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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. Trump won because everyone else failed the American public and they were tired of it. bottom line!
  2. https://www.ted.com/talks/jonathan_haidt_can_a_divided_america_heal#t-1205805
  3. Could the staff please terminate this thread and delete my account. I'm done here, perminately. Thank you.
  4. Can we get back to the topic at hand and stop this redirrection away from something more important than sexist B.S.
  5. I'm very sorry you could not keep to the original topic and then ejected people wishing to discuss the issue with you by your attitude.in dealing with people.
  6. I asked you to treat people the way they treat you. I asked you a question and this is how you respond. I have left it up to the staff to see if your responce is appropriate. I would like to continue discussing things with you, but that is up to you, since you are the only one here who have been unnesesrarily rude.
  7. Sigh... Learn to Internet. I found the original source inside of two minutes. As for the rest of you, I've given proof. I've requested contrary evidence from any of you, and you've failed to provide it. Instead, you're just restating the same false assumption over and over again, and giving each other high-fives after each iteration. First. Please don't degrade others, especially when all you give is a link. We don't need to degrade this into something it need not become. Secondly, Could you please show me the post where you claim to have given evidence. All that I've seen is an assuption and that is far from what I call evidence.
  8. Five stars, my friend. five stars. These places aren't helping out society in any way, but what do you expect from people who shout down speakers who don't agree with them or circulate petitions to get someone removed from a speaking engagement.
  9. I don't think it is discriminatory. As I raised my daughter I explained to her that there were times she would have to face certain things and have to learn to deal with them properly and not hide from them. I agree that there are situations where this safe space would be beneficial, but I do believe it is, at least a temporary measure to an illusion of safe. If you believe in something, or something has happened to you then you should be able to share it and not feel like someone would physically hurt you, you should not have to face pattered abuse. But sometimes you have to learn to stand your ground. We can not always be in a safe zone. I hope that I have taught my daughter how to stand up for herself and her beliefs (even if sometimes that means leaving the conversation or debate.) We can not change people, you can make safe zones, offer information, educate, etc and there will still be those that are against whatever it is that a person is, likes, works at , what have you. Learning how to deal with the world, to me, is a much better thing. Learning to deal and find help if you are not dealing well to learn skills that would help you, is in my mind best. Safe Zones only encourage the illusion and serve to self-segregate and possibly cause even more issues later. If you want a true safe zone then go to support groups, counseling or a psychiatrist. Very well said.
  10. My use of the term is the safe zone and you have not given any proff at all of these, because not all colledge graduates have used them, not even those whose it is that these safe zones were produced.
  11. When did you make that arguement. This entire situation reminds of the fact that the environment inside a capsulized reality doesn't set one up for the realities in the real world. It's like the Captain of the football team being popular in school, but being shocked that the boss on his first job doesn't really care how fqar he ran the ball back.School is to taste test the world. It isn't to give you false hope in a relity that does't exist.
  12. Your arguement is about people who have moved past the very institutions in which these safe zones are designed to inhabit.
  13. Colleges hold the minds of the thinkers of tomarrow. You talk cradle to grave but we are talking the formative years where people learn who they are and where they fit into the world around them. I'm not talking where they fit socially, but where their tallents and desires are leading them. The most important thing is understanding who they are and developing the skills to inshrine themselve in the world they grow up in.
  14. You are talking about graduates and adults who have already left school and have had the benefit of the school of hard knocks. when we are talking about a relatively new idea that has yet to be implimented. It goes to highlight the differences between progressives and liberals. Progressive what solutions that will work well for as many as posible. Liberals want to champion ideas that for the most part are shoved down the noses of those less capable with dealing with them. This safe haven is a liberal idea that will in effect make their work and the work of the progressive movement far less attainable because those who these institutions are created for will not aquire the skills they will need to carry our work foreword.
  15. Let's not mix apples with oranges. The ability to tak a dump where you please is worlds away from the ability to debate and stand your ground when you know you are right. Do you want to be old and retired when one of these special little snowflakes goes up against a Donald Trump-like personality who is trying to take your benefits away from you?
  16. It is everyone's concern when the the ability of the younger generation to express themselves in a manner that will defend themselves and those growing older and those growing up behind them. Do you really think that those voices whofought for gay marrage and equal rights were protected from the opinions and attitudes that they found so reprehensibile. We are talking about an entire generation of kids that are going to fall apart and have tantrums because they won't know how to deal with adversity..
  17. Ok, I thought we could get in a discussion about safety but I see your point
  18. http://myfox8.com/2016/09/22/pedestrian-hit-killed-on-u-s-52-in-winston-salem/ This happened last night while I was heading up that way. The road was shut down as the investigation and recovery proceedures were carried out. I'd like to ask everyone of you to please pack clothes that have reflective parts on them or a lamp or lantern that can easibly seen with you, when you drive. I don't know why this person was out late at night on a unlite highway, but he was and the lack of visability cost him his life. After decades of driving over the road, I've seen the remnants of many wrecks that I just knew no one survived. I hope against hope that I was wrong in that assumption, but I've seen too many unrecognizable hunks of metal that was surly a vehicle only a short time ago. If you are driving, please us a hands free device and even then, put your contacts on speed dial. Please don't text or accept any when driving. Don't drive when you are angry, in a hurry or when you are tired. Nothing is worth your life of the lives of others.
  19. http://myfox8.com/2016/09/22/pedestrian-hit-killed-on-u-s-52-in-winston-salem/ This happened last night while I was heading up that way. The road was shut down as the investigation and recovery proceedures were carried out. I'd like to ask everyone of you to please pack clothes that have reflective parts on them or a lamp or lantern that can easibly seen with you, when you drive. I don't know why this person was out late at night on a unlite highway, but he was and the lack of visability cost him his life. After decades of driving over the road, I've seen the remnants of many wrecks that I just knew no one survived. I hope against hope that I was wrong in that assumption, but I've seen too many unrecognizable hunks of metal that was surly a vehicle only a short time ago. If you are driving, please us a hands free device and even then, put your contacts on speed dial. Please don't text or accept any when driving. Don't drive when you are angry, in a hurry or when you are tired. Nothing is worth your life of the lives of others.
  20. My way of thinking is this is much more sinister than just coddling people. It's giving them a pocket universe where they can hide from reality. It's placing them where they don't need to thik outside the box to work things out, so when the a situation arrises they will need help coping, which elites and their cronieswill be happy to ablige. Suddenly we has college educated people who can't deal, one of one with someone who thinks different from them In steps the authortarian elitests, to make things all warm and coxy and these people wll be the one;s tha keep these people in ccice. A great investment of preserving one's own job, Don't yo thing?
  21. http://www.gayalliance.org/programs/education-safezone/safezone-programs/ Does these places, help or hinder peoples ability to assimulate? Do they remove people from the experiences they will need to interact with society in a meaningful manner? Does these havens give those people, whom they are designed to accomodate a faulse sense of security or isolation that was once called "Staying in the closet?" I'm talking about the kids who are now growing up and sometimes not so sure of themselves. Shouldn't they learn the people skills and by interaction learn to deal with ignorance and hatrid, as well as gaining knowledge of those people beyond their comunity that will actively support them?
  22. Real magic comes from open honest and sincere compassion. (It transforms everything in a blink of an eye and costs nothing more than a little bit of time and effort.
  23. - Women have had it rotten? Overall I would say women have had it pretty good. Sure you could come up with some examples from various time periods where bad stuff happened..but why is that blame put squarely on all men's shoulders, rather then a statement that humankind is inherently evil/ flawed or better yet holding said individual(s) responsible for their actions? man with 3 girlfriends = stud & woman with 3 boyfriends = flirt? Simple; A key that opens multiple locks is a master key, a lock that is opened by many keys is a crappy lock. - Finding a good servant is hard to come by, especially now. Besides what ever happened to cheerful service. Everybody works for somebody in someway. - Historically it has been and continues to be the male's job to fight when needed, and the job tends to get easier if you can enjoy it or aspects of it. Also male jeering and joking is part of male bonding...you either get it or you don't. Also in the event of war, the loss of males was minimal compared to the loss of a female. You have 20 women and say 5 men, you could make civilization work, but if you had only 5 women and 20 men the odds are not in your favor. As for fighting women arousing men...I'll chalk it up to curiosity and surprise, they may sleep together, but I wouldn't bet money on them forming a family unit. - I don't know where you got that % "fact" about women losing money because they aren't the "breadwinner" but if its from some feminist website and can't be found elsewhere its dubious. As for a % of money being taken from your paycheck its called taxes, and social security which everyone has deducted and no one likes to pay. I don't respond to someone cherry picking bits and pieces of a larger post, in order to cast it's meaning in the light they wish it to be in. I don't have an anti male or anti right agenda, so if you want to fabricate an opponent for your conservative viewpoint, I suggest you start up your own thread and not try to derail mine for your purposes. If you would have paid attention, you would have seen that my post was against the Government trying to victimize women by forcing them to accept transgender male to females entering their bathrooms. That's why I put the piece you cut out to pound your chest in my particular direction. It was to state that women have had it bad. It wasn't to blast men and I defy you to show my where I did. Flipping partisan crap! - Weather you have an anti male and/or anti right agenda is not what I was trying to illustrate. I focused on that segment precisely because I wholeheartedly disagree with what you stated there and now that I have clarification as to your main point was... it doesn't help your point of forced govt victimization of women. Precisely because the govt has not forced the victimization of women at all. The whole section in which you claimed women had it bad wasn't forced down our throats by the govt saying women are victims, it has been groups of women that craft the victim narrative and then run to the govt to solve their problems, weather those problems are legit or fabricated. the govt being opportunistic for the chance to get involved with everybody's business had no problem white knighting. - Now as to your point that the govt is forcing victimization by overriding the female's right to safety in order to placate the trans gender's right to identify as man/women and using said restroom facilitates, that is true. There are many women who don't like the fact that any man can now claim they are transgendered and use the women's restroom. However, the current trend of social justice and political correctness, and the atmosphere it has created has lead to your particular point. I am not trying to hijack your thread or cherry pick, and perhaps I'll start my own thread as its quite a lot of info to go thru. However you can't say women have had it bad and imply they have been victims for years, and then get flustered when women are treated as such. The reason there is conflict at this junction with the normalization of Trans people and the clash between women is that there is a hierarchy in the left and women ( unless they are in the feminist class) will be pushed aside in favor of the gays and/ or transsexuals (as both are part of the LGBTQ community). Which is what you see happen in regards to your point of "forced" victimization of women. This site breaks it down very simply Long winded...yes, but the point I'm getting at is that this debate that you started is not a simple black and white, nor is it simple in scope. Its all connected and its a long rabbit hole. http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag55/BrokenCycle3434/f3285173703b1c3121fab7476624797e243b25ca0bfa80bfb3a6e27bfe45e81e_zpsjc7fz7wx.jpg Side Note: In regards to several other commenters that get the impression that your replies come off hostile...it could just be how they would interpret what you typed as if you had said it to their face. I know tone etc is impossible to tell over the internet, but they may have a point. My last statement stands. If you wish to discuss your points please do so in another thread. Thank you. As for others claiming me being hostile, I offer you the same olive branch. Please give me examples and we'll talk.
  24. Please stop trying to goad people by characterizing other people's rejection's of your ideals as hostility and then repeating the process without giving examples. Your last post was simply dripping with sarcasm which doesn't elevate the conversation at all. If you think that I have in any way been hostile to you, I would hope that you would give examples of this hostility, so I can address the situation there and then. To date you have not given me the benefit of a doubt and that is the real causality here. Not you or me, but the conversation at hand. You start demonizing others and suddenly no one is discussing anything . I am not perfect and I don't claim to be. If I have wronged you in some way, show me where and I will apologize to you on the open board or talk to you about my style here.
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