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Posts posted by Yoshh

  1. "Playing Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer will require a constant connection."


    So, that's official? What has our dear beloved planet become. :ohdear: I guess that they were just stating that there will not be any LAN Multiplayer mode. Because, well... It IS multiplayer too.



    I've seen a lot of people arguing about Steam(More specifically, Steamworks) and Origin, saying they're intrusive pieces of software, and that there's no need for such DRM measures. I don't delve too much into that, just as long as they let me play singleplayer without an active internet connection. I know Steam does, not sure about Origin as I haven't tried it yet. The service my ISP provides is good. Pretty good, I might add, and relatively affordable. Unfortunately, people might not have enough income to be able to afford a good internet service, or the place they live in just doesn't have good quality lines. Thing is, there's a lot games being released through digital distribution platforms such as the ones mentioned above, exclusively or not. Which means that if you don't have a good internet connection, you're sadly out of luck.


    Something must change, obviously. But what's to change really? The platforms, or the service providers? :armscrossed:

  2. Thing is... Does it need to go online at least once after Steam is installed? For validation purposes, I'd guess. Because I've never had problems with starting Steam on offline mode while not having an active internet connection. Ever. Games, if properly validated once before, also run without any trouble.
  3. Whenever I have my fists out and block, my hands turn into this mess:












    Boone seems to also be infected:





    Do you have any idea to what might be causing this? It's getting really, really frustrating.


    Here's my load order too:








    NVCE Main.esm



    Project Nevada - Core.esm

    Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

    ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

    ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm






    The Mod Configuration Menu.esp


    Freeside Fine Living.esp





    Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

    Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

    Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp

    Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp







    Armored PA Gloves.esp






    NCR Rearmament v1.5 (Lore).esp


    Seeker Armor.esp

    Tailor Maid - NV.esp

    w44Satchels - Lite.esp


    NVCE DLC01.esp

    NVCE DLC02.esp


    More Realistic Aiming.esp


    Quick Trade.esp


    Project Nevada - WMX.esp





    Nevada Skies.esp

    OWB-Path Lights.esp

    DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp

    Night Brightness Adjuster.esp

    ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp

    Directors Chair.esp

    The Groovatron NV.esp

    OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp



    AG Weapon Reload Speed.esp


    ILO-RI-NSkies Patch.esp

    ILO-RI-Fallout New Vegas - Combined Edition.esp

    A Better Boone.esp

    A Better Veronica.esp

    A Better Cass.esp


    EVE FNV.esp

    Project Nevada - EVE.esp

    Bashed Patch, 0.esp


    The Weapon Mod Menu.esp




    EDIT: I disabled everything and cleared the mesh folders. I still have the same problem. Might it be BSA corruption? I don't know anymore...


    EDIT2: Just finished installing New Vegas again, the problem still persists. WHAT KIND OF WITCHCRAFT IS THIS?!


    EDIT3: After I deleted the INI files, I don't seem to be experiencing the bug anymore. If anyone else has the same problem or knows how this happened, feel free to post ;)

  4. This is the first time Wrye Flash ever had an error for me. Is it EVE's fault alone or might something else be conflicting?


    Loading: 01011A56..WJSDrainedMFCell..LIGH.DEST..8..
    Error in EVE FNV.esp
    Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\bash\basher.py", line 5837, in Execute
    patchFile.buildPatch(log,SubProgress(progress,0.8,0.9))#no speeding  needed/really possible (less than 1/4 second even with large LO)
     File "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\bash\bosh.py", line 20510, in buildPatch
     File "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Mopy\bash\bosh.py", line 34855, in buildPatch
    if race.maleLeftEye.modPath != raceData['maleLeftEye'].modPath:
    KeyError: 'maleLeftEye'


    It was Lings for New Vegas. The EVE FNV problem is still there.

  5. I'm one coal away from having 7. Anyone feeling like trading a Coal for an Orange Box? Has:

    • Half-Life 2
    • Half-Life 2: Episode One
    • Half-Life 2: Episode Two
    • Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
    • Portal
    • Team Fortress 2

    PM me with your Steam Username so that I can send it to you.



    No more need for coals. :thumbsup:

  6. you mean like lock them in the basement-"no more food(or Vodka) for you until you finsh makeing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2."


    from what i understend they dont have the money to make aconsol version of the game


    Not really. I think Galenkin mentioned the project wasn't being profitable enough, since it was a PC exclusive. IF they had released the game for the consoles too, that would have meant a bigger income. So, in the end, the PC version was cancelled because of money issues. Not necessarily lack of, just not a good future for the project in the long run.

  7. Good to know you took a chance at it Sari ;) I did try to convert some for personal use myself, but I couldn't even extract meshes from the packages, so I never got it finished.
  8. I'm surely not the only one who plays with male characters, and I'd absolutely love to see new hairs for males. Preferably, ones that do not look androgynous. I've seen people porting hairs from Sims 2/3, so perhaps asking for permission to port a few male hairs wouldn't hurt? :ohdear:
  9. I had a facebook account to keep track of birthday dates. Decided to close it since I don't find it that useful right now. The fact that everyone annoys me with invites for Facebook games was also taken into account.
  10. I decided to start up New Vegas today, and it crashed before the sliders started moving. So I went through my load order to check if something was out of place, or missing. Turns out everything was ok, so I disabled everything and left the base ESMs (NV and DLCs) and the DarnUI esp. It still crashed, so I deleted the INI files and unchecked DarnUI. Same story. Game crashes if I start it through either 4GB Launcher, NVSE or the base exe. I have no idea about what's going on.
  11. This happened before, but I don't remember how I managed to fix it. Any ideas? I can even skip the slides to the main menu. Nothing shows up, not even the DarnUI icon.





    Edit: Found the culprit. ADAM - Project Nevada patch. Still don't know why though. Seems it was a bad edit on my part. File got corrupted.

  12. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l106/Korugawa/Fallout%20-%20New%20Vegas/Modeling%20Works/enb2011_8_29_19_46_59.jpg

    So, yeah. I always felt like having one of these. I took out the dynamite so that only the lighter would show up, but couldn't do anything about the hand. Not sure if there's any unused throw animation slot that I could overwrite anyways. I tried thinking about scripting an "on-use" effect to call for the light source, but eventually gave up. Is anyone willing to give it a try? Or at least lend me a hand. :thumbsup:

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