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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. As a gun owner, more guns in the open does not make me feel safer, in fact the opposite.


    I would be then, required to strap up in order to take my kid to grocery store? And the additional responsibility of protecting old folks and the unarmed, makes me and my little girl a target.


    Get a grip. Beyond stupid idea.

  2. Overmind267 banned.


    Per our Terms of Service:

    Nexus site staff

    Nexus sites are owned and maintained by Robin Scott (member name "Dark0ne"). Robin is regarded as “the law” on Nexus sites and he has the final say on any action that might need to be taken regarding a breach of the terms of service for any Nexus site. What Robin says goes irrespective of whether there has been a breach of the terms of service or not.


    Nexus sites and the forums are staffed by un-paid volunteers (known as “moderators” and "staff") who work hard to insure the smooth operation of Nexus sites and encourage a healthy community. The moderators and other admin on the site have been given specific privileges by Robin to keep the site clean of the bad articles listed in these terms and use their own personal judgement, that Robin trusts, to come to decisions.


    These moderators have a right to carry out their task without harassment, insult or hassle. Members who believe that a member of staff is not conducting themselves properly should get in contact with Robin via the forums or email. Know that if Robin receives word of any members harassing or being rude to Nexus site staff then he will take every action possible to permanently remove them from his sites.


    It would have been a better idea to communicate with Dark0ne though your impression of that is probably accurate.


    It is a difficult job and the staff have the right to carry it out without being hassled or trolled. I understood you wanted to voice your concern but you didn't know where to draw the line, you took it way too far, and I want it to be clear that you will not harass a staff member again, should you find your way back.

  3. You may not upload content for Skyrim that contains any assets for DA2. Those look nice, but they will have to stay in your computer.


    As far as the TOS, there are exceptions as stated when the developers have given us direct explicit permission in communication with site staff.


    There is a broad exception for FAN ART that is completely fan made, recreated images from popular series, movies, games. As long as it is completely recreated from scratch it is allowed.


    And the Rules also apply to the work of other modders and mods for other games.


    You may not use modder created assets for Oblivion even if they were released as "Resources" to port into Fallout 3, New Vegas or Skyrim, for example, unless you have explicit new permission to port those to the new game from the original creator.


    This is because many modders wish to port their own creations, even if they were previously released as resources for the earlier game.


    This rule particularly is going to get a lot of people banned, because it's being vastly ignored.

  4. When you are asking for something, it might go over a bit better if you refrained from disparaging others during your request. Read your post again and notice how rude that sounds when you characterize the things that are simply not to your own taste with those judgmental epithets.
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