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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. <br>
    <br>Piracy was high even before DRM. DRM was invented to temporarily stop it. Yes I said temporarily. A DRM is successful if Pirates can't crack so or so game for a period of time making gamers that usually pirate go buy the game. This is to increase their sells. People may say that Piracy doesn't affect sells, it does actually. Also consoles have pirated games as well. But its more their security feature they have to make it playable. I HATE Piracy. Main reason why many of my favorite used to be PC games are going console and dumbing down the games. (Not only reason but the most Major factor of it.) Also the whole argument that a company is rich I don't need to pay them they are pigs or whatever is Stupid. If a Developer doesn't get sells up like they can they most likely won't make the next game of it and can get some real loses closing down certain IP's or such for expense. If Skyrim for example was Pirated heavy they might just go Console only. I'm sure everyone here would utterly hate that. As I said Consoles can have have Pirated games but there is too many things that sway people away from it.<br><br>As for that link maybe I should go to a Pirate site and post a link to a Virus or something (Joke of course that would be going as low as them.) But seriously I wish people would search "Piracy and its disadvantages" so more would think twice about Pirating seriously. As for Cracks my Patent Lawyer friend buys a game then uses a crack only for not having to have the game in the Drive. That is one feature that is good about Steam once installed I no longer need to put my Disc in the Drive. Cracks are a grey area cause they can be used for reasons like just not wanting to put the Disc in. But since those dumb Pirates had to make them bad like that it's not an area I like, cracks are now a "Stranger Danger" for me. I don't use them. But still they were creating by Pirates  for Pirates, Cracks are dirty. No Pun intended.<br>
    Yes but what about affordability and being competitive beyond making profit and shareholders? I want the next game to come out sure, and of course it's expensive industry, but if you really want people to buy you have to take a hit in the sales department. You can make money through cheaper retail cost. I will buy the game full price of course, but what of those who want the game but their budget doesn't allow for them to get it? They have to wait a longer period for the price to drop. <br><br>I know it's off topic, but it's a good alternative to fight piracy as well, as I know people who would rather download a game then pay full price, because of something as stupid as it being a single player only... <br><br>Sadly this is the new trend of gaming. Along with stupid things like pay for online with sports games and such(not naming any companies, but I'm sure you know who I mean), or paying for content you already have on the disk. Companies will make their money hand over fist, in anyway they can. We don't live in a "fair" world. People invest in games because they want to see large income return. That's the only reason. So of course steamworks and such are good things to show investors, put them at ease about their financial investment.<br>
    <br><br>Actually for most that have this way of thinking your are like "Only once its a good game and this will be the only time." But many do it after it because they see that they don't have to pay anymore. Sadly it's the truth that many enter piracy for one time but end up doing it multiple times. To many it is basically an addiction in a way. Some don't do this but many do. I have a friend that I argue about with Pirating. He first started off saying I want this game but don't have the money and said he would pay everything later. Turns out he still is Pirating and has already pirated many things. The idea of I will pay for this later if I like it or such doesn't hold up. The average Pirate probably a years steals over $400 I'm willing to guess more but this is my estimate as I can't find facts. I would so closer to $1000 or more. But if you have the money now what makes you think you will have it later upon you steal more. It is basically a debt you say you will take care of but you can't. If you don't have the money don't steal it plain and simple. Wait for a party or something at least that you could get it. If you have parties that is. Still third world countries don't have benefits of computers. (A very rarity of them do.) At least you have the benefit of getting a computer. And people like pirates use the money excuse for reasons that in my opinion are invalid. Basically if some in the Third world countries wanted a computer it will be hard. They would have to steal. But in reality they have more things to worry about like food. The ones that at least have the ability to have a computer are far more "lucky" (Putting religious term aside "Blessed".) than those that don't. You should be thankful. Not trying to be mean but as I said there are people far worse off than those that can't play games. Heck most of them haven't seen a game less alone ever heard of the term game in their life for such stuff. (Not talking about Tag or something I guess it would be better to say Video Game.)
  2. Piracy was high even before DRM. DRM was invented to temporarily stop it. Yes I said temporarily. A DRM is successful if Pirates can't crack so or so game for a period of time making gamers that usually pirate go buy the game. This is to increase their sells. People may say that Piracy doesn't affect sells, it does actually. Also consoles have pirated games as well. But its more their security feature they have to make it playable. I HATE Piracy. Main reason why many of my favorite used to be PC games are going console and dumbing down the games. (Not only reason but the most Major factor of it.) Also the whole argument that a company is rich I don't need to pay them they are pigs or whatever is Stupid. If a Developer doesn't get sells up like they can they most likely won't make the next game of it and can get some real loses closing down certain IP's or such for expense. If Skyrim for example was Pirated heavy they might just go Console only. I'm sure everyone here would utterly hate that. As I said Consoles can have have Pirated games but there is too many things that sway people away from it.


    As for that link maybe I should go to a Pirate site and post a link to a Virus or something (Joke of course that would be going as low as them.) But seriously I wish people would search "Piracy and its disadvantages" so more would think twice about Pirating seriously. As for Cracks my Patent Lawyer friend buys a game then uses a crack only for not having to have the game in the Drive. That is one feature that is good about Steam once installed I no longer need to put my Disc in the Drive. Cracks are a grey area cause they can be used for reasons like just not wanting to put the Disc in. But since those dumb Pirates had to make them bad like that it's not an area I like, cracks are now a "Stranger Danger" for me. I don't use them. But still they were creating by Pirates for Pirates, Cracks are dirty. No Pun intended.

  3. Publicly traded companies like bethesda really don't have much say over DRM. It comes down to whatever the clueless investors deem "failing to protect their assets".

    Actually, as far as I know, Bethesda is not a publicly traded company. Did you hear that somewhere or are you just assuming it to be true? I checked, wanting to invest in them, and could only find information to the fact that they are not traded.


    I had no idea that they had done some kind of hook up with AMD/ATI until I got my new Skyrim ready system, installed Steam and..."Would you like Steam to update your video drivers?". And I find they have installed a video driver updater programme! Gaaaah! I do not appreciate that!

    Yeah, reset my drivers, too, and I HAVE an ATI card. Problem was, it reset my drivers with card-incompatible drivers and my whole system went 800x600 red/blue/etc. And that made it Very difficult to uninstall the drivers as the systems options windows were Huge and I couldn't see all the buttons, etc. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif


    Thankfully, I had paid attention to the fact that Steam had installed this Catalyst control center, so on that I went and uninstalled what Steam installed, and downloaded from the Catalyst site the version that I needed for my graphics card and got it all working. That was a very hectic hour, though...not fun. Not to say I know a lot about pc's, because I don't, but someone who would have known less in that situation would have been screwed, and screwed precisely in the moment that they would have been expecting to be enjoying their brand-new game. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/nuke.gif


    But other than that (and other than fighting the fact that Steam CAN turn your auto-updates back on, maybe on updates?...), Steam gives me great possibilities in gaming...I live in Italy but I'm American-born. I want my games in English, and Steam gives me this, so yay Steam! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


    Umm the Donating is through Zenimax and they only do large amounts of money if I remember right. the 150 Million dollar investment to Zenimax allowed them to buy Id Software. So maybe with tweaking your search you can find that there are parts in only some ways you can donate.

  4. From GStaff. Quote "It's a very large guide... should be as big if not bigger than our Fallout 3 and New Vegas guides. In general, the game has much more to do than those games"


    Sounds well nice. Is this the guide you can buy about all the factions and all the skills etc?


    Yup the Strategy guide. On all honesty he told me more than I asked. I basically asked if the Strategy was even in production. He basically said the estimation is bigger than the Fallout guides. Along with other things if you see what he is basically saying.

  5. Just rewatched the Skyrim Official Trailer. I noticed something that many have noticed probably. It was the realism feature of the hair being see-able with a helm on. It was in Fallout 3/NV of course. But I do wonder with hair mods for Skyrim I think that it will have the same problem as in Fallout 3/NV that with a head accessory it will probably mess the hair up unless the modder that did the hair has a patch for it. But of course for other Helm mods that will be 100's or 1000's more probably it will mess up on those and there would have to be 100's of patches. What do you guys think?
  6. Umm you guys do realize that Skyrim on the PC at least in America is $60? By the way Jedi BGS said that Skyrim was far easier to make on the 360 than the PS3 or even the PC. Look it up. I mean no offense but BGS said this themselves. It may be from a perspective but other Devs say this too for games that are multiplatform. So I honestly think they not what they are talking about.
  7. i think its agood idea to remove them because there was no use in them, appart from making your character look stupid and run and jump like they had godly powers.


    Thats what I mean .. I think it could be done right with the proper animations and right restrictions but not this time around sadly.. I'm 100% certain the next elder scrolls game will be on DX11 and the next gen consoles since they are sure to work on fallout 4 next and that will take a year or two .. the next gen of consoles is around the corner .. and as good as PC are these days they are still being limited by consoles .. the animations look bad mostly due to the physics they use .. take GTA for example .. but having a complex aniamtion system in an open world RPG like this is to much for this gen of consoles to handle so the epic jumps look weird and floaty .. I could see a better physics animation system work with a super jump


    skyrim has DX11 and it wasnt remove because animations.


    Is it using DX11 though? .. I doubt it .. only a handful of games have .. and I know thats not the only reason it was removed but it was a key reason .. the animation looked silly when the character started jumping to high and to far .. they claim that it was just a pointless skill and made dungeons harder to design for like with the teliport spell .. but even though I agreed with that reasoning earlier in the thread I still see some uses for it .. future more complex titles "fingers crossed" .. more = better


    First of all, acrobatics is there in the form of fatigue. Second of all they never said they removed the stuff acrobatics does. Just like they said with your Fatigue getting higher you run faster. Well there is Speed and Athletics just there. Skyrim will use DX11 in a limited to "all the way form" if I remember right. In other words if your Video Card can't handle DX11 (Mine supports it but lags crazy when I use it as well as the Textures messes up. It is new but even the new Video Cards don't support it all the way. Which is why Devs aren't making DX11 required. If they made DX11 required it would be like making Skyrim use a 64bit exe only. Some still use 32bit OS so they would lose out.) That is all I have to say. I'm trying to eat supper so that is why I'm closing up this statement, though I still have more to say.

  8. Also from that one interview seems like Dogs are companions. Most of us knew that of course. But I remember that joke about that animal that could be a companion. Don't remember it off my head but many thought after that when it was a joke that animal companions don't exist he basically said according to the uploader "Better UI for PC users with a nice and rigged gaming PC, as well as better draw distance and graphics, there are currently 220 perks, dog companions," Dog companions of course so there are more than one.
  9. i remember they first said you would get perks till lvl50 now its lvl70. sounds like you can make some really overpower characters... sweet.

    You get perks every level as far as you can go, which is in the 70s. :)


    I'll be adding the two voice actors as well. :)


    Thanks sent you a message on FB seems it wasn't needed. By the way the actors that were in Morrowind most were in Oblivion as well. But it seems that since they had to change roles since the Compression thing. By the way as far as compression goes. John Carmack himself said that they can fit a Terabyte in one Blueray Disc or two regular DVD's. That is with compression. Also the compression tech they use is very expensive as you can see because it is so advanced. Winrar's compression isn't even close at all to theirs. Which is why it is considered "Cheap". I said "Cheap" because of economic and other reasons.

  10. Is that 100mil estimate based on anything? It doesn't sound far off tbh. Consider GT5 cost 80mil iirc.


    Usually but marketing is almost always done by its by the Publisher if you know what I mean which it is still Bethesda. But say Ubisoft is Publishing something and an independent Developer is Developing it. The Publisher usually does the funding and more. But for the estimation I think that is everything. By the way for those that think that BGS spent their "paycheck" on Patrick Stewart alone (Sean Bean as well.) That is wrong even with the other 30 or 40 they ditched Oblivion would have still been around 20 or 30 Million. Voice Actors in games make far less than movies. But you know why right? It is because the Fame the actor usually gets. games sell far more than movies, which in turn gets the actor recognition. You may say well Patrick Stewart was already famous from Star Trek TNG. But in all honesty he got more famous in the industry and his rating got higher in Oblivion alone than two or three seasons of Star Trek. (The site that said that came up in 2007 it went down though if I can I will try to find another site that says the same thing.) Their manager even says that it is good for them. Look online you will see it even being said from Todd Howard himself. Still funny thing is BGS even said that Max Von Sydow is enjoying the voice acting and has said it looks very interesting.

  11. There are quite a few famous voice actors arnt there.


    That's a bad thing.

    Because they need to pay them more money for almost the same experience that normal voice actors would give.

    And I prefer unknown voices rather then known.


    They are up 80 Million for spending for Skyrim. Total 100 Million.Oblivion took 20 Million if I remember right. Of course it's estimated. But GTA IV took 100 Miliion. You may say well GTA IV had a lot of exterior people getting payed. Well, With the Voice actors and also the tech and stuff they are putting into Skyrim I definitely say it is around 100 Million.

  12. On to something else. Certain journalists say that PC users won't like the interface. They said many wish it went back to the Oblivion user interface. One thing they obviously don't know the PC will be optimized for that (Like using the arrow keys in the menu.) Plus many assume that you can't use the 360 controller. (Not saying everyone will. I will at first until the script editor comes out for Skyrim allowing for more attacks and things to be used on keyboard.) Final thing is people say the Skyrim Strategy guide will be 500 pages. How do they know? I'm sent a message to GStaff on FB to see if I'm right that it might be an estimate for pages or whatever. What do you guys think?


    Edit: Thanks Zaldiir for the Journalists I was talking about, lol. Ah it says used to the mouse. But that seems like saying I don't use a keyboard. Because I am sure the keyboard will be used in the menu. It was underused in my opinion for Oblivion.

  13. You have to remember that this game isn't like Borderlands, for example. If you've ever played the game, you can easily see how their leveling system works. Enemies don't level with you, and it's an open world role playing game, so how do they fix the problem of the game becoming too easy? They simply move quests to different areas of the game. So although it is open world, the game moves you to separate areas of the world. Skyrim, like Oblivion, is different in this way. The only way to keep the game challenging is to have strong enemies, because you're constantly moving from one area to another and back. So enemies need to level with you. But Bethesda knew they had a huge problem in Oblivion with the "sense of accomplishment" as you called it. So they are level locking certain areas of the game when you first go there. "It's hard now, but come back once you're stronger, and you'll do better," is sort of the feeling they are going for. But since you can completely explore this game, Bethesda wants you to be able to encounter challenges each time that you discover a new place, while old places become easier. I for one love this concept, and I think it fits in perfectly for this type of game. Borderlands handled their leveling system perfectly as well. It just depends on the style that the game developer makes the game, and I think Bethesda nailed it this time. But, of course, we will have to wait till we can try the game for ourselves before we can truly decide whether this level scaling system works for this game or not.


    Did anyone watch the making of oblivion video? OMG they were in such a bad spot back then .. 50 or so people .. working in a basment .. didnt know the hardware specs of the 360 .. rushed at every turn .. I think its safe to say Skyrim will be better in every way



    Is news to me. But further tells me (if it's true) that this game is in good hands and Skyrim will for sure kick baby donkey balls.


    If you have an Xbox, go to the Game Marketplace, go to All, and slide over to Top Rated. Three of the five Top Rated Xbox games are Bethesda games. Skyrim at #2, Fallout 3 at #4, and Oblivion at #5. The fact that Oblivion has even kept such a high placement over the years is an accomplishment in itself, and makes me look forward to Skyrim like never before. The only other game I've ever been this excited for was Halo 3, which was a hell of a good game. But if Skyrim is better than Oblivion, which it will be, then I'm going to have trouble doing anything else besides that game.


    Yeah If I remember right Halo 10th Anniversary edition is in first right? But still I think it is an accomplishment for them.

  14. Also another thing this one one gets on my nerves. People are spamming the bethblog twitter (Along with Pete's and the other bethsoft stuff.) because of the Minecraft thing. Many are saying accept the Quakecon match I won't buy Skyrim until you do are you chicken and other stuff like that. It is beyond annoying. I go there for info, not spamming and stupidity for not minding your own business and other stuff. Sure we can wonder but we have no right to tell Bethsoft what to do. They are trying to tell them with threats ie I want Skyrim until you do (Though not much of a threat it still is.) We can give suggestions but should do so in constructive criticism. In reality it is not our business about that lawsuit. It should of never been announced. Oh well.

    That's why "nerds" aren't very socially accepted. Some people can't seem to get the stick out of their rectum sadly. The "internet" generation is very hostile in general. Like a small town of hicks gone out of control lol. (Not to offend anyone, I'm generalizing and joking of course.)


    Don't worry its cool. By the way I had a typo, I meant a Quake III match not a Quakecon match, lol.

  15. Hmm become god-like and kill everything in one hit, that would be boring. While Level-Scaling is fun but it depends on how its done. By the way they have already said other stuff like parts of the world will have enemies that are too dangerous for you character at lower levels.
  16. Also another thing this one one gets on my nerves. People are spamming the bethblog twitter (Along with Pete's and the other bethsoft stuff.) because of the Minecraft thing. Many are saying accept the Quakecon match I won't buy Skyrim until you do are you chicken and other stuff like that. It is beyond annoying. I go there for info, not spamming and stupidity for not minding your own business and other stuff. Sure we can wonder but we have no right to tell Bethsoft what to do. They are trying to tell them with threats ie I want Skyrim until you do (Though not much of a threat it still is.) We can give suggestions but should do so in constructive criticism. In reality it is not our business about that lawsuit. It should of never been announced. Oh well.
  17. I hope face marks and s*** aren't over used on NPCs...


    NPC's I've seen so far Demo or not don't have those. It's an option that Bethesda won't overuse I'm sure. Only these pics do. Also anyone notice that the Dunmer have no eyebrows anymore. They are basically just bone, from what it looks like.

  18. Has this been showed already? Yup I'm pretty sure it hasn't been shown. The detail looks great even the landscape looks very good.http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2011/08/orcmale3.jpg
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