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Posts posted by Yoshh

  1. I am prone to being dead then. Man, I hate my puns...


    Also, was the scope "glimmer" lowered in the beta? In any case, can't wait for tomorow :dance:

  2. Bioware doesn't get it, Free to play is the future.




    Depends on what the micro-transactions are for. As long as they don't sell items that give you the edge against other players, I guess it's fine. I, for one, am completely against the situation where someone that has more money to spend than you gets more stuff. But there's an easy way out, since I can just boycott the game. You'll end up spending more money than you'd spend in a month's subscription, believe me.


    As for my answer, I went for no, since I can't afford a subscription right now, as one of the reasons. The others being that it's too PVP/PVE oriented, from what I've seen. I used to play SWG back in the Pre-CU days. That game, was epic. I just don't like the way Bioware is going with this one. Though, if they have a trial avaliable, I might give it a try, and that might change my mind about how the game looks and feels. (Unfortunately, it won't magically give me more money to spend on a subscription :P)

  3. I'm probably get work done ahead this week, so that I don't need to study for the whole weekend. Is it on the 27th or 29th?


    EDIT: 29th, from what I've seen on Gracin's thread. I don't think I'll sleep much during the weekend. ** Shrugs **

  4. Not sure if Valve would be able to do anything. They're not in charge of the servers for that game afaik.


    It's one of the main reasons I'm not too fond of playing games online.


    That's easy Haloror, find a good server. I only play on servers I trust, no matter which game :thumbsup:

  5. I love what you did with the place. :D


    Anyways, I felt sad when I saw so many people raging about the new websites. People fear change. It's a fact, and now we had proof on the Nexus. To be honest, I know your team is doing the best to provide us with a network that both performs and looks well, so I'll keep providing constructive criticism. I wonder if people actually know what it means...


  6. I love to experience the sense of wonder I get...when I look at the bans for discussing piracy in chat. Every day there is one...I just stare and shake my head. How can so many people be so stupid and not create some black hole of dumb to suck us all in?




    With such a high mass of such, it's bound to happen. :ohdear:

  7. I don't mind Steam, so I buy my games there. Don't like Steam? Don't buy the games. Want the game, but it's steam only? Then don't buy it, it's THAT simple. If people actually started boycotting Steam instead of giving in and buying the games, things would probably change. This is never going anywhere unless people take action. Now, wake up and do something about it. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif
  8. We can make new reload animations, but weapon animations? Hmmm... I do remember that there was a plugin for OBSE that'd let you modify .nif files on-the-go, through scripts. Maybe if something like that is implemented for NVSE, we could have more than one animation type on the same weapon.
  9. I decided to port what Bunsaki uploaded to NV, but I'm having troubles getting some stuff working, namely:

    - Magazine doesn't move when reloading Changed from "Reload S" to "Reload R" animations, magazine works now.

    - Muzzle Flash is a bit off (Thanks to micalov)

    - Bolt doesn't move when shooting.

    - Ironsights are not fixed yet. (##SightingNode and... Voilá!)


    I'm also using joefoxx082's Bullpup Reload Animations, which seem to work flawlessly. I tried working out the node thingies on nifskope, but I haven't managed to get it right. Any help would be appreciated :)



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