. Hi!! You are making some progress, thats good :D Anyway, i dont think you can really use nifskope the way you have it set up. open nifskope and click on view menu and make sure you have block list and block details checked. I dont know why its not that way by default. For copying nitristripsdata onto the vanilla nif: The way I do it is click on nitristrips and copy the nitristripsdata into the data field in the block details panel. Then I delete the unparented nitristripsdata that will appear at the bottom of the block list. This way you just get the geometry that you want without changing other things you may not want to. Shaders. should stay the same if you do it that way. but you might check em cause you want the type to be default usually and the shader flags zbuffertest shadowfrustrum empty and unknown like you get on most of the vanilla stuff. Then. you should scale your nitristrips with right click>transform>scale vertices. and uncheck scale normals. cause if you scale the collision mesh also thats probably bad. Im assuming you are using a vanilla collision object? You can change the position also by changeing xyz values in the translation field of the nitristrips block details list Before you save the file you should always use the spells>batch>update all tangent spaces otherwise your normals might not render properly in the game. Hope that helps you!
  14. Hi! I think that the best thing for you would be to read the readme that comes with the mod, look at some of the faq and tutorial threads that are stickied at the top of the various forums up here. familiarize yourself with the tools that can make things easier for you like fomm and fo3edit. And when you read that stuff, really read it and take it in. you want to understand what archive invalidation means, etc. Then try to get it to work on your own, dont worry you wont break anything. your original files are safely packed away in the bsa archives. If you still have problems after spending 2 or 3 evenings trying to get stuff to work then come back and ask a question. by then you will have a more specific question and people will actually be able to answer it for you.
  15. I wasnt aware you could modify esm files with geck. Maybe if you never de-esmified your fallout3.esm it really isnt messed up afterall.
  16. Hi! Maybe you should explain what process you went through to get to this point. Are you just trying to retexture the vault door or is it a custom mesh? what version of nifskope are you using? it should be 1.0.20 you really should not be getting errors like that so dont avoid them. fix them. Btw, i have heard that nifskope version 1.0.9 causes you to have errors like the one that you posted a picture of, and also sourceforge is sorting the releases alphanumerically rather than by date. So you have to scroll down to find version 1.0.20.
  17. Hi! I dont know what your problem is. Look into data\meshes\characters folder and get rid of any straggler files you may have in there cause there should be nothing if you have no mods. Also look into data\meshes\pipboy3000 and delete anything bad in there. you might also try dimonized experimental small hands http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?act=at...ost&id=9016 and or use pipboy pda mod http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8411
  18. I would not recommend weight painting the entire outfit if that is what you are suggesting. I use blender, and there is a python script called bone weight copy that is used to weight clothing when an existing mesh (the body) is already fully weighted. It is very good, and I only have to do a small amount of manual weight painting and sometimes using a proxy mesh to get excellent results. in 3dsMax there must be a similar function to copy existing skin data to a new object.
  19. HI!! The problem you are having can be caused by not having the texture files for CUTE installed in the correct folders of your data directory. Please make sure that the files included in the CUTEBodyBaseFixed download are in the correct folder structure in your data directory. If the files are all where they are supposed to be then you are having an archive invalidation problem. you want to install archive invalidation invalidated: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944 Basically what that does is make it so fallout 3 can see the folders that are in your data folder that are supposed to replace folders in the bsa archive without you having to mess with a clunky archive invalidation text file. If you have your fallout 3 installed in your Program Files folder using microsoft vista though, you should uninstall the game and reinstall the game into a different folder by choosing custom installation. If you are still having problems and need help you can view this thread that has a more detailed guide with diagrams and stuff: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=120735 It will teach you how to use FOMM and that makes it easy to install and keep your mods organized. Also visit the project website here: http://an.criticalcoil.com/coc/forums/index.php I hope that you get this working soon and enjoy the mod!
  20. I am interested in this idea alot but it is techincally very difficult to do a good job of. You would need to have different sets of animations and also not lag the game during combat. The enemy needs to decide whether to keep fighting or run away. The enemy would need to be able to grab a weapon in their left hand and attack with it. It would be awesome tho to blow off the limbs of feral ghouls and have them relentlessly claw their way towards you. from picking up the body parts after dismemberment tho. the vanilla dismemberment seems kind of similar to skycaptains dismemberment for oblivion.
  21. Modders need to be responsible with community resources. If you just send a pm to someone asking for permission to use their stuff and then give them credit there never is a problem. Sending a pm does create a chance that they will deny permission explicitly. That chance is almost zero. Most modders will be quite pleased to see that their creation is appreciated and give permission happily. Whatever happened, maintaining a healthy modding community over the long run is more important than rare individual cases.
  22. In the data directory there is a sounds bsa archive that all the sounds for the game are stored in. you dont want to overwrite or delete this stuff, just find out what the folder structure is. Create a directory tree in your data directory that is the same as the directory stucture within the bsa file. save your sound files in the corresponding directory with the same filenames as the ones you want to replace from the bsa.
  23. I didnt even know fomm had a plugin editor, thats kinda neat. But you really should get geck if you want to do stuff like change the scriptings on items.
  24. Its good to see another person who is just getting into this blendering stuff like me. I am looking forward to downloading your mods! :biggrin: I found some really super useful scripts that you might be interested in. especially the geom tool and the uv tool. http://www.hybird.org/~guiea_7/
  25. the latest version of nifskope is 1.0.20 http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/view...?f=4&t=2411
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