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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. Or the Scapegoat (candidate). Upon whom they all write notes describing their guilt and shame (promises and bribes), then they tie the notes on the goat's body (campaign adverts promising change, jobs, and money for the poor) and send the scapegoat out into the wilderness ( 50 states; 49 states the candidate is not from.) There is a light in the abyss. Every child faces the darkness each time they are taught behavior that is incorrect. The light is as small as a seed and grows as it shines on those who praise their children for good that they did. Today someone gave their child their due, by praises for the child instead of rue, now the parent began as their guide, and gave their child a sense of pride. What I was talking about was hate. People tend to personalize their actions as if that which they do is justified by what they are trying to accomplish. Hate is hate and it doesn't mater to whom it is from or to whom it is dirrected. Hate is ultimatly just as destructive to either and it is never justified. The situations we get ourselves into or find ourselves in that is beyond our control will never be effectively countered by hate, because hate takes on a life of its own and consumes those who let it control them. People can and do become addicted to hate because of our ability to delude ourselves into thinking it's use benefits a moralistic ideal. It destroys rational thought, objectify and in the end it consumes the very person itself. It serves no purpose other that deminsh humanity back to that of the stone age.
  2. You are asking me like I was one of those who voted for or against something. Those on the right expected the republicans to stand in the way of what President Obama was trying to do. As for my understanding of President Obama, he didn't go far enough with much of what he was trying to do. It is to them that we owe the present situation, because a lot of what President Trump was saying, particularly against the establishment Republicans was what they wanted to say to them. I've said this before and I'll say it again. President Trump was a protest vote against what the right called wishy washy republicans in office.Just look at who he targeted outside of those he was running against. The first person that cokmes to mind was Senator Mc Cane. For a long time much of the right called him a RINO, because of his stances on things. He was just as much red meat as the Republican darling brother of George Bush.
  3. I've seen worst posts by people who hate the perceived hatred of others so much that they actually become haters themselves and are so dedicated to the destruction of the target of that hatred that they will believe almost anything anyone else says about that person. as long as it is negative. They actually become the face of hatred and in doing so they push people away instead because hatred is so toxic. I think Friedrich Nietzsche said it best when he wrote “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
  4. I don't know about raising the bar. More like raising the anticipation levels of those who back you. The flash and the glitter are equally shared by President Trump and Representative Cortez, but would they hold much of that at all if it weren't the hype coming from the media at every turn. I think neither the Republicans nor the Democrats will be unchanged after President Trump leaves office. I don't think their perspective constituents would allow them to do so. I would be surprised if either side will not slit off from the core establishment of both parties. The juviniles on either side have had a taste of power and influence and I don't think they will stand for something, they would call weak. The one thing about ideology is that there is always someone out there who will always think that they have better convictions than those around him and they are the ones who will lead us all into their brand of the promised land.
  5. What's this about dreams? Was it the person or was it the time and date that provided the impetus for everything to come together. Would President Obama have been elected if it not for the situation the country was in because of The War on Terrorism? Would President Trump been elected if it were any other time in American history? Ideals are simply that, Ideals and there have been less impressive ideals that have come to fruition in Americas past. We once imprisoned Americans of Japanese descent for merely being Japanese. We once had a Senator that had the power to destroy the livelihood of everyday citizens by the name of Mc Carthy. We once had a organization of millions called the KKK. The right, in America held sway in this country that was nearly impenetrable, but with the emergence of the counter culture of the late fifties and sixties, that began to crumble. The left learned that so well that today it is they that have become so authoritarian that people are actually afraid to speak their minds, lest they be misaligned as something deplorable. The more I think about it, it is independent thought and original ideals that is on trial today, judged by those who haven't had an original idea since being indoctrinated into the proper way of thinking. Wow! You picked the right stuff. Independent thought with original ideas, on trial today. Yes! That's likely what those judging all the rest of us are doing. I just hope you have a good nights rest, and feel refreshed enough in the morning to sort through your self examination and write down your ideas so you don't have anything you think they need to judge of your own ideas later. I hope you will be enlightened enough to know what independent and original ideas they might be judging you for, if they should knock on your door and hold court for yours. Are you missing the point about debating. Much of these posts are about making our opinions known and letting others take a swing at them. If you are going to take me seriously then I will take you seriously. If not then I will just ignore the sarcasm in hopes that you have something more profitable to say. If you are wondering, I'm not above being full of crap. I just want people to do so through debate. That's why we are here, are we not.
  6. Well, I can see parts of the military defecting even if the Generals say they'll back the government. But what I am saying is that the country is so polarized that many would welcome the government stepping in, just as long as the right party is in power and they've scapegoated the opposition effectively enough to gain their support. Just look at the situation today. President Trump got in under a protest vote. The next President will do the same, seeing that from all I've heard, all the hopefuls have placed getting rid of President Trump high on their agenda. Heck, look at the uproar about the Electoral College. Do you think those who initiated that would have done so if their person was in the White House.
  7. What's this about dreams? Was it the person or was it the time and date that provided the impetus for everything to come together. Would President Obama have been elected if it not for the situation the country was in because of The War on Terrorism? Would President Trump been elected if it were any other time in American history? Ideals are simply that, Ideals and there have been less impressive ideals that have come to fruition in Americas past. We once imprisoned Americans of Japanese descent for merely being Japanese. We once had a Senator that had the power to destroy the livelihood of everyday citizens by the name of Mc Carthy. We once had a organization of millions called the KKK. The right, in America held sway in this country that was nearly impenetrable, but with the emergence of the counter culture of the late fifties and sixties, that began to crumble. The left learned that so well that today it is they that have become so authoritarian that people are actually afraid to speak their minds, lest they be misaligned as something deplorable. The more I think about it, it is independent thought and original ideals that is on trial today, judged by those who haven't had an original idea since being indoctrinated into the proper way of thinking.
  8. Except for a certain Supreme Court decision....... Well, lets look at this a bit. The insurgents in afghanistan most certainly are not as well armed as our military, yet, they control just as much territory today, if not more.... than they did when we first invaded. It's called "asymmetric warfare." And our military has demonstrated that they simply aren't very good at it. And that is fighting against a bunch of fractured groups, all fighting for different reasons, with inter-tribal/clan issues as well. They don't always cooperate, yet, they are still a reasonably effective fighting force. Here in the US, if it came right down to it, the army would be fighting against a LARGE group of 'insurgents', all with the same goal in mind. There would be a sniper in every window, and no road would be safe for them. They wouldn't be able to tell who was an enemy, and who was a friend, until the shooting actually started. They wouldn't be able to go to the latrine without taking casualties. And then there is the whole Posse Comitatas act, that essentially forbids the use of the armed forces, against american citizens, on american soil. Getting around that little bit of legislation would be difficult, if not impossible..... Look at the Patriot act man. All this talk about legislation, when we all know that when people are scared, the government can step in and pass just about anything and label it national security. They can call out The National Guard and say the regular Army is supporting them. Heck, when John Brown took over that facility down South, wasn't it Robert E Lee who lead some regular military types to take it back?
  9. The first step on that race to the bottom, is disarming the public. Remove any chance of them being able to fight against what you are trying to shove down their throats. I am no fan of guns, but I see no reason to demonize them as some people;e do. It seems the anti-gun lobby always goes after the NRA, as if it was the ultimate prize. Guns are too much apart of our culture and are glorified almost constantly in the entertainment industry. The only way they can truly effect gun ownership is to get to the kids at an early age and indoctrinate them with the mindset that guns are useless.tool for the ill informed. These people who want to fight the quote/unquote GOOD FIGHT against the mean old NRA are allowing them to wave the victim card, while claiming to uphold a divinely given right. You work on the young who would be future NRA members and you remove support. You remove support, you reduce the membership and in so doing, you diminish their power in congress. These people who call the right cowards for not standing up to the NRA are really talking about taking on those NRA members who are their constituents. Depending on the percentage their are of these in someones district, such a thing could be suicidal. I remember hearing about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling out some of the more moderate Dems for not voting along party lines. She supposedly said she would have them primaried by her followers. I don't think she realized that that those who voted that way might have been following the will of those who put them in office. I don't know if she took that into account at all. This idea of taking out politicans, by flooding their primaries with voters who come from outside the distric, in order to take them out has been tried before. I remember when that was tried to remove Joe Lieberman after his vote on the Affordable Care Act, i think. Well, they did take the primaries, but he ran as an independent and won the seat handily. You can do a great deal in Washington and get away with it, but you can't run against those who vote you into office and expect to stay in office.
  10. The more I look at it, the more I remember the words of Rahm Emanuel- Never let a good crisis go to waste. I submit that those who drive the agendas of either side drive their goosestepping minions into such a frenzy that they actually endanger the internal security of the country and the Government steps in to quote/unquote protect the peace. It would be The Patriot act on steroids and the only ones loosing would be the average citizen. What we laughingly call freedoms. these days would be drastically curtailed and we would end up having the delusion of democracy even more degraded. It has all the trappings of a cheaply made movie, but with a good percentage of the country listening to these mind numbing Reality Shows or surgically attached to the number of likes they get on their last Facebook post, I haven't got much hope in the electorate turning this thing around.
  11. I think in order to be able to elect such a person we, as a country would really need to look deeply into what we value and as a people. Look at what we idealize and what we reward. It seems we reward physical pursuits far more than the intellectual. Just look at what we pay our football players as opposed to the academics that are trying to educate the next generation. We talk about building a wall to keep out the drugs, but it was our own pharmaceutical companies that created the worst wave of addictions we've seen in modern times. Even then it is our drug money that is being sent across the Southern border that I think gives these gangs the wherewithal to persecute the very people who are showing up on our borders, looking for asylum. We haw and peck at each other about allowing them entry or not when we should be looking at ways to remove the threats these people face in their own country. I mean, I don't think anyone suddenly wakes up and says to themselves. "Hey I have 30 minutes before I make breakfast for my family, Why don't I get everybody together and walk 1000+ miles across a desert." Why don't the rest of the world build a wall to keep us in. We are having so much fun feeling magnanimous about our supposed roll in the world, when we were the ones to give ourselves that roll. We just steamrolled over everyone else with the crucible of our economy and forgot to work on our own whacked out selves before we decided to work on others. We didn't help, we bribed. We addicted the world with our quote/unquote foreign aid and then when we were displeased with someone, we used the UN to sanction the heck out of them. We need to want to have representation that does fall into the entertainment genre previously occupied by the World Wrestling Federation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WWE Sorry- rant over.
  12. Its called Confirmation Bias. You have a desire to portray something a certian way so you engage in behavior to reinforce that belief. Its a tool of a weak and illogical mind. I can see that. I don't know who coined the phrase, but I would agree that we get the government we deserve, because I think so many people vote more against one candidate than they do for one. I think that is why we have the President we currently have in the White House. I think the rhetoric he was lambasting the Republicans was what those who voted for him, because of that rhetoric, did so because those were the words they wanted to use against them. I think that President Obama scared the crap out of the right and they blamed those representing them for not standing in his way. I think the American public needs to educate themselves on the way their government works and stop demanding it become their own personal wishing well.
  13. There is no need to regret anything. Ideas have always parented other ideas. It has always been so and we would not be so advanced technologically without that spark. I just wish our wisdom in using what we've accomplished equaled or exceeded that advancement. The real issue with that evolution includes the the process of human interaction. In this era of instant gratification, backed up by the ability to insulate and isolate ourselves with like minded people via the internet has created a perfect storm of delusionalism that is much too intoxicating for some to give up. In a nutshell they have become addicted to patting themselves on their backs and the comfortably warm bubble elitism creates around them. As far as tribalism,I would go a step further and put forth the idea that it goes further than tribalism and into the realm of being a quasi-religion with self image being the deity worshiped. Those that agree with their ideals only feed this image and the more it is fed the more intense the response when it is challenged. That's why, I think we are seeing so much violence in our politics. That being said the we could really, really use a less vocal President. His antics have brought politicians down to the same level they deserve to be by the sheer volume of their inactivity to benifit anyone other than themselves.
  14. This has nothing to do with anyone here. I don't know anyone and I'd rather meet people face to face than 1000's of miles away hiding behind an avatar. But can I put this foreward and ask those willing to respond to please do so. Thank you. Why is it that so many caricatures almost always emphasize the negative aspects of those being scrutinized. I would imagine if the majority of people who look down their noses at others would scrutinize themselves in the same way, wouldn't be so susceptible to the false praises of those wishing to indoctrinate them in their own ideology. Those Republicans and the Democrats who are so full of themselves are so full of something else they need to wipe their mouths with toilet paper and brush their teeth with Preparation H.
  15. Why is it that people look at government when we should be looking at ourselves. The greatest human flaw is our ability to delude ourselves into believing in the benevolence of our own ideals over the malevolence of our opponents in such a degree that most are unwilling to see those on the other side as anything other than evil. Trump was a protest vote, as much against the standard republicans as it was against the changes President Obama brought into the country. I don't think either party will exist as it has in the past post Trump, but it is the left that has shown the face of hate, far more than it has ever been able to convince anyone other than, maybe themselves of the hatred in the Trump administration. I would never vote for President Trump, but I would not vote for any one of those who stand on the left because they are more about getting rid of President Trump than they are of fixing the country, I'm not looking for a savior to free myself from Donald Trump. I'm looking for someone to fix our country and I think the only person that will be able to do that is the person who would have the courage to tell those who voted for him to sit the flip down and shut the flip up, because they aren't as sacrosanct as they think they are and they darn sure aren't as wise as their pundits say they are for believing a certain way.
  16. Good old Talibama Christian Ol' Sharia Law for the people. Talibangelicals and the Republicans they vote in, have completely lost their minds. Why are you bringing religion into this ?
  17. Pro-choice is just another sugar-coated phrase those who support this ideal have come up with to make this stance sound more palatable. It's a shell game with words, which in itself shows the inability of those on the pro abortion side of fence to even be honest about their own ideals. It's the removing of something that is not desired at the present time. You can demonize or exult the action and or what lead up to this action all you want but the responsibility lies with they who have brought about this situation. Fault or intentions are irrelevant when it comes to taking care of a situation that those evolved are in. Resolution is a process of weighting the options and determining a path. If another party wishes to step in and interfere than that party needs to step up to the plate with an offer that would make the experience beneficial to the person or persons enduring what needs to be done to satisfy all parties . If not then they themselves are not being as responsible for their actions as they claim others should be. There is an old saying that once you save a life you are responsible for that life. I couldn't care less about the politics involved, If the fetus had a vote and a voice outside the womb the politicians would treat it like the plague. The two sides of this issue stand on their own ideals which they should uphold in their own lives and leave others to determine the coarse of their own actions.
  18. kvnchrist

    RIP Stan Lee

    One of the many tragedies to have befallen the entertainment industry, Stan Lee of Marvel Comics fame died Early today.
  19. The one thing that gets me is some peoples idea that maturity and discipline is two things that can only be personified by pursuits other than gaming. How you relax and how you unwind is a personal choice that doesn't reflect anything other than your personality, I think that this idea that you need to be more quote/unquote, productive in your off times is a product of a work ethic that has been taken too far by people who take themselves too seriously and is indicative of a constipated mind that is both full of themselves as well as other bodily excretions. I have a brother who pretty much thinks this way. He is buying a home and has two pickup trucks, a car for his wife, a motorcycle for himself and an rv, which he can only use one at a time and spends just about every dollar he makes to keep up with the payments on these items. He spends much of his recreational time taking care of these toys and swilling beer. I am single and am also buying a home. I have one car that I am also paying for and live a life that is far less grinding since I am making a life with what I have rather than making a living paying for those things that are far more acceptable to those who believe materialism equates to prosperity.
  20. kvnchrist


    Has anyone ever thought that Presidents Trump and Obama was a symptom of a problem instead of a problem, itself. People can argue fuss and fight about this imagery of left vs: right, so that the media can follow us around like scavengers, nit picking the various naughty exploits of those who will use any instance to justify their need to become a spectacle. The media is the entertainment service for those so full of themselves that they would rather hear of the quote/unquote despicablity of others than make a concerted effort to make things better for everyone. The two party system in this country has created an atmosphere where either party can carve out their own mindless minions to goosestep after the cause of the day, their leadership throws out in front of them like a piece of meat in front of angry dogs. This serves our deep seated desire to pat ourselves on our backs and sneer at those on the other side, because we have all pretty much made up our minds to the characters of those we only recognize as being a left or right, Democrat or Republican. The politicians know that well and use it every time they can when they decide which issue they want to use or what personality to toss out in front of their constituents in an attempt to demonize the opposition. That way the politicians can promise anything and get away with it, because when they don't deliver they can always blame the opposition and take the attention of those who vote them into office away from them. The real issue in this country is not wither you call yourselves a Democrat or Republican, but why don't we refer to ourselves as American first and foremost. My conclusion is that America has ceased in the eyes to too many people in this country and has become an ideal that needs to be, either adhered to firmly or reforged into a preconceived image. The word freedom has become so so rigidly subjective in the minds of so many people there's not enough room to instill the idea that freedom is a thing needed to be used responsibly and not bludgeon others with. When we forget that we open the door to demagoguery and the politicians are ready, willing and able to take full advantage of that open door. This has been our legacy and we have allowed our leaders to grow complacent in the confidence that they could continually pit us against each other and really not do or say anything meaningful that would jepadize that cushy little chair they park their butt on in the houses of Congress. President Obama was voted into office for the same reason that President Trump was and that is because their voters saw them as the best hope to change the system that has brought government to a standstill as far as doing anything convenient for those people who don't have enough money to pay their way into being listened to by the political elites who hold the puppet strings of he or she whom resides in the oval office.
  21. I think I modded a little too much and have turned all the non-companion npc's bodies to what looks like they are covered from the neck down in shiny blue plastic. Does anyone know, outside of completely deleting the entire game and re-installing it, how I can bring back their skin? Thank you in advance.
  22. Is it the web site or the people coming to these sites that feel the need for the like/dislike buttons and if it is the membership, what does that say about them? Is a like button an acknowledgement of the person's opinion or is it an acknowledgement of the poster personally? If a member places undue value on their posts being liked, wouldn't that tempt a person to alter their opinions in a way that will bring them more likes and by doing so eradicate the person they are for a personality they are not?
  23. It's an issue of prejudice. People talk about gamers spending hours alone on a computer, but in the same breath they speak about people who spend all day long, sitting in a boat, with a fishing line n the water. They call that being a sportsman as they see the fact that a person outmaneuvering a fish requires more skill than outmaneuvering several human opponents in a alternate reality. People, in groups go to a movie and a diner and spend more money to be entertained for 3-4 hours than a game costs, that sometimes gives hundreds of hours of entertainment. Go figure.
  24. This is not feminism. It is about ideology. It is about the inability to put things into perspective and surgical attack the abuses that some in society have become accustomed to.
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