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Everything posted by Zzyxzz

  1. Check out my mod Better Locational Damage. Real headshots, no mutipliers. Link is in my signature
  2. Try to disable all mods and test again. Is the stutter gone?
  3. Good that you found the issue! Just a small tipp: Get the editor: Visual Studio Code from Microsoft and then add the papyrus extension. You can also add an compiler extension. The editor is perfect and makes it easy to manipulate code. The extension provides syntax and coloration of the code. Its a must have and very very easy to set up.
  4. Fallout 4 and Combat Hello, without comparing Fallout 4 to NV, i want to say, that combat has been always bad. In all games of Bethesda. But it's not their major selling point and I'm fine with that. But yes, i expected a little bit more than the usual stuff. The first time i played FO4, i was quite hyped and it worked quite well. But after getting some level, i've noticed that the game was not that well designed. When you fight bullet sponges, the fun ends. Fighting a dog with more health than a deathclaw is not fun. Hitting a human with a .50 cal directly to the head and he loses 5% hp.... of course... that were moments where i thought. WTF MAN. But okay... you upgrade your weapon, you get some perks. You deal some damage. You are fine with that. Till the moment, you find a new weapon, without a fancy receiver and you also have no perks. Like seriously. It deals as much damage as throwing a f***ing tin can! Weapons without perks and upgrades absolutely not useable! That was the moment, my mod was born. Better Locational Damage. Developed it now since release and I'm f***ing proud of it. Fallout 4 is now a viable shooter for me. You can use every weapon! Even without perks! Real f***ing headshots and not a "Oh wait, headshots do 2 times damage."! Yes Bethesda! Why you can't f***ing do such a simple thing! And even a f***ing helmet protection that prevents headshots and immediate death (thanks to f4se, i love you guys)! I really wanted to play a raider like character with pipe weapons and such, but it was not possible. You end up with crappy weapons, that can't do anything. Why can't you do that? A RPG should be a game, where you can be everything you want and use everything you want in an effective way. Ofc, pipe weapons are supposed to be weaker, but shooting a bullet should still do a damage, specially when not armored. The crafting system is essential for dealing damage. Its not about crafting your favorite weapon and change your playstyle. There is no difference at all. That was also a major point for me. You walk around, you find a new weapon but you can't use it. To end this post, the player should always have a choice and a chance to try new things. Be what you want, play what you want and have fun! ( I'm still mad, that you can't play a bad character and be a real asshole. A real raider guy. )
  5. Hello, I'm sorry for pointing that out but the head movement while in conversations is horrible. The player looks like a parrot in every conversation. The movements are fast and stopped. I hope, that someday, an animator could fix that and make them more natural and smooth.
  6. You can checkout my Better Locational Damage mod. The FOMOD installer has working patch that fixes those issues. The patch is more or less configured to my mod, but should work for you. I've recreated the part that causes the issues and Nightkins are added as an additional encounter and no longer replace all existing melee SM. Supreme SM are not in, but everything else should work.
  7. There is no chance to do that without scripting and without f4se, high likely. Its possible to create a function to check if the light is on or not.
  8. If you don't want to go into scripting, where do you want to use it?
  9. When you link the crate object to the quest. The crate becomes persistent. Which is bad, because this means its written into the save file. If you do that with a lot of objects, you bloat the save file with unnecessary data. If we now let the quest finish after doing its job, the persistent flag should be cleared? And the data is removed from the save file? Is this correct? How can you align an item with placeatme? Probably not? There are no xyz cords as it seems. I'm looking into creating a new mod and for best practices for adding items into the existing world, like notes etc. For example, placing a note onto a desk with a script. Table.placeatme(Note01) will probably make it spawn under the table in the middle.
  10. Sooo... donation points... Well, i was ... wary and i'm still quite a bit. Because thats what i'm always, when we talk about stuff like that. Always looking for the negative points. Right now, it seems like, there are none. Except the old topics... someone stole my mod... etc. Theft may increase overtime but i trust you guys to handle that well as always. I was surprised, i must say, when i saw my reward for may. Never have thought, that i would get anything. Its really nice to see something return.(Except of donations, of kind users) Modding & money was never a topic for me and never will. Even without anything in return, i'll do what i love, modding and support the community. The nexus is the first site for me to check when i wake up and the last before i go to sleep. Without further words and what i actually wanted to say, before i got lost in my thoughts, Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the answers. I already thought of that what zilav wrote, but was unsure about that. The question is now, why the creation kit does not copy them? And if we should maybe copy them with FO4Edit? @Thirdstorm, np. Its always good to help each other and work together as a community :-)
  12. Well... Todd said "solo" is an option, but its not Single-Player. If you play solo, you can expect to meet groups. Then you have to fight vs 2-5 other people at the same time and they will probably kill you. In most survival games, solo is not an option, once you get out numbered, you are lost. I'm not a bad player and tried many games solo. Arma2(DayZ, all kinds of variations), Rust, Ark, Arma3(Exile) etc... its not soloable. You'll get frustrated and toss the game. And i think there is no story. As there is also no dialog. Some story is maybe probably told with notes and such, but... well.. look at fallout 4, this is how deep it gets. A random note from a random guy, while doing something random and totally not related to anything. I'm not sure if there is anything interessting, except the world/landscape, which looks very good and well made.
  13. Hello, i've noticed a field, that is visible with FO4Edit in the bodypart section, which is called NAM5 Texture Files Hashes and contains Hex code. I've also translated(not everything was readable) the Hex and it says something like [unknown characters]dds [unknown characters]dds [unknown characters]bgsm Its not visible within the creation kit, anywhere. At least i think so. Modifying a bodypart with the CK, does not transfer those values to the new esp!? Why? Has anyone an idea what this could be and is used for?
  14. The only interessting part of this game is the world but nothing else. The complete lack npcs is a big mistake. If this game had some npcs etc, you wouldnt feel lonely when you walk miles and see no one. The building mode is even worse than fo4 and even more simplified. And Performance... Well... It was and is a mess in fallout4. It wont be better in 76.The engine was never made for such things and now they are klling it. I could also be wrong and it works even better, but... lol... No... Best ex. is Arma 3 Exile. Its great, you have missions to do, which are guarded by NPC, which come in different flavours. They can give you a major beating. Those offer good to powerful rewards. They are a major point, as many players will gather there. The building System is better than the settlement System will ever be. A coop fallout4.1 would have been a much better idea. This game will fail, im sure about that. I'll wait for Gopher playing the game and see what he has to say. The only reason to buy it, would be to see if i can load it with fo4edit and the fo4 creation kit and maybe get some meshes textures out of it, to import them to fo4. Ofc, just for personal use...
  15. ^ This I'm not quite sure how your mod works, but there is an exp-health threshold within the game settings. Player needs to deal x% damage before he earns any exp. If you kill them via a script you dont receive any exp. If your chain reactions deals damage, they should die and give exp. Its all about how much damage is dealt (damage over time or explosion effect, what ever...)
  16. Ehm.... excuse me... what!? We have switch statements? Shame on me for not knowing, that there is a compiler that can handle this, lol. Oh gosh! And so much more! Wow... Thanks for pointing that out!
  17. The forum for Fallout 76 would look more like a waste dump, before the actual release of the game. The very minority of people (i guess) has no good words for Fallout 76. And there are actually none. One thing i really would like to see, is to get their assets for Fallout 4, for modders. I dont even care if its Creation Club. If they bring it as DLC like Nukaworld/FarHarbor, i'll buy it. Or just a DLC that adds new NPCs/Creatures (i really want that sloth!) i would also buy it. If the price is fair and only for the whole package. Not the $5, one weapon, crap....
  18. Turning Fallout 4 into Fallout 76? Easy, just remove all NPCs, done. As there is no one left, there is no one that can destroy your home.
  19. If you are going for NPCs, dont use FO4Edit. It may f*#@s up the engine ingame.There is data FO4edit cannot generate like the CK. FO4edit is great for everything else but not NPC/locations etc. There are several possibilities to do that. One would be an explosion that spawns the cute little worm at the location hit. Or make it stick to the player. Which is impact decals.
  20. The creation kit... the creation kit will never change. Its still the same engine, but! high likely, you wont be able to import F76 esm/esps into FO4 CK. But maybe we can steal their objects and implement them for Fallout 4. As this is "illegal" we wont see this on the nexus, but its interessting and i really would like to see new enemies in FO4. Especially that Sloth! I want one! They showed several new things. Specially WEAPON CONDITION. WTF! WHY DID THEY REMOVE THAT FROM FALLOUT 4 WHY!!!! The question is now, if thats a completely new stat, is there a way to enable it for fallout 4? Food rot, well... could be a script and not something hardcoded into the engine. Do able for Fallout 4
  21. Yes, you can do that with InstanceData (requires F4SE) You can get/set keywords to the base object Take a look here https://www.reddit.com/r/f4se/comments/7rps33/how_to_use_instancedata/
  22. Dont know if someone mentioned it but, go to the location where you have low FPS, open the console and type: TPC It should say previs disabled. Then type it again and maybe it says: Enabled. But disabled for this cell. This means you have a mod or ini setting that disabled precombined meshes.
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