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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. You could not even fathom the joy that banning cars would instill in me. I would not even mind if it was only fossil fuel based carbon engine cars, or all of them. Excluding mass transit, 2 wheeled, and self propelled vehicles. (bicycles, motorcycles, flintstone cars...) But that's another whole discussion.
  2. That's enough fussing. Xahster you can have a strike for trouble-making. Calling names will get you banned, whether you spell it "retard" or "tard" it means the same. Your English isn't so grand yourself, so you can drop the Grammar Nazi crap too. We're here to try to understand each other.


    To all of you, some people like unbalanced, it doesn't "ruin" the game, but you can strive for balance and that is the more professional approach.


    See how easy that is? Back to work.

  3. This debate settles nothing since there is no 'winning' of it, no one has changed sides, no one has conceded a damn thing.


    I've maintained this same stance since day one in these debate forums. (In fact since long before I found this one.)


    I haven't followed this particular debate since I said I was leaving it, somehow I got re-subscribed in time for Lisn's latest post.


    So, I haven't got a clue "who" is technically winning the debate.


    I do know the rules of debate, even though I myself do not care to be a great debater. Appealing to a higher authority proves nothing.

    In a debate, the most persuasive logical argument wins. Last I looked this debate was not whether the law allows gun ownership in the US.



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