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Everything posted by Zzyxzz

  1. That's not optimism. I think bethesda would gladly abandon the PC and focus on the consoles alone. That would be the most profitable thing to do, if they didn't need PC users to make mods. Now if they replace mods with "microtransactions" (the CC is almost there), they will be able to save costs on the PC port AND be even more profitable. Well, we are already at microtransaction level, i would say. Seriously, i have no problem with CC, IF they do it right. Far Harbor - $25 totally fine Nuka World - $20 totally fine After that -> $5 for one weapon. I mean.... what the f***, Bethesda. People had hope, that we see some DLC sized content addons. What we got? Horse Power Armor! But this is still not enough, Bethesda pulled the money card and bought all your favorite mod authors. Okay not all of them, but you can see where are we heading. The people that normally stand their ground vs horse armor etc now get payed to make horse armor. Sooner or later, free modding WILL end, because otherwise you still have a choice and free modding is bigger than Bethesda wants it to be. Who will stand for free modding, when the most influenceful mod authors work for Bethesda? NO, ONE. The guy who said, free modding will end soon, is high likely right. They implemented their platform into the game, stupid people are buying the stuff. Once enough people are buying the stuff, they will shut down the creation kit for everyone else. I can only hope, that in the end, all mod authors that work for bethesda turn their backs to Bethesda and rescue free modding. I'm sorry, but i'm really angry with this topic. Edit: The other thing is, what will happen with nexus? We still have the old games but new games? Will this be end the of the nexus too?
  2. Even with a beast PC you get FPS drops down to 30. Thats how the game was made. Bad. Shadows are an absolute killer. If you want an improve in FPS, the only chance you have is a good PC. Redo precombined meshes and previs won't help you.
  3. The creation kit is needed to decode the stuff. Bethesda wont allow those tools and will sue the s#*! out of them, thats for sure. Without the creation kit, it may be possible to use fo4edit for 76 but never for fo5 or tes6. If this is true, we are just watching the big bomb slowly drop and will be dust within seconds. Those who will survive will be feral ghouls. And i hope for MxR he finished school. Will we see some Elianora lets fight for our right mod, to make a sign of the modding community? Oh wait, no. She has been bought by Bethesda.
  4. Have a look at my better locational damage mod. Probably the mod you are looking for. Does much more than you probably think. Link in my signature
  5. If you want to get rid of them only because of the FPS drops, you can try this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15211
  6. Fallout 4 ~900 on record. Creation Kit & FO4Edit estimated, 3000+
  7. Tweaks won't work. The issue is related to NPCs Disable those mods Lots More Settlers and Enemies and varied raiders and walkers and probably any other mod that edits NPCs except BLD. Move BLD with all its esps to the very end of your load order. Unique Player Body will be overwritten by BLD, as it overwrites the player, but you can patch that, after testing, if its working. If you are using the SuperMutantOverhaul replacer esp from BLD, chosen from the FOMod, it will also not cause the issue, as i repaired that esp and rebuild the NPCs from scratch. Mods that edit Leveled List will never cause such issues, just for information.
  8. Stutters appear specially with NPC mods, that add new / modify NPCs. If an NPC is copied/overwritten with FO4Edit it causes lag spikes, because it does not copy all the data the game needs and when you approach those NPCs the data is calculated on the fly. Your issue is maybe caused by varied raiders or LMSE BLD does also modify NPC, but they are created with the Creation Kit. Long time ago, i tried also the FO4Edit route, but it caused those issues. Recreating the whole plugin with creation kit solved the issue. Also make sure, you have no mods that break precombined meshes.
  9. unit userscript; function Process(e: IInterface): integer; begin if HasPrecombinedMesh(e) then RemoveNode(e); end; end. Thanks! :-)
  10. This is not the synth you are looking for *waves his hand before your eyes*
  11. I've heard that they fixed a bug, that caused long start up times of the game. Indeed my game has very long startup times, which is probably caused by the number of ESPs and files etc. which is about 30-40 seconds for me till i see the menu. When i launch the game without any plugins its works immediatly, even with ENB. When was this bug introduced to the game? Not with 1.75 i guess? I'm still at 1.6x.xx. I must say, that i really dislike Bethesda and how they treat Fallout 4 and the whole Creation Club thing. I'm running FO4 on a SSD and every time a CC update comes, i want to hurt someone. They should have made it a DLC or whatever... TES:VI will be probably the same and i'm really not tempted to find it out.
  12. Hello guys, does someone have a script for deleting touched precombined references from an ESP? This would be very helpful. Otherwise i have to create my own one. A lot of mod authors are unaware of the issue, when they have touched such a ref, while trying to place an item and break the precom/vis for that area. Thanks in advance.
  13. Its called stack dumping and a good explanation can be found here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1056288-dumping-stack-what-is-it-and-how-to-solve/
  14. No matter what, use the original vsync from Bethesda, its the best you can use. Cap your fps to 58, if you can't achieve a solid 60. This reduces stutter by preventing your game to switch between 30 and 60 hz as a base. You can also set your pre-rendered frames to 1 and force tripple buffering. I'm also playing with fullscreen+borderless (windows 10 users only, other users, use only borderless) and this is the best setup i've tried so far. I've tested everything to get rid of microstutters. Normal vsync from Nvidia does not work very good with fallout. Fast sync does only work when you can achieve a framerate that is 3 times higher than your refreshrate, otherwise it has no effect. Adaptive vsync does not work well and also causes tearing.
  15. Papyrus will not cripple your fps except papyrus is dumping stacks. This may lead to freezes and stutters, but those are unlikely. Do you have build a settlement at those locations? Deactivate all of your mods and try to visit those locations again.
  16. How to debug this: The first thing to do, would be to increase the timer by 5 times or something like that and test again ingame. How long does it take till the player mine explodes? How long does it take till the wild mind explodes? Did both increase or just only one? If both increase, you can assume, that there is a setting somewhere that modifies it. If not, you can assume that they are totally different and independent from each other. My assumption: Also, check the mines that are placed within the world. They are probably totally different from the ones you assume. They are also probably handled by a script. You can also check for activate triggers. Bear traps also have two different independent activate triggers. One for random placed ones and one for player placed. Its looks like the same ingame, but its not. Edited.
  17. Purple textures mean missing or corrupted textures. Blue LOD textures are related with the cell buffer. For example the console command pcb or the ini tweak bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1 You should never f*#@ around with the vanilla settings of the cell buffer, except you increase uGrid.
  18. I know this thread is old, but still its correct, that NPCs manipulated with FO4Edit may cause issues. I've tested it myself. When you copy override for example all raiders into a new esp it causes lag spikes. Why? Don't know. When you do the same thing with the creation kit, its fine. Super Mutant Overhaul and Raider Overhaul still have the issue. Interesting is now, that i never could figure out why it causes yor game to stutter and if textures are the reason, why does converting cause such huge issues/ lag spikes? Is the "how to apply texture data" somewhere in the NPC record saved? Immersive Drumlin Diner, may hurt FPS as it disables pre combined meshes / previs. But its not that object heavy and the loss should low-medium.
  19. I don't know why, but my #NexusMods tweet is not recognized and i can not fulfill that requirement. It contains the hashtag and the link: https://gleam.io/zhVDb/nexus-mods-giveaway-feb-09-2018 Dunno what i did wrong.
  20. Dumb question... why dont you place it, instead of spawning?
  21. Thanks for this beautiful website. There are still some things that i don't like. For example adding a changelog is pain when you have to scroll down all of your changelogs you have created... please move it to the top. I could delete all old changelogs, but this would take quite a lot of time and the issue is only delayed. Nonetheless im happy with the site. It took some time to get used to it. As always... people will always complain, but a change was needed. The latest changes you have made, definitely made it better. Im looking forward to the mod author System but it still gives me headaches... a very good idea i've read was, make it possible to buy those points and let people be able to donate them to others(but only when they have bought them or something like that, to avoid abuse) Also, you guys should talk about security improvements/authenfication options to avoid account theft. As we talk about money.
  22. A fast RAM brings a lot of performance for Fallout 4. There are also videos about that topic. This is something you really should have a look at. Ryzen may brings issue with Fallout 4, at least i read something like that. I could also be wrong... A fast CPU is advised, as shadows are calculated by your CPU. 4-8GB graphics card is also good, if you plan to play 2k+ Don't fall for the high priced power adapter. Don't buy a silver or gold one. They dont bring you any benefit. They only want to earn more money. There are also many topics about it. You also won't need one with 700W.
  23. ModDrop needs to die, now. Its a bad system. Its build on stolen mods. They earn their money with those mods. The authors are already famous for the s*** he has done before. The whole text i've read was only about: "Hey mod authors stop QQ. You have no rights. ModDrop is the savior for dumb people." There is no place for any discussion. No, there is not. No matter what you guys say. MxR, ESO really s*** on all mod authors out there. They only exist because of the mod authors. "As for the worries of "mod theft", I sort of understand them in a loose sense. You worked hard on something, you want recognition for it." Nope, we have the copyright. Its a straight rip off. "but it ALSO means that people too nervous or inexperienced to try those mods in the first place now have the opportunity to do so safely." Everyone is free to download and install mods. Even an idiot can install a mod. The thing is, some people actually care what they do and others don't. There is a forum, people can get help there. Many mod authors provide idiot prove instruction, but guess what, those idiots dont read it. Even modders started as inexperienced individuals. But they invested time, how things work. When you want to work with mods, you have to learn that. Mod packs are not the solution. People will install a pack and some other single mods which just break everything that is within the mod pack. Dumb and lazy users will be dumb and lazy, no matter what you do. I help people who are interested, but not lazy idiots who can't read what you write. Who don't know what a search function is in a forum. And btw, once pissed of all mod authors, we will see where you get your mods from. Pray that Elianora doesn't leave the ship, because of such s#*!. When the first big modders disappear, the rest will follow.
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