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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. If you use someone's script that they wrote and is not part of the vanilla game assets, then yes, you must give attribution, get permission, and if you don't and the scripter brings it to our attention, they will have a case for "stolen assets".


    It's insane the amount of stolen assets the fallout community has generated. We never saw this kind of blatant disregard for other modders in the TES community. The result is that people seem to be less willing to share now.

  2. You all are all doing great. I will post sometime today. Was a bit too scatterbrained yesterday!



    I say don't be in a rush, let it cook!


    Also did you know that one of my all time favorite authors, Jack London, published his novel, The Call of the Wild in the The Saturday Evening Post in weekly installments?

  3. I don't think it was directed at you. I thought it was directed at all the people who are constantly complaining that there are no good male armors.


    (I really don't like the red text.)




    @Hickory, you don't recognize the tease in "I used to like you"? <- That was a fairly obvious joke.

  4. I beg to differ. It was the same point: Don't like something? Move on.


    Our rules do prohibit debating the merits of armor (or debating anything) on a release thread.


    We have no such rule in the main forums, if a thread is open, it's fine to comment.


    By the way, I personally will not summarily lock a thread no matter how many times the same horse has been beaten to death, I'm an optimist that believes maybe, just maybe, all the horse dung may be evidence of a pony we haven't seen before.

  5. How about using the edit button. And I was mostly kidding, now I'm just annoyed. Maybe you'd like to discuss it privately?


    It certainly did sound like a smartass retort using the same logic against him.



    On the other hand, why on earth would you get smart with me? Mind answering that one?

  6. If they don't help around the house that I'm providing for them, how on earth are going to have any idea the value of work, time management, helpfulness, independence? Yeah, it has nothing to do with genetic diversity. Come back and discuss it once you have either had or raised kids or are certain you aren't going to have (or raise) them. Give it 20 years.
  7. jumperownz banned.







    ive completed knights of the nine aswell


    were you the guy who was talking about your copy of oblivion earlier?



    yes i was the guy





    but XXXXX i wanna know how to make NPCs into fruits or items


    ah i thought so too, the pirate


    the pirated copy guy ?


    and do you even goddamn give a wild big **** that i got pirated game?


    Reported much?


    i got most of my games pirated




    i reported him earlier


    people download games from torrents every hour


    And you just got your Nexus account revoked.


    thought so... find your own mod


    HAHAHAHAH u reported me for having illegal game?


    http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/293557-piracy-and-you/ <-


    ROFL i shited myself from laugh


    wow ur stupid


    Why, yes, of course.




    jumper, you're the stupid one here.


    i like downloading games off torrents


    9:00 AM


    i bet u got stuff from torrent aswell


    So you like stealing?


    hmm why are there even uttorrent? why are there so many games


    kicked jumperownz




    Approaching the gate, she saw the owner of the voice, a dark and dazzling woman was emerging just beneath the shadows, surely an ancient race rarely seen.


    The captive woman pushed the gate and it swung free, still clutching the femur but pinned down at her side, the anger rose within her and she pulled her chin up, pushed her shoulders back and in a threatening tone demanded:


    "Why am I here? Did you see them? Why did you unlock the gate? Which way is out? And most importantly WHERE IS MY BOW?"


    The Drow/Dumner woman blinked, green eyes flashing as she took in the plethora of words the woman seemed to shove in a smallish space of time. Deciding to give her answers in a similar fashion, Kismet answered.


    "I know not. Yes. To let you out. To the East. Where the males are, I would think."


    Having answered Kismet looked around the cavern again with perfect sight, inherent to the Drow race. Looking back to the woman and her femur weapon she pulled a dagger from a cleverly hidden sheath on the outside of her boot. Flipping it from hilt to blade, she unerringly caught it and handed it toward the woman.


    "Will this due until we find this bow? I can poison it if you promise not to injure yourself with it." The blade was blacker than the darkest parts of the cavern, the hilt magnificently made. A treasure to be sure, in this world anyway. Yet the Drow handed it away as if it was nothing, a trinket of lowest value.


    The faerie fire shone on the Drow's curious face. Her dark skin perfect and without scars or blemishes. She was lovely, with high cheekbones and almond-slit eyes. Her countenance perfect but thus far so perfect as to seem unnatural. She could pass for an unusual looking Dumner...Kismet however had an arrogant stare and held herself in a manner which made most who encountered her, if they did not turn tail and run, cower slightly and follow her commands. Though she gave nothing away other than curiousness...it was the curiousness of a large, predatory cat has when its belly is full...that sees a rabbit come from its burrow.


    The Drow looked again to the female. Wiggling the dagger's hilt at the woman, Kismet said again in her low-silky voice. "Come! Decide and let us be going. Otherwise I leave you here with only that for your company!" Kismet nodded in the direction of the femur still gripped tightly in the woman's hand. The as if an afterthought the Drow spoke again, "Oh...I am Kismet. Now I am know to you. Let us make haste."




    "Well, ok then!"


    The blade felt pretty light and familiar in her hand. With a sheepish smile she tossed the bone onto a pile of rubbish nearby. The woman with the bedazzled mystique leading the way, they began the journey out, creeping silently through the rather large old fort, the sound was at times so silent they could hear their own breath, a step further and they heard the strange dank drip of unseen water, and even stranger distant echoes and loud creaking groans, as if the ancient building had an uncomfortable living essence of its own. Suddenly ahead the way was blocked. The floor had given way and collapsed. There were some fallen planks that led further down into the depths of the old dungeon. The two wordlessly agreed the way out was through, and began the descent.


    They spoke only occasionally in soft whispers, listening carefully, fading into shadow. Though when she appeared in the light, Mae's companion appeared to shine with a light of her own, Mae also noticed that she was as stealthy as Mae herself, becoming one with the darkness. Watching her carefully but sidelong as they continued through the caverns in the depths, Mae noticed that this Kismet left no barrel, drawer, or chest unturned, deftly unlocking and emptying anything of use or value into her seemingly bottomless little satchel, that most of the time remained hidden.


    It had been about two hours since she had awoken on the damp floor above, and while she wasn't really hungry, Mae was feeling parched. As they quietly continued their methodical passage, Mae began to wonder again at this beautiful and interesting creature that was her friendly yet fearsome companion.


    As she mulled these thoughts, she occasionally watched the woman as she picked a lock with one hand, seemingly never even touched it, she appeared to wave her hand over the chest as it opened and with a beautiful gesture her fingers found the small cache of valuables inside and whisked them into her satchel, so gracefully it was like her hands were little ballerinas. As if reading her mind, Kismet wordlessly handed her a small flask filled with a draught of Sinyaramen's Water. The taste was clean and sweet and she welcomed the feeling of refreshment. Even as she drank and replenished her energies, she watched the little finger dance of the drow's handiwork. One part of her brain wondered, where does she put all that stuff?


    On encountering that thought it was instantly interrupted as a big white man came flying headlong through the next door they were headed toward, coming right at them, his eyes wide and wild, he didn't seem to register their presence at all. His lips were curled into a macabre grimace and suddenly his running feet just seemed to collapse beneath him! Mae caught a look at her dazzling companion, but she seemed as perplexed as Mae --


    Suddenly the air filled with an acrid smokey stale odor, threatening to overcome her, she covered her face with her cloak instinctively to protect herself from the extremely unpleasant odor. An instant later the wall around the door the brute had fled toward them through collapsed around them. Kismet and Mae were both tumbled into the debris and rubble of the explosion. Unhurt, Mae stared up at the creature responsible. The thing was two-men-tall, with beautiful glossy purple black claws on his feet as big as a big man's arm, and dark wings that curled from claws at the joints around his back. Its eyes glowed goldenred and white hot, and the fowl beast was busy ripping off the back of another poor fellow's skull!

  9. I'm not sure but the only one I remember being locked, was locked by Dark0ne himself.


    I hid your post Kendo 2 because it was very likely to interfere with a personal dispute that was being worked out amicably. In other words, you were actively interfering in something that wasn't necessarily your concern, however I understand why you were concerned, and sympathize with your concerns. Sometimes commenting on something when you don't have all the information is just noise.



    It looks like the original poster must have requested that topic locked, Hickory.

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