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Posts posted by Yoshh

  1. and than for any reason what so ever steam decides to ban your account, than what?


    To my knowledge, you don't get banned out of the blue. I had lost my account name AND password once, but managed to get it back using a serial key I had from Counter-Strike:CZ. (Retail Box). Perhaps I was just lucky, but I never really had problems with Steam Customer Support. In fact, I only have good things to say about it, since I always got my problems solved.


    As for the Steamworks issue going on... It'd be best to check the game's page before buying it on retail, since it says it uses steamworks there. (Might not be mentioned on the retail version?) It's the same as those small letters you never read when signing important contracts :P


    As of now, my Steam account is worth over 500€, so it's quite an investment. Still, I'm not really that worried about losing it, since I trust the company. You could lose your retail collection just as easy as your digital one.


    I never had problems with the service, so I'm standing my ground.

  2. The gameplay does seem interesting. but I never actually played Syndicate though. I did hear a lot about it. As for the remakes that have been coming out lately, my opinion is that if they can be a good game on their own, even if butchering until a certain point what the essence of the original game was, it can still be played without much frustration. Same goes for sequels. They could always call it a spiritual sequel, and change the name.
  3. Im actually in a new server right now, GodCraft.


    EDIT: After watching that video, it may be hard to believe, but GodCraft is entirely, 100% LEGIT. No world editing mods or block spawning AT ALL.


    Only the starting structures were made using world editors. Wouldn't make sense to take the time to manually do it. On the other hand, all of the player build structures are... well... player built :P


    An example of what Mill-Ajru built on the World Tree: (Warning, big image)






  4. Nations At War is a PVP/RP server where you, the player, contribute actively to the World's Lore.


    I've been playing in this server for a while now, but I still feel like we should have more people there (Mainly in the nation I'm in, hurr durr.). The server uses a whitelist to allow players to join the server, so you need to make an application to be able to play. If you get accepted, that is :P



    Problem is, applications are now closed (Had been opened for a week. Last week to be precise), so I was wondering if someone would like to join the server through a referral app made by me. (You still need to make the app yourself, but I'll be doing the referral AKA posting it on their forums :P)



    I'll leave you with the Season 2 Trailer and a few links:



    NATIONS @ WAR - http://nationsatwar.org/


    NATIONS @ WAR WIKI - http://wiki.nationsatwar.org/Main_Page <-- Be sure to check this one for the Gameplay Mechanics



    Also, be aware that I can only do referrals for a few players! I'll also only refer people who know how to write a decent application (So be sure to polish your English skills :P ).


    PS: My Nation is Mill-Ajru, if you're wondering.

  5. Unfortunately, I only played ArmA 2 Free, and I could barely find a playable server. Or even with people who actually knew how to play the darn game. In any case, I'd say it's heavily dependant on the game, but with a little twist: Even though they're on the same clan, doesn't mean they know how to do productive teamwork. Coordination CAN make the difference.


    Note: Lately, the only Multiplayer games I play are the ones that focus on teamplay. I'm picky to that point :(

  6. Up to Dark0ne to decide. With Skyrim coming up (and will surely have a place of it's own) means more money to spend on new equipment and manage everything. It's just a matter of finding out if it's viable or not.


    Also, Rage was not developed by Bethesda. It was published. The developer is iD Software. While ZeniMax owns both iD Software and Bethesda Softworks, they're completely different branches.

  7. Thank you for saying that. "Camping" is a completely legitimate tactic.


    I like to call it holding ground. During rush, you'll need "campers" to back up the "bomb placers". If you make your whole team rush to the objectives, you'll just be wasting tickets as you're prone to be easy targets. *trollface*

  8. Silly people, seriously.


    when you find someone just laying there prone, he came from CoD and not Battlefield.


    Nope. I do not enjoy playing CoD, and I still use prone. You had prone back in Battlefield 2.


    i NEVER buy a game solely for MP, defeats the purpose of playing a game imo, and always play SP before i step foot in MP. also,


    Nope. Battlefield used to be about multiplayer only until Bad Company came out. At it's heart, it's a competitive game, not a single player game. I don't know who to blame anymore though. EA does have a say on what goes in the game or not. It doesn't defeat the purpose of playing the game if the multiplayer was the primary focus.


    although on that note, they still didnt really balance long range attacking. assault rifles have less bullet drop then snipers meaning they are mroe accurate at long range then a sniper. the bullet of the sniper is more powerful then the assault rilfe, ... whereas the sniper either has to reload (in the case of a bullpup) or recenter (in the case of the semi autos)


    Bullet velocity affects bullet drop. I think. While sniper rounds are indeed more powerful, they have lower velocity. 7.62x51mm and 5.56x45mm. Not to mention that sniper rounds are usually heavier, thus, more gravity pull.

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