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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. csnook banned.


    Uploading a potentially game breaking file and cursing out a staff member.





    Also change your title CSNOOK. You only want fame and draw members' attention or really help people with what you are doing with this tweaks in the ini file..?


    Respect the community and make the changes or you will be reported for misleading title and falsified description.




    ALSO (SOS) :


    You have this lines in skyrim.ini:


    uExterior Cell Buffer=36






    they are totally wrong because changing ugrids from default value(5) your saves will be broken if you want to go back to default.This tweak is fps killer for medium to high end pc and you are saying that you are helping to increase fps??Also the first line is TOTALLY wrong it has to be ugrids value+1 x2 (=64 for ugrids 7) but with this and some other tweaks I can see that you don't know what you are doing.



    As this user has stated... These changes will make performance WORSE. Setting the cell buffer lower also suggests that you are intentionally trying to corrupt saves (despite Skyrim automatically fixing this to the right value based on uGridsToLoad) or that you have little idea what you are actually doing. Setting this value lower than 5 would also likely lead to numerous AI and display issues, in particular with dragons which frequently cross from one cell to the next.




    He didn't have to report csnook, csnook reported himself.




    Please fix the file, fix the description, or remove the mod, or you will be banned for uploading a 'mod' that was designed (however poorly) at breaking people's games.




    *edit* On second thought, removed the files. Uploading a whole .ini will cause issues with anyone trying to use it since their graphics card specifications are different from your own, and will lead to Skyrim just generating a new one based on their card, or crashing. Please learn more about how these files work, and use a text file containing snippets of the .ini explaining which changes you feel are beneficial rather than uploading your whole .ini.


    o ya cell buffer helps the game from crashing report me B**ch maybe you should get your facts straight. it increased my FPS so SHUT THE FU*K UP GO ON SOME WERE




    i probably get banned :))





  2. Q:

    I am one who is quite capable of changing my opinion. I have no problem with that, it's my prerogative to change my mind when presented with new information.


    However, in this case the opinion you have changed is mine of you.

  3. /hands on hips.


    Logically, if you can read the book without purchasing it, then you have no need to ever purchase it.


    People don't buy books for the pretty binder, they buy books to glean the information or entertainment from them.


    Once that has been you've negated 90 percent of the need to purchase. Perhaps a small percentage would like to display the book for some reason or hold it in their hands at will, but that is not the main purpose of publishing the hard copy.


    Your argument is flawed. You may dress it up as cheese all you like but it's still a cat.

  4. Hair is really difficult. I did some minor edits to a vanilla Oblivion hair to make the hair for the character I created to be an avatar for my husband, and a couple others since then, and I found working with it very daunting. If anyone can do it, I know you can, Tk.
  5. Where do the kids come up with this strange idea that Intellectual Property is not truly property? We had an unban request recently with an entire (though poorly constructed) rationale to explain why he was banned for advocating piracy. I didn't buy his argument but he got credit for attempting a thesis. Anyway, I think it deserves a full debate in the debate section. It's pretty ludicrous to me to think that someone could labor to bring their creativity to fruition and not be entitled to the fruits of that labor.
  6. You are free to download mods from some other site's servers if you are IP banned. But if you prove you cannot follow the minimal rules here then you do not deserve to use Dark0ne's servers. Or you may find a work around that I hope is a big pain in your arse.


    The rules are simply not to make a disparaging post on a mod simply because you do not like it. Simply pass it by and look through the thousands of offerings for something you do like. If you don't find anything than post in the forums requesting someone to make it for you, or help you in actually making it for yourself.


    Be civil, be respectful with regard to language and nudity.


    There's really not much else to it.




    Ah, I forgot that one other niggling little issue, the one I suspect caught you up.

    We don't support pirates, we don't allow piracy to be advocated nor supported in any way. And we are tough on copyright infringement.



    You know, I really would have supported your unban, had you not insisted on creating multiple accounts to bypass your ban(s) over and over while waiting for an unban that you had already been assured would probably come about.


    You are not entitled to use Dark0ne's servers.

    The rules apply to you.

    That's your fault.


    If I've mistaken your identity, just consider that which applies and disregard the rest. :ninja:

  7. With the exception of my SKSE needing to be updated, I played for a while with no issues. (I've never had many issues with Skyrim anyway, even after 400 plus hours and completing the main quest, nothing game breaking.)
  8. Don't bump again or I will lock this thread and you may earn a strike.


    It's not surprising gameplay mod requests are being "ignored" right now. We don't have a decent tool for creating well-crafted mods yet. According to BethBlog we should see the release of the Creation Kit by the end of the month and serious tes modders will get down to business. Finally.

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