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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. That's exactly my point right from the start. I was never defending the sex offenders, I was defending those who aren't sexual offenders. Not even all pedophiles look at pictures of naked children. Some people around here seem to think that all pedophiles are sex offenders.
    That's because you're using the wrong definition, as I told you before.


    For all intents and purposes, you should make it your habit in everyday life, but specifically when you discuss pedophilia here, the definition is "sexual predators who prey on children".

    Sexual attraction to children, who absolutely cannot consent to sexual activity with adults or teens, is a disorder. It is a problem. It should, in my view, be treated the same as other mental disorders that do involve the sufferer being compelled to commit violence on an innocent person. Paedophilia is not a legitimate orientation, it's a disorder. I'm not saying paedophiles should all be killed or anything like that, I'm saying they need treatment for those violent urges, and should they act on those urges, they ought to be separated from society. I feel much the same about rapists.



  2. I'm a farm girl, the fourth of 7 children. On the day I was born, while having labor contractions, my mother got up at 5 am helped finish milking the cows, at 7 she got my sisters off to school and after she fed the calves, she drove herself 30 miles to the hospital. I was born at 6:25pm, my dad had hurried to get the evening milking done and was at the hospital just in time to put the newborn into his arms.



    I am really disgusted that this topic has yet again become all about judgement and preconceptions that twist something that could add variety, story, and interesting situations has to be made into something dirty by the rigid "puritanicals".


    This is why we can't have nice things.



    (I'm the third girl, fourth child, and the third survivor. My brother died when I was 13 and he was 15.)

  3. How on earth is pregnancy not realistic.


    And while my idea of a mod would not be as the pregnant woman player character, but running into a sort of "underground" (:rolleyes: do not read literally underground but on the other hand, a nursery vault may be another option) midwife compound where pregnant women secretly go in order to bring their children safely into the crazy dangerous fallout world.


    And yes, many of these women would be on leave from the ever short-handed NCR and would want a light weight but extremely protective light armor, so that they can protect themselves and the others further along. At any time someone could find out they were there, at any time super mutants and other dangers could invade, they would want to be prepared at all times. There would also need to be doctors and nurses on staff in the inner bowels of the birthing rooms.

  4. I have a question, are you saying that all your images appeared to be there one minute and then after a very short interval, enough to reboot your pc or your browser (?) they were gone?


    Because I have a list of all image reports by month, and for the entire month of August there are only 24 image reports, and your account was not among them at all.

  5. That defiinition is kind of stupid. (in my humble opinion).


    There are times when we all have glancing attractions to "inappropriate partners", even have moments of inappropriate inclinations toward all kinds of culturally deviant behaviors but that doesn't a syndrome make.


    (You've never had a crush on a cousin or a teacher, perhaps? Or found your mother or father appealing?) My father was an extremely handsome man and all my childhood girlfriends had raging crushes on him. With all the blatant flirtation I wonder what thoughts may have gone through his mind in fleeting moments. But he was and is The Most Noble, High-Principled, and Incorruptible man I've ever met. He and my husband get along famously, and I'm happy to report my husband has taken my father's legacy to heart and grown into one of the similarly most trustworthy and honorable men I've ever had the pleasure to know.


    Entertaining the thought is what gives it credibility in your own mind, and once you cross that line, you're a goner. That's how I see it.

    A second edit:

    you shouldn't do anything to feed that condition.

    Yes, that's a similar point to the one I'm making.


    Edit: and yeah, I have to nod my agreement with Ginny, too.

  6. First of all I cannot in good conscience equate pedophilia with bisexuality or homosexuality.


    I also do understand that sexuality is very complicated. And I assume that there is usually a repeating cycle of the 'abuser abuses'. (Which is one of my main arguments for the fact that homosexuality and pedophilia are very different animals.)


    If this was a child beater, would you consider him the same way, even if he himself had been raised by a child beater. (@everyone do not twist this into a discussion of the merits of corporal punishment, I'm referring to specific violent child abuse.) That is the congruent equation here.


    And of course abusers should go to a psychiatrist. That's exactly where they should be looking for help.

  7. Well, I'm not buying what the guy in the "extract" is selling.


    I don't agree with these other guys, either, I don't believe the world is or even can be 'black and white'.


    The guy you quoted is crying crocodile tears, sure on a scale he maybe doesn't want to 'hurt' the little girls he molests, but it still hurts. If he was honest in not wanting to hurt little girls he would not indulge his fantasies at all. And certainly never ever act upon them, voice them, or give them any other material world power.


    It's like when you're standing on a tall bridge or tall building and a twisted part of your brain thinks I could make that jump. The sane and rational among us counter the crazy and dispute the negative thoughts that are part and parcel of the human condition.


    But that guy struck me, personally, as the Walrus in the Walrus and the Carpenter:

    I weep for you," the Walrus said:

    "I deeply sympathize."

    With sobs and tears he sorted out

    Those of the largest size,

    Holding his pocket-handkerchief

    Before his streaming eyes.

  8. Why would anyone pay for mods they can get here for free from the original creators. It's highly illegal because mod added assets actually belong to Bethesda and Electronic Arts respectively. That site's just another sims ripoff site. Don't link them, as you are only generating traffic and thus revenue for them. Stop that.
  9. Mind if I join? I think I'd like to do the same as Lisnpuppy, and make a Forgotten Realms D&D/Elder Scrolls crossover, if that's alright. :)



    Auriana, come on in the water's fine!


    I'm dying to get back to Kismet and Mae in the dungeon but life is trumping me, so you guys carry on and we'll catch up with you guys on the flip side :D

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