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Posts posted by Yoshh

  1. I have read that the project was scrapped, along with the studio, due to STALKER not being financially sustainable as it was a PC only title. Sergey Galenkin said this himself, supposedly.
  2. I felt curious how people have their Desktops/Workspaces, so, yeah, pick up your camera and post away :dance:


    I'll start with mine.






    Netbook has wireless, sends through bridge to Desktop. Silly router can't be moved from where it is :armscrossed:



    Edit: People seem to be posting the wrong desktops. Taking a picture, not printscreen! :thumbsup: And please, put them inside spoiler tags so that we have a clean thread. Now that I'm at it, might as well ask you all not to quote entire posts. If you want to refer the post, use a link to it.

  3. I'm currently developing a game for a project this semester, and we have been given code that let's us use MDL files. The thing is, are there any modeling softwares that can do it out of the box? Blender has scripts for that (NWN2 MDL files, if I'm not mistaken), but I wanted one that can export as MDL without extra scripts. Any ideas?


    Note: Those MDL files are HL2 type models.

  4. A year ago, I discovered this modification for Half-Life 2, and got quite hooked on it. The problem is that the community is quite small nowadays, thus, the servers are empty most of the time. Last week, I decided to give it a try again, but it's the same old story. Empty servers. :armscrossed: So I'll leave you guys with a picture or two, and the link to the official website.











    Basically, you have two game modes. Team Deadmatch, and Capture the Ghost. The latter is explained with a lot more detail here. Hoping to see more people playing! :dance: PS:Be aware that there are some bugs, and that they are not getting fixed since support was dropped. The best known glitch is the leaning glitch. When leaning to the left around a corner, while you do lean in 1st person, your 3rd person model doesn't lean enough to be seen. This way, you can hit other players without them even hitting you. Glitch abusing is not taken kindly by server admins. Don't do it.





    The one on the left is from a Novac Motel Room mod. It has lightswitches. The problem is that it *might* conflict with Interior Lightning Overhaul, since it also changes the player's Novac Room. (Not sure what REFs are imported to the bashed patch.)


    Can I delete the CELL (NovacPlayersRoom) on the left and expect the one on the left to have no conflicts? Or are there more GRUPS with information about what's in that cell?

  6. After unpacking the BSAs, I noticed the music files are all in XWM format. Been searching around and it seems to be a special kind of wma format used by the XNA Framework. Is there any player that can play it out of the box? An audio converter would do fine too.
  7. Now this is where the legality becomes a grey area.

    I -think- (don't quote me on this) you can use them in New Vegas but ONLY for yourself.

    This means you cannot distribute the files at all and even showing images of it is discouraged by many.


    Technically, it's illegal. But nobody is coming knocking at your door if you keep it to yourself. :thumbsup: They just have issues with redistribution, so I don't think that's a big problem.

  8. The Creation Engine was not made from scratch. It had Gamebryo as a base, though, heavily modified. Just like jim_uk said, you'll still be able to use .nif files for meshes, which will make it a lot easier to port over mods from Oblivion to Skyrim. Given that it's fairly easy to port over to a new nif version, of course.
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