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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. I actually only had corporal punishment once during my entire childhood. Ironically I didn't even do the thing I was punished for, but that's another story.


    I'm a farm girl and parents are very gentle with kids and animals. My father has a very soft voice and presides over a large family. Once when my nephew was about 5, he threw a rock toward a car, during one of our family picnics. My brother in law picked him up and spanked him. It was a rare occasion when my father raised his voice, and let me tell you, you could have heard a pin drop, and my brother in law was deeply shamed.


    My sister's divorced from him now, but my brother in law continues his strong friendship with my dad. It wasn't meant to embarrass him. We just don't believe in violence. We believe in "hands to yourself", and it's good enough for all of us.


    Alright I'll tell the other story.


    I had a friend over and she was a devious little creature. Earlier in the day while we playing pirates she showed me a terrible bruise she had on her temple. Later we got into a fight, and she ran and told my mom I had hit her in the temple with a rock - LIE! And so I got the belt. It was just once though, and the injustice of it stung deeper then the pain of that belt.


    Grannywils pretty much stole my thunder. That kid's problems started long before he was a guest on Dr. Phil's show.

  2. Well I guess it's what you mean by soulmates.


    I can tell you I fell head over heels for my husband at age 18, and we've been together ever since. I couldn't love him more, or imagine a better man to spend my life with, we live, love and laugh together, and I can breathe when he's with me. Instead of a ball and chain, he's my wings.

  3. You will make your companion plugin.


    Then you will add her armor to her inventory, and you will see her equip it in the CS actor window.


    Understand that before you can add it to her inventory you will have to add it in the armor meshes into the armor section of the CS.


    It's easiest to do that if you are able to look at the armors and textures in Nifskope and either Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, Paint.net or any other image editor that supports dds plugin tools.


    Follow the directory structure protocol established by Bethesda and best practices to make your new folder.


    once your meshes and textures are in their own new folders add them to the CS.

    Then add them to your character's inventory. If you give her more than one set of clothes you will have to script them to change or they may wear something unexpected.


    This is obviously an OVERVIEW. This is not a step by step tutorial, nor is it meant to be, this is just to explain what you're looking at having to accomplish. Feel free to ask follow up questions.

  4. Admittedly I'm not a dunker, though I make a single exception for biscotti in latte :dance:


    But of pb vs j, the only thing Jelly really goes with, is butter toast; while on the other hand peanut butter is wonderful on bananas, peanut butter goes well with honey; and it goes well with apples, (but cheddar is better). But peanut butter is best with chocolate! Especially melted together and poured over ice cream! :woot:

  5. I'm going to start handing out strikes, and if that fails to get this conversation back into the realm of civil discourse, I will lock it and consider posting restrictions and bans. You can all lay off the armchair psychologist routines here, it's malicious, offensive, disrespectful, and ludicrously inaccurate.


    Let me remind you, this is not the debate section. Mind your manners or get out.-myrmaad

  6. Who would have guessed only a few short hours later, the Orc would be loping at an easy pace, albeit uncomfortably, away, the Inn the very last thing on his mind.


    He had an unusual grace for an Orsimer, with a narrow build and long slender fingers. He kept two large pouches full of tools at his saddle. His horse, no more comfortable then her rider seemed resigned to carrying his bony behind and appreciated his lack of volume somewhat made up for the full saddlebags. They were used to each other. He had once said he could do without horses, if he could find a dwemer cart like he'd had as a child. A beloved uncle had brought him one he'd found during an adventure in the South of Morrowind. He was actually thinking of that Dwemer cart at this very moment. That was the way to ride! It had pistons and a little engine, four propellers that faced behind and underneath, and mechanical wings that folded in and out, like fireplace bellows. The mechanical wings would flap in and out filling a bladder with air, the pressurized air would flow toward the propellers and the whole cart would sail forward on it's wheels. It was the neatest thing. But he had left home when he was just 17 and had no idea what might have become of the little dwemer cart.


    The sun glowed orange at the edge of the meadow filling the sky with pink and purple streamers. The three of them had been traveling for several hours now and in fact he wasn't sure where he was going. He decided to make camp in a small clearing by a creek. He set about making his camp, meticulously unfolding, unrolling, unsheathing. He cut some stakes from the wood of a small tree, carefully tied lines to the poles, and draped his canvas tying the ends securely into clove hitches. He unrolled his bedroll and then fed and watered the two horses. He had decided against a fire, he had a dinner of bread and cheese and tied the rest of his food up and hooked it into a tall branch of a tree on the outskirts of the clearing. He crawled into his little shelter for a couple hours of rest, at least, if he couldn't find sleep.

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