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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. I have not met karliah yet, but why doesn't she have the bags under her eyes? And if she doesn't have to have them why do all the other Dunmers in the game including character creator have to have them.


    That's 99 percent of the trouble, right there.


    Then let's consider if it's true as is being insisted on the other side of this ridiculous discussion, that Bethesda put this great deal of consideration into presenting the Dunmer and other characters as they are meant to look, then why did they give us those utterly amateur normal maps with the Blocky Chins?


    Or did they just slap something together, thinking the modders will do what they do anyway, so let's not spend a whole lot of time on that, (a much more likely scenario in my opinion.) I do think they figured most players would play as Nords and so spent most of the precious energy they had for this on them. But anyone who has played other RPG fantasy games knows without question that not much of Bethesda's thought or resources goes into costumes, compared to quests and worldspaces. The dungeons absolutely knock me out and I submit that was one of their main focuses.


    At any rate, what's the point of posting on this thread, if you're happy with the vanilla characters. Then go play and have fun. Else I'm tempted to think it's just to come and argue.

  2. freebird4481 banned.


    Banned for trying to argue with staff that the following explicit NFSW comment is not profane:


    Click at your own risk:



    screw these idiots who put "double post" in the comments like it's something funny or a meme or thinks it gonna catch on, because IT WON'T and if you keep trying I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND I WILL FORCE YOU TO PACK YOUR MOM'S VAGINA FULL OF PEANUT BUTTER AND FORCE YOU TO HORSEY-RIDE HER FAT ASS STRAIGHT INTO A BEAR CAVE!!!



  3. Everyone who paid for the game has a right to tap their toes impatiently while we wait.


    But insinuating it's not coming or that they're not obligated to release it at all is the point where it gets real. :armscrossed:

  4. Let's review:


    Todd Howard is an official spokesperson regardless of how you characterize his information.


    Furthermore, I added the 2 news sources since I figured someone might be skeptical of the wiki.


    I didn't include that for the dates of release, but for the promise of a dev kit.


    I wouldn't even bother with TES games without the modding capabilities.

  5. Todd Howard is an official spokesperson regardless of how you characterize his information.


    Furthermore, I added the 2 news sources since I figured someone might be skeptical of the wiki.


    I didn't include that for the dates of release, but for the promise of a dev kit.


    I wouldn't even bother with TES games without the modding capabilities.

  6. It certainly was assured to be included:


    Construction Set in "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"

    Game director Todd Howard stated that there will be a construction set in "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim". Although not many details were given about its release, Howard said that his team is doing everything possible for it to be released at the same time as the game, but as a separate download (it was not released). As to how the construction set will work, Todd said that it will be similar to the Oblivion construction set, but with better tools so that modders can make better mods. He also said that the construction set was a very powerful tool and that he couldn't wait to see what the community will do with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Construction Set will be a PC exclusive set to come out sometime between November 27, 2011 to December 3, 2011.







  7. Yes those thumbnails are Morrowind Dunmers and Altmers, aren't they gorgeous!


    One of the things I will be working on is Traditional Morrowind style Dunmer facial piercings.


    Achieving that graceful intellectual esoteric impression of the Altmer, though, is probably going to be more of a challenge. However I have redone the eyes.. (I've redone all the eyes) and I think that's a step.

  8. http://www.morrowind-mod.com/imagesmr/Vince/Face.jpg




  9. To some males, a scantily-clad attractive female is a thing of beauty and possibly regarded as "art"; other males may regard said female as "scandalous" and "slutty".


    One man's art is another man's porn.


    The reverse is true for females who regard males.


    Who is right?




    I tried to believe that this thread has gone on for as long as it has...but then I took an arrow in the knee. :whistling:



    So good of you to point that out. That's exactly my problem.


    One man's tramp is another woman's pissed off feminist.

  10. You're the one that decided that you knew what I meant by "numpty", I would define that slang word as "goofy". Yes I think it's a bit silly to complain about the styles of armors. I like having as many choices as possible even if I have to wade through a ton of butt-hanging out armor that my characters would never wear, to get to those few she might wear once.



    When I said "astute" I meant you for picking out that person spoke like he or she knew us. :doh:

  11. I wouldn't call the female armours in question 'denigrating' - I find 'implausible', 'impractical', 'pandering to tired old clichés' and 'horribly unimaginative' to be more suitable expressions.

    What was your point?



    I thought the point was it's not denigrating, but more like "expected'.. /shrug. Just because it's cliche doesn't mean I can't like it.


    I used to have high expectations like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee.




    @aurelius, and yet so remarkably astute. No wonder, posts from that IP address have been around since 2010. (banned by request) :armscrossed:

  12. When you have an issue with a mod, it's always best to post on the file thread rather than the forums. It's also a good idea to always read through the entire file comments to see if anyone else has had any issues that might be similar to yours. In fact if you read through a file before you download it, you may know more about what issues to watch for and what idiosyncrasies it has that can help you to use it or install it more effectively.
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