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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. bobbythejobby banned.


    permabanned for Chat room abuse, and Staff abuse:




    my guts are heavy think i need to take a s*** oh man


    black baron no1 pull the stick out your ass and no2 are u a mod here or some s***


    kicked bobbythejobby


    blue names are Moderators


    has entered the room


    what a dick lmfao


    kicked bobbythejobby





    bobbythejobby said:

    what a sad little fanny you are mate you need to get a sense of humour and stop being a pathetic loser *censored*ing to little computer generated females LMFAO


  2. (You wouldn't believe the crap I'm capable of ignoring :whistling: )



    Marharth, I think I understand what happened, and why you feel as you do, but as long as you stated your case, everyone reading had an opportunity to hear/respond to both sides.


    Sendo, sometimes when I agree with someone, I don't write a post to simply say "I agree". Sometimes no response just means no one disagrees.

  3. EMEUTIER assessed two strikes for engaging in an argument on a Mod Release thread. The second strike is for continuing to engage in the argument rather than simply reporting.


    Let me make this clear, 'constructive' criticism does not include insulting terms like "garbage". I think you could have done better to criticize fairly but without offending. Remember, being rude is no less rude when accompanied by a disclaimer.


    Take this as fair warning, another moderator might have simply banned you both outright for stooping to trolling.


    I took it easy on both of you. Don't make me regret it.


    Reference post


    Reference post

  4. You have been assessed two strikes for engaging in an argument on a Mod Release thread.


    Take this as fair warning, another moderator might have simply banned you outright for stooping to trolling.


    I took it easy on both of you. Don't make me regret it.


    Reference post

    Also this little doozy:


    "Wow, this is completely garbage! "

    i can see from your released mods you have a lot of room to speak...


    "Almost ALL lights seem to come from nowhere, eg: no light-bulb type sources. "

    and i care why? and yeah i couldnt honestly give a s*** cause i dont even mod for FO3 anymore..


    "LOTS of duplicate entities make most rooms so laggy that FO3 crashed. "

    So you have noo clue what you're talking about eh? and it lags cause your computer is a piece of s***.. mine and most anyone elses run it smoothly.


    "The terminals that 'need' a key? Don't need any key to be used. "

    Its called design. They're scripted to do that.


    "The main layout of the place is well thought out BUT each room is terribly furnished. "

    you apparently did not actually make it to the HiVE.. the beginning is sparse, yes, but thats basically the driveway leading up to the HiVE, the HiVE itself has been fully cluttered. But please do not try again as i really dont care to hear from you ever again.


    "I could only run through once and check everything out quickly before my eyes died and I had to remove this mod. "

    thank god. cause if you had actually made it all the way through you may not have sounded like a dick.


    "To the author: I am not trying to be rude, just a bit of constructive criticism. "

    you are rude and that is not what constructive criticism is.. go read a book.


    "You have some great ideas that I can see you have potential but I believe you need to 'polish' your mod more before release. "

    same as first response.


    "The biggest problem for me was the amount of duplicate objects on top of each other causing a huge performance spike."

    again the hell are you talking about.. ths biggest problem is you computer.. upgrade.


    btw just so you know duplicate models do not increase lag. unless those models are huge (like Mb filesizes) and there are several thousand. what increases lag is lighting.. which i admit a couple of years ago when i made this i didnt have a very good grasp of.. however on most peoples machines the portals and roombounds fixed the problem nonetheless.. unless.. you had a crappy rig.


  5. Hypno Toad banned.


    Inappropriate accusation on a file release thread.


    1. Maybe you were just joking, but we take these accusations very seriously as they are ad hominem attacks.


    2. If you were seriously concerned about the content of a mod, the appropriate action is to report the file to the admin team via the Report Button, and let us evaluate the contents.




    Reference post

  6. And Ron Jeremy is an expert on .. what again?? <--Rhetorical. Do not answer.


    Obviously I think that's a pile of rubbish.


    RPGers were usually the smartest folks in the room. Of course by default that makes them misfits, I guess.

  7. carsten333 unbanned.


    Your appeal to have your account unbanned has been accepted.


    However, you have been assessed two strikes:


    One for abusing the chat privilege. The second for creating a new account to circumvent the ban.


    I suggest you decide whether your Nexus membership is important to you and trust you'll act accordingly.

  8. Polus banned.


    Piracy. :pirate:



    Hey everyone I think I need a little bit of help


    Update 7 is the 1.4 patch ?


    for new vegas I mean


    Polus, can you just go buy the game and stop being so cheap.


    yeah thanks a lot


    We don't allow pirates here.


    kicked Polus


  9. phantom3333 banned.




    has entered the room


    hey guys its me carsten333 please guys i need a second chance all i wanted to do was to play the game at its optimal ive been hearing about this game for years and now that i finally have it i just wanted it to be perfect so please find it in youre heart to give me a second chance



    u should of used the "ban appeal" process


    i know but all wanted to do was apologise


    kicked phantom3333




  10. carsten333 banned.


    Trolling the chat.


    partial chat transcript:


    because im new to this kinda thing


    i dont know what to look for



    just shut up



    oh yeah stay out its none of youre beeswax



    has entered the room


    oh im immature im not the one sitting at home talking about videogames all day



    kicked carsten333




    has entered the room


    7:15 AM


    im back




    Behave or it won't be for long.







    im not the one who started it



    I don't want to hear anymore about it. Move on and be polite.




    ok ok give it a rest wil ya


    kicked carsten333



    has entered the room




    what was that for



    What part of "be polite" did you Not Understand?



    what the hell do you want me to do kiss youre ass



    carsten333 you're now banned from chat, and the site.


    kicked carsten333


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