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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. @neglected Tag System : Group Hug!! http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/icons/grouphug.gif

    The tag system needs more love. We need to have some sort tag rewards program.



    I'm still hoping to get a boolean tag search function. That would be helpful.

  2. I did say it was the "appearance" I referred to. Nicely back on track. It's my opinion that no tea leaves need to be read if you place the Constitution into its historical context.
  3. Pot = kettle.


    The Websters point is valid, and the time machine joke is off-topic, seemingly because either you don't understand the point of the reference, or you don't like losing the argument.


    Whichever it is, I don't care but if you're planning to continue the topic the point to address is whether the constitution is or is not a living document, if it is then the accusation of activist judges is nullified on both sides of the political spectrum and if it's not, then MB's point remains correct.


    I expect you should read some Constitutional lawyers. There are many books and real live experts that address this on both sides of the question which is why it continues to be debated to the Supreme Court. At the end of the day no one here is going to change a thing on the wide scale. Debating here is the equivalent of passing gas in a windstorm.

  4. That word is fast becoming offensive, denigratory, and derogatory, and in my opinion an ethnic slur via common usage and colloquial expression, and therefore it should be avoided here. I do ban in the file threads for the use based on that set of criteria, and in the forums it could earn a strike. In fact if I didn't know you better, I would have already given one. So this is fair warning. This is not 4chan.
  5. Question for the staff - if a modder had made it quite clear in their readme that their mod was not to be redistributed, and it was subsequently downloaded by a Nexus member and reuploaded to Steam Workshop, would I be correct in assuming that, on proof being found, the banhammer would be applied to their arse?

    Until I'm specifically told otherwise, Ginny, (and I don't see that happening) you're darn right their heads will roll.

  6. You know, in my view, it's really worse than going to a bar and heckling people's drinks.


    It's much more like going to an Artisan's Craft Fair, where they are giving away free samples.


    The artisans set out their creations behind booths and you stand in line to pick up your free sample.


    Most people pick up the sample and leave, not even thanking the artisan.

    Some actually get their sample and say something nice before they leave, like thank you, or great job.


    But some people, for reasons I cannot fathom*, stand in line only to loudly heckle the artisan.


    My question is, "Why are you even in this line?"




    *My conjecture for this unreasonable behavior includes questioning whether its related to possibly: being part of the self-entitled youtube iGeneration? Is it the same mysterious statistic that results in

    ? They seem to think, in spite of the fact that almost none of them has ever tried to be an artisan and they know almost nothing about the craftsmanship of such products, that their opinions matter. Their opinions would only matter if they actually were interested in paying for that product, but they've already stated that it isn't what they want.


    In fact many times when I'm moderating the chat room, I see this same behavior, an inability to resist announcing my 'score' in the course of my duties. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/nexstuff/Judges_Scores.jpg




    I'm going to assume the biggest issue is the Zero Tolerance on File Comments. We know this causes heartburn, but under the circumstances, (small staff and unprecedented site growth) we have been the very definition of overworked and underpaid, and that includes Dark0ne. And we've been talking about it and there are changes coming with the process that will be built in to the new site, to make it easier for us to use other methods before resorting to big ban. And you might have noticed we have several new staff members, who know their way around the sites, and who are going to be a huge help to all of us. These people are long term members who've already demonstrated their integrity and loyalty to the site.


    So I think you'll see things get better.

  7. ChachanshenLee banned.


    Bannded for uploading illegal assets.


    Your brother apparently either enlisted you to act as his agent or used this second account to carry on the same behavior he was originally banned for: uploading compilations of mods containing assets belonging to other Nexus modders without adequate permissions.


    Because your account was used and because he did not learn his lesson, you have lost the privilege to participate in the Nexus communities.

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