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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. I haven't decided yet whether this thread is worth reopening, but I will tell you all this, and this is a strong warning you all better start heeding.


    I will not have either side vilify the other. I'm not going to tolerate it from anyone.


    Like it or not, good, intelligent, compassionate people disagree when it comes to politics. It does not make them nazis, it does not make them fascists.


    Be aware that people who do espouse nazism and/or genocide and other examples of political hate will not be welcome here, as usual. Nothing new there as per the Terms of Service.

  2. I don't think you're going to be able to combine hairstyles in Nifskope, and even when working in blender, hairs can be challenging and very tricky.


    The conformulator can create .egm files for Oblivion. There is also a blank .egm file in some of throttlekitty's resource files, if I recall correctly.


    As far as getting someone to make it for you, there is just a very limited number of people who can do hairs around, and of those few, some may not be able to do what you want for whatever reason, even fewer of the "hair people" speak fluent english, and of that small pool, you have to hope they've seen your request, and that they even have time and/or inclination to help you.


    But if you are willing to tackle blender or any 3D modeling program, there are some tutorials on youtube and around the modeling websites that might be helpful.


    Your best bet is probably to write to one of the recently released hair mod authors for advice.

  3. I reject adopting "yippie" as that connotes a much smaller group, and the hippie movement encompassed a much wider group who held anti-war sentiments, even on a casual level.


    And communes is notably and obviously communist terminology. Communists believe in the government handling every aspect of life. which is, of course, the antithesis of the american dream, and the american way. Henceforth - anti-american



    Obvious communist terminology? No, but I find that amusingly predictable. Communism is an ism - a monetary system. A commune is an interdependent community who shares their resources, work load, food and essentials.


    Other words that originate from the same root etymology are Communicate (implying a shared language or understanding), community (a shared residential area or professional association). Also communion, a spiritual merging, prayer, or eucharist; it means to have or to hold things in common.


    Words are not dirty. People twist them into dirty things, most often using propaganda.

  4. :thumbsup: Please do notice the geopolitical differencies. Being from Denmark I consider a party Democratic, that you would consider Socialist, and what you consider left wing, I might consider right wing.



    From the article:

    "After 1968, hippie politics swung very rapidly and very deeply into leftist ideology. And this is because communists and socialists very effectively co-opted the anti-war movement and transformed it during the Nixon era into an anti-American and anti-capitalist movement. This infiltration and co-option of what had been a pacifist/individualist/isolationist movement is actually one of the major turning points of American political history — one which reverberates to this day, because that new framework adopted by the counterculture remains in place to this day and deeply influences 21st-century politics."

    You might consider reading all of it


    Hippies believed in self sufficient communities (communes).


    I would like to know how you are defining Anti-American because co-opting a word to give it a new meaning is an old propagandist trick of rhetoric.


    Its meaning is "opposed or hostile to the people or the government policies of the United States".

  5. and now we are back on topic :)


    Things would be greatly improved if people actually read fully what others have posted before replying, I've lost count of how many times people have disagreed with something I haven't said.


    I think that's because people get emotional in these discussions and one, we tend to project our fears onto the posts we disagree with, and two, we are sometimes reaching for a way to express our own agendas.


    Maybe we're not all always guilty of that, but it tends to pop up for all of us I think.

  6. Your conversation with me was not enough.

    You took it upon yourself to just decide that you shouldn't be banned, and grant yourself a new account.


    I understand that you apologized, but we have a procedure here, and like everyone else, you must ask to be unbanned with apology and explanation, and then the staff all has a chance to weigh in on whether you are a good risk to allow back.


    I don't feel comfortable overstepping everyone else's input to make a unilateral executive decision to allow you back.


    I shared your message with the other staff, and the fact is, as I told you in my PM, multiple accounts is another bannable offense, moreso when it's a multiple account to bypass a ban.


    Everyone who has been banned recently has to wait until the unban link is reconfigured into the site redesign which is currently being rolled out. And you do, too.


    I, personally, will give you some leeway on the multiple account violations as I recognize you're trying to communicate. However, you are still circumventing the rules and not impressively patient, furthermore, after I explained to you in my PM that creating multiple accounts is a bannable offense, we noticed you went traipsing around the forum posting as if nothing had happened at all.


    It would have been much more impressive to have only used the second account to communicate directly with staff instead of la-di-daing all over the site like you're "above the law".


    I'm trying to be clear and honest, I don't mean to be terribly hard on you. There are site offenders who have no chance of being a part of this community. You still may have a chance. It's time to go quiet and reflect upon what you've learned.

  7. We need a forum drinking game with "Take a shot every time somebody brings up the good old days or political correctness gone mad in a debate thread" :thumbsup:


    Also, the single-bashing is really quite nasty. Don't you remember being irritated when old busybodies asked when (as opposed to if) you were going to get married and have a kid? I've encountered more people who think being single is the second-worst fate for a white Western person (especially a woman), than I have commitment-resistant people. I say second-worst because they think the worst fate for a Western person is heaviness. Single people can honestly do without being made to feel like failures just because they don't have the white picket fences life with a spouse and children. Not everyone who does not get married and have kids is a bad person, and "commitment phobia" is a really lazy and ableist insult, like "daddy issues".

    No one ever bothered to ask me when I was going to get married and have a kid. I'm a very private person, from a very private family and those busy bodies never had the nerve to say anything to my face.


    I see some rather blatant 'couples bashing" on this thread but I'm talking about actual commitment phobia which occurs inside relationships more often then among singles.


    I'm starting to get really tired of you taking things I say and twisting them into what I view as self-serving attempts to further your own platform, though. I never make statements about you, specifically, without saying so specifically.


    In general, society and media romanticize cheating which absolutely plays on the rampant commitment phobia among the masses.

  8. I'd also rather be alone than with somebody who I can't talk to honestly.


    I think this is true of everyone except the very most rare individual who has some substantial dependency issues, of which I've not seen much evidence in the general population. In fact, I find the complete opposite to be true, there is a much higher incidence of commitment phobia rampant in current western societies, in my opinion.

  9. I'm not buying it. I have a friend who's been partnered since the 80s in a non-traditional marriage. They are married whether it's recognized as legal by the government, or not. I don't need them to tell me they are married, I can see that they are.
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