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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Your second unban request has been reviewed and accepted, based on your description of your personal epiphany and your apology.


    Based on what you said, and perseverance in getting the message to us, I think you will now be a productive and constructive member of this community. Prove me right.


    Account reinstated with two strikes for (formerly) advocating piracy.

  2. After reviewing your unban request with apology and explanation we have decided to accept you back into the community.


    Images for adult mods should be kept with the mod file in the file's image area, and not in the General Image Share. We understand what you were trying to achieve but there are no exceptions to the 'no nudity in general image share' clause.


    Your account is reinstated with one strike.

  3. That looks fantastic!

    I'm trying to fix this one but so far it's being a little bit stubborn. I'll edit and update in a few minutes.


    Well no wonder it was being stubborn. lol too many cooks in the kitchen!

  4. Well I'm still half asleep so proceed with caution, but that's the general idea.


    lol i made the feathers a death item, and he wants to harvest the chickens without killing them. :whistling:


    Told you I was still asleep. and by the way I'm not a tutor at the site lol so don't get too worried.

  5. So i might be interested. But id like a little proof before i join if possible. Our maybe an opinion. I have a mod i did myself. My first one besides the companion one (just about anyone can do took me a few minutes. It adds feathers to chickens (got someone to re texture and modify the hawk feathers to match the chickens.) I am wondering if possible if there is a way to activate the chickens and the feathers are added to the players inventory. Since killing them will get you a bounty. Any help at all would be great. I did follow the tutorial on how to make a message pop up. It works on chickens. Though it dose not show that the chicken can be activated. It works how ever so i know you can click on them and the message pops up but is there a way to click on them and feathers are added to the character with a little notice in the corner telling you. Any help suggestions and anything really would be great. I will happily join cause id like to mod and stuff like that. But id like a little proof and this is something i have been having trouble with. I am a complete noob as well.


    Thanks is advance for any type of comment you can leave that may help our prove to me this cant be done!


    Actually that seems quite simple enough.


    You've already made the Feathers (cool!) so:


    In the Creation Kit locate

    Actor / EncChicken Which is based on the ChickenRace and has 93 instances so it's the one we want.

    Notice that it already has a "Death item" which is what you want to replace with your new "chicken feathers"

    Then go to Items / Leveled Items

    And you see that right now the chicken's death item adds a chicken breast (food item) to the player's inventory.


    You could now either add a new leveled item (chicken feathers) or replace.


    Either way you will have to add your new Leveled Item

    Leveled Item tutorial


    At this point you will add your new leveled item


    click on DeathItemChicken

    Click Edit and

    then add feathers to the ID

    so that it is now DeathItemChickenFeathers


    Click OK and then you get a popup that says

    Create New Item?

    Click YES to CREATE A NEW Form.




    Now if you haven't already done it you have to add your chicken feathers as an object.

    I would model it on the hawk feathers ...


    Let me know if you need more help



    (I wasn't finished when a nice glitch submitted my post)

  6. Yes it does work, :tongue: did you get the code for the proper staff?


    This is how to do it if you're not sure how:


    Google Forelhost UESP Wiki


    You get the wiki page regarding Forelhost near the top of your results.


    Go there and find the link regarding the Dragon Priest's staff near the bottom, before you click it you notice that its name is The Staff of the Flame Wall


    Following that link, you reach the wiki regarding all of the Staves in Skyrim with this written at the top


    The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995

    < Skyrim: Magic / Items(Redirected from Skyrim:Staff of the Flame Wall)


    Searching through the list for the staff of the flame wall you find it under



    Fire Damage


    Staff of the Flame Wall

















    Charge/Cost = Uses




    Sprayed on the ground, it creates a wall of fire that does 50 points of fire damage per second: Fire Barrier, 8 pts for 3 secs


    In order to add it to your character's inventory via the console you access the console, usually via the tilde key


    Then type as directed above, but replacing with the item ID:


    player.additem 00029b85 1

  7. The Chat is logged, and Console Modding is off topic in the chat. If you were warned not to discuss it and you continued, you very well could be banned.


    In case you missed it, now a moderator has threatened you.


    We will review the logs.

  8. PMind - One strike assessed for harassing a member via the PM system.


    Everyone, including Spaceritual, is allowed to participate in all aspects of the forums as long as they do not break the rules.


    He is not breaking any rules, and actually, he is just being nice even if it is a way to get many posts. We believe that many people that post screenshots are happy to receive any positive feedback at all, and he gives them that.


    In fact, if I see these people you mention in your PM that put into their image descriptions "specifically request that [spaceritual] DOES NOT endorse or comment on their image" I am considering to start straight out banning them.

  9. Well I agree it would have been nice if it was a group project here in the forums or via steam. I have people who ask me for help all the time and it would be nice to have someplace safe to direct them, where I know they are being shepherded into a good learning experience.
  10. Thanks to MB for demonstrating that actually statistics can cannot be used to say anything you want them to.



    Anyone who claims that is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, I think, perhaps not intentionally, but still I think it's disingenuous to make such a claim. Many years ago before I worked in IT I worked in the finance office of a large charitable organization you would all likely recognize. The lecherous and morally bankrupt CFO would spend nights and weekends working on the numbers until finally a crisis brought the finance department under hard scrutiny. He was fired and the new CFO, hired away from DuPont, accurately described what had been going on as "smoke and mirrors" accounting. Statistics are either accurate and unbiased or they are worthless. Or in other words, the numbers don't lie, someone has to go to the trouble of making them lie.



    And before you freak out and think I'm talking smack about my friend Aurelius, let me tell you I mention this because people nowadays tend to fall back on that saying "damn lies and statistics" without thinking much about it. It has become part of "common knowledge". But it's simply not true. Instead of attacking statistics generally, you must attack statistics specifically in order to be truly credible. That's my point.

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