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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. In my opinion my favorite Cuirass type of all time is the Muscle Cuirass. Morrowind had the Muscle Cuirass for The Lords Mail and a few other if I remember. It was my favorite Cuirass I would wear something like that in Vanilla Oblivion even if it has Steel or so Protection. I guess I care more about looks than death, lol. So to my point I hope a Muscle Cuirass like Chestpiece is in Skyrim.
  2. I second it, but I'd like this option to be disponible for everyone and not only Premium members :whistling:


    Yeah it would be nice for those as well but i you think about it, it could flood the site. Maybe a feature like 3 or 5 Max for Regular members and unlimited or so for Premium or something. (Plus the of course limited speed. But everyone knows Premium gets more.)Thanks for comment I've been up all night checking this post, lol.

  3. A big time of my time on the site is talking in the forums. But with so many mods out plus ones there are those that have many different downloads in the mod page itself I get urges to download mods that are interesting and try them out. I remember downloading a mod that was for compilation. It had over 20 parts to download. As you know that can be very time consuming. So what I propose it a system in the download section of mods to be able to check the ones you want to download and ones that you don't want, don't check at all simply. I think it is a good idea but I want other opinions too. Still it will be up to the Admins and especially Dark0ne to see this through and how this would be implemented. That is, should it be accepted. How do you feel about this. This might be a Premium Membership only this because of the sizes of the Downloaded and other things. But still, what does everyone think about this. Please feel free to leave comments on other ways it could be implemented as well besides just my idea. Thanks Community and thanks to Dark0ne and the rest of the Staff for this wonderful site and how it is run. Happy 10th Birthday Nexus.
  4. You guys seem as bad as what your saying about them because you say Bethsoft is stupid and so and so because they sued. Lol it makes me laugh that people can't use resources that are available to them instead of reading one thing of what so and so said and believing it right away. If the court systems was like that Then one side would win with the other that has no chance even if they were justified. Not trying to be rude at all just saying look up the facts before making judgement. to me its like So and So doesn't have this so it will be crappy or whatever. What you guys are doing is being Bias, not looking about Bethsoft side. You may say there is not a Bethosft side of the Story, Todd is very good friends with Notch. Though he can't say anything because his position is like a Barron to an Emperor. Zenimax is the Emperor Todd and his company are Barrons and can't say anything lest less money fore Skyrim as it is Zenimax that funds them. Something like "I like Bethsoft, but they are childish because they sue" is still like a statement in a way that a family is suing someone for murder but The court goes with the murderers side regardless because how the murderer acted upon said court case. Also I am sure that if Bethsoft did do it and Todd hated Notch and had a Hand in it I am sure he would wait after Skyrim. One gives more time for BGS to make Skyrim then release it. If Todd had a hand in it it would slow Skyrim's production as Todd would be there for Legal reasons. Two Sales and relationships with community, this is from a business perspective though. Todd would wait till Skyrim is out then wait a few moths when it has sold a lot then sued. This would make BGS get money (Also since it seems some of you guys aren't pre-ordering some others aren't as well which would hurt sales. If Todd as I said actually hated Notch he would wait after Skyrim has been released or after the last DLC to sue. It would be like EA suing Blizzard for an RPG or so they make later on a few years in the future that resembles Mass Effect. But Bioware is good friends with the ones that made said game but can't doing anything because it would mean retaliation against there Boss Company EA.) I am not trying to offend anyone. Over all I'm a very nice guy, it just makes me made when people read something and they believe it without other proof. That would be like People believing from a news post that said " Japan never got hit by the Earthquake and Tsunami" just because its there and doing no research upon it. People believe stuff like Johnny Depp hated Americans when he is American himself and has said he loved it on TV (Believe it or not this actually happened I read it in 2007.) But there are also those that say Notch is going as bad as Bethsoft by posting this and making himself look innocent even though he posted it for "Tattle Telling" (Not saying I believe this even though it kind of does make him look bad in other ways.) That's all I have to say so please do more research or get info from Bethsoft themselves that said Skyrim's Team and Todd Howard are suing. If I read this from Matt which I trust I'll believe it. (Probably won't say something like that but I need proof that as some think Skyrim's Team is doing this and they could do something about it if they were not.) I Trust Notch too but even he said it is basically Zenimax that did it not Todd and his team. (He says Bethsoft, yes, but the note was from Zenimax as Bethsoft does the lawsuits through Zenimax and they aren't even in control of it. Pete Hines couldn't even do anything let alone Vlatko Andonov who is very nice the Quakecon people like GI's Reiner said he was as well. Still I'm rambling but I think I have a point. Still if anyone is offended by this tell me I'll alter it but what I'm saying is true in the sense that if the Justice system did what you guys did there would be Justice at all.
  5. New info! from a Q&A


    Q: Still wondering about dual wield blocking. It seems VERY silly to not allow the player to block or parry while using two weapons.

    A: Can only do one thing when you pull trigger: block or attack. That's the tradeoff. You don't get the best of all worlds.


    Why did they have to turn TES into a console game? If the amount of buttons really are that limited on a controller that no toggle button can be found that could alternate the function of "pulling the trigger" then maybe they should not be designing games for such a limited and restricted platform.

    If the game had been designed for computers, instead of being mearly a port, then there could have been different buttons for blocking and attacking. Simple solution to a really simple problem, if one is not limited by tiny handheld controls with too few buttons.


    A solution to the problem would be to dissable attacking simultaniously with both swords (if it is even possible to attack with both at once?). Pulling both triggers at the same time would then result in a block, while using them one at a time would result in attacks.

    If that does not work then I think that they really should try and find some button on the controller that could work as a toggle. Example: "LTrigger + RTrigger + X" = block, "LTrigger + RTrigger" = attack with both.


    Pete said pulling both Triggers for Dual Wielding will use both Swords/axes/maces for Power Attack. Also the LTrigger + RTrigger + X = Block thing I disagree. I know it's a different game but Demon Souls had the same way with Dual Wielding no one complained. Yes of course it different but what I'm saying ts the Block thing might be confusing for many you might say no, but in reality it is very possible to mess up said block attack. If they did what you were doing I'm sure they would create something else like X + Y + Downward Direction stick push equals backflip put your weapon in your sheathe and run way. (Not saying that won't be cool for some I'm saying it would get confusing for some much like Fighter Games techniques X+X+X+X+X+Y+.> or so it could become like this. I doubt it but there are other reasons two such as animations if they did this they would have to redo the animation of said block more than 60 times. Why? Because Todd said Each Race and Sex has their own animations for fighting, plus you can dual wield Daggers, Maces, Axes, Swords, I think you get my drift there would be a lot.

  6. Also the base for running might be the same. But Todd also said that Fatigue affects running speed as well as encumbrance. And from the QuakeCon demo it seemed that his 500 Fatigue came in handy he jumped 100 or so feet down and was barely hurt. So from that I can say Fatigue governs Acrobatics and Speed with Athleticism. Also if you noticed Todds character was faster than the Dunmer thief he was chasing even without Sprint but that was little difference. (Speed and Athletics were basically the same, only thing that was different was that running would cause Fatigue disadvantages which would go away at level 100 of Athletics. Seeming how Bethesda showed and explained Fatigue they don't need athletics and acrobatics anymore. Spears would be in-game but Todd said they don't have enough time to put them in. Which leads me to believe they will probably be in a DLC.
  7. I agree with Alcrin, and I hope that your best-case scenario is the reality. I really like the idea of spells having a minimum requirement for usage, and power scaling after that. No more continuously buying the stronger version of the same darn spell!


    Also acceptable would be "upgraded" versions that have higher scaling slopes (skill/3 instead of skill/4 or something) but higher magicka cost, with these bigger versions having a higher skill requirement. Being stuck with a fire stream only doing 6 points per second even at the highest skill level would be a bit lame, even if it is cheap to cast.


    One additional detail that I noticed is that certain numbers in the spell descriptions were in bold, white text (ex: damage numbers for Destruction, Magicka cost for all spells). This seems to reinforce the idea that these values are not fixed, and that they will change based on your character's skill level.


    Or it could just be bolded for the sake of UI considerations: A spell's effect strength and cost are its most important properties, so the user's eye needs to be drawn to them immediately. It makes sense to have them as the most prominent elements whether they're mutable or not.


    By the way, it may interest you that if you looked more closely you'll notice the effect numbers aren't all bolded in white: The color depends on the effect. Fire damage is in red, Shock damage in blue.

    It's probably for certain spell the. Because I know if Detect Life Chameleon and all those had Oblivion's Style. So this in reality is Impossible if Heal and everything like chameleon (The ones that had a different skill level like Soul Trap. Most likely from what your saying is that certain spells like Frost Bite and Frost Rune for example are different levels and do not level because there's different versions of them.) Yes, Friend talked to a BGS that he got to know and added on FB and he said that some spells like Detect Life are like this but some aren't like in the Destruction category. He said they wanted to let you sweep through inventory's faster. If there was still 200 spells in Alteration for example he said that they felt it would be closer to Oblivion's inventory overload. So what he said is what I basically said. Unique spells if you will call them like Detect Life change with their mastery, Spells like Frost Rune or something (Not saying Frost rune is like this just comparing it) won't do that as there are various ones from that.

  8. As I said, speculative, but in the QuakeCon presentation we can see that the mastery level for each spell is still there in the UI. Howard never commented on this, but for now I'm assuming spells have a fixed effect, with skill increases only giving you access to more powerful spells (like in Oblivion). If Skyrim does have evolving magic without mods, though, that's fantastic.


    I rewatched the Skyrim demo the spells level up with your skill it seems. The Detect Life was Adept level and his Character was an Adept Alteration user. So it seems the spell levels with the players skills. Not like Oblivion'y you have to buy another Detect Life for so an so level.

  9. Ooh, something else I just thought of. This one's a little speculative but: Evolving Magic.


    Since custom spells are already cut out, why not just make it so you have a list of spells that get stronger as you raise your skill level in that spell school? Why shouldn't a fireball spell get stronger with you as you level up instead of having to buy new ones?


    This is assuming it's not how the system works already, but I highly doubt it given what we've seen of the magic system so far.


    I'm pretty sure awhile ago they said the more you use said spell the better you get at it (Not talking just skill rising wise, skill rising contributes, but if you use Frost more than Flame your Frost spells will become stronger while Flame spells would stay the same. I think they said if you use Chameleon you get better the more you use it. Would make sense because Bethsoft as you've seen now has only one Chameleon spell (Detect Life also as well as others.) So if you use Chameleon more you get more duration and magnitude. This does fix a lot from Oblivion. (Probably why custom spells are gone now.) In Oblivion you have a minor, Major, Expert, Master and that sort of stuff, this cuts a lot of spells down to one. For example you get Minor Detect Life but later you get good enough for Major Detect life. Why would you still need it? So 85 spells is a lot especially with the 3 different ways to use the spell plus the spell itself going from apprentice to Master in Oblivion's language it will be better.

  10. Nine Divines, Make the haters stop hating. But seriously If I can have a child I want to see that 5 year old going around fighting Dragons and using his Dragon Shouts like Fire breathing out of his mouth (Would look cool, creepy and other stuff.) Note that was a joke I am sure Bethsoft in combat will make the Children got around screaming AHH DRAGONS! KIll it. While some kids might be like. Sweet a Dragon can I pet it Mister. *Bites the "Misters" head off in front of Child scaring the child and runs way saying By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! Turns out the child is the Annoying fans Great Great Great Great Great Grandson. Makes me wonder since the Annoying Fan was so annoying only way for him to have children would be from another Annoying Fan. Which they would create a Legion of Annoying Fanlits and would flood Nirn with everytime you walk you hear it By Azura! Turns out its a Annoying Fan Greybeard. Sorry having fun I will stop.


    But I really wish is that the media can take things more maturely. Thinking games are "Real" but movies aren't and can include many more stuff. That sort of stuff. Fox gets mad at Hot Coffee from GTA but where is the talk about Children watching American Pie and explicit thing like that. Hypocritical if you ask me. People say GTA sells more than that stuff it may be true, but in truth Children do get access to this stuff and it is more than the media and such let's on.

  11. Even the dragon in Witcher 2 was more scary, had a feeling of OMFG RUN! The dragon in Skyrim just meh...


    Whereas in TES games you could run AND jump, thus not being defeated by a two inch incline. Maybe that is where the fear from the Witcher's creatures comes from.....


    Wrong. It's more to do with scripted events, and we all know Skyrim will probably be like Oblivion where all bosses are just like every other creature but with better stats. If the end boss will be anything like Mehrune Dagon it's gonna suck cause instead of screaming my head off I was just oh look it's Mehrune Dagon, hi there!


    This made me laugh "We all know Skyrim will be like Oblivion where all bosses are just like every other creature with better stats." Try telling that to the Journalist such as GI Reiner and see what he says. They got to play Skyrim "without" the Dragons and they still almost died. Secondly there was a Harmony in Skyrim's Trailer where Dragonborn used his shout and it synced with the Skyrim's Theme. I have never felt a chill like that going through my body. (Good chill by the way the type were it is like I want it already it's awesome.) Pre-Vanilla Oblivion (As I called it.) was better than current Oblivion. The old Oblivion could beat WItcher 2 in a lot of things. (Don't get me wrong I love the Witcher Series.) For example Trees moved because of the wind (Which is is Skyrim.) There was one more City called Sutch. Radiant AI was actually Radiant Ai (In other words it acted like they said there was proof in the E3 demo of Oblivion, like the Chorrol book store woman when she went to sleep her Dog was barking and she got mad woke up and casted a fire spell at him. She then said get out I'm not in a good move. This didn't always happen however. Other things did) Arenas in every city. The Oblivion gate was in Kvatch instead of outside a Dremora came out of it he was twice as big as the current Dremora and said "You dare test the might of Oblivion!" then killed the Imperial Legion Captain you followed in one hit. Then went to attack you knocking of 3% of Todd Howard's Health (Which was 10,000 by the way.) it ended with you going in Oblivion and Uriel Septim said "Find him and close shut the Jaws of Oblivion" But they didn't put this in because of Compression Tech sucked then. They said the Audio was more than half of the space on the Disc. 20,000 lines in Oblivion now closer to 40,000 or so before they had to get rid of a lot. It was Microsoft's fault they said no 2 discs allowed (It is now but wasn't back then) So to not make the Console users mad they had to get rid of PC's Oblivion stuff as well. I think you should read more about Skyrim. From what you say you think the creatures aren't going to be hard. Bethsoft says different. The guards (Which if they still had the level scaling they would be 10 levels higher than Todd Howard's Character which was 34 I think and defeated him.) got killed fast so did the Giant they took awhile to knock down health in which the Dragon Killed just by picking up.Todd Howard also said he had to beef up his character before the Demo because one to show moves off and two that Skyrim's combat will be harder and even he might die. I hope my rambling proves the point that Oblivon was and still can be hard and Skyrim will be harder than Oblivion. And not to be rude but I'm sure you know there is a difficulty bar. The Difficulty even on 75% is harder for me than the Witcher 2's hardest mode (I beat it on that by the way it felt more average at best. But I guess that might just be me.) Still I mean no offense but there is flaws in what you say.

  12. Plus the opening was epic Morrowind Music from default (Probably would have still been changed though) The Imperial City had places around it in the Map not sure what there were though. (Maybe Ports.) In the Title of Oblivion in the Middle is Scenery of Destroyed Kvatch and other stuff. And a lot more. If Bethsoft still has all the files. I would wish the release it to the Public after Skyrim comes out. Like in recognition of the sells. Many might not want to play it when they have Skyrim. But as everyone sees (I'll call it Pre-Vanilla Oblivion) it was a lot better there was a lot more in Oblivion. (And it would be great for those that want to see the Lore and other games before (Haha rhyme. Maybe I should become a Bard /sarcasm) it would truly be great for that. You still saw other stuff. Such as moving Trees. Yes Pre-Vanilla Oblivion has Trees that would move with the wind like Skyrim's. There was more as well, but you should see it for yourselves.
  13. I recall reeding somewhere that Bethesda had some sort of data leak and ended up losing almost all of their voice files for Oblivion, thus forcing them to re-record - sometimes with different actors. For those who haven't seen this, the Dunmer in the video still has a Morrowind voice. Even the Imperial he talks to has a different voice :psyduck:



    I am watching all of those, and I am seriously worried.


    Todd said that forests would be dynamic in Oblivion and that the AI would be dynamic as well.


    I want to see a trailer for Skyrim with more stealth, and more direct interaction between two NPCs.


    They won't make the same mistakes, I assure you.


    With Oblivion, they took on too much, and when they worked out that they couldn't do it all in the time frame, they canned a lot of the really good features.


    Plus, the dialogue had to be completely rerecorded, as was said earlier.


    It might of been the time frame but in reality it was the Compression they had to redo the Main Quest and other stuff as well because of that which in cause made more time wasted. If you want proof that the Main Quest from Oblivion was changed before it came out look at the last E3 Demo the Oblivion Gate was in Kvatch itself not out of it. Also Kvatch was more open in the Demo. You meet the Imperial Legion Captain and later when you talk to him in front of the Oblivion gate (Which it was one of those open Dialogues ie those in real time that you can't respond at least for Oblivion.) A huge Dremora forget the name but it was 2x bigger than the other Dremore came out and said "You dare test the might of Oblivion?" and killed the Guard in one hit then went to attack you. You then entered and the Oblivion Logo came up with the Emperor saying "Find him and close shut the Jaws of Oblivion' Either Martin was in the gate trapped (Like what happened to Uriel Septim in Arena.) or you had to close it before Martin in his original pace (Which was as you know the Chapel.) would accompany you. And for Fort Sutch yes it used to be Sutch. Actually as many of you know there are mods that return Sutch as a City.

  14. Actually for those that think Oblivion was dumbed down just because from the E3 2005 Demo are wrong Radiant AI was a lot more than in the now Oblivion (People said it's not that impressive but in reality it is it is just they had to cut a lot of stuff out for which I'll tell you.) I talked to Zaldiir and in truth in the E3 Oblivion there was 4x more armor one more City called Sutch, 2x more people, more weapons, better voices as you have seen and better reactions among other stuff (Such as Arenas in every city Kvatch was destroyed so they could put it there without adding a lot of stuff Todd said this as well). I know why Oblivion is not like this. If you want to blame anything blame the Compression Tech we had back then Oblivion was about 3 times bigger from the E3 demo (Still adding too) they had to cut it out because of the disc space they had with everything there Todd himself said if we had the compression tech we have now when Oblivion was being made he said they could of fit everything plus more. Oblivion on PC was 2 discs before released Microsoft complained (Back then Microsoft wouldn't allow 2 discs, Oblivion could have had everything but Microsoft refused at that time only to change there mind later about other games.) Oblivion total was over 20 GB uncompressed and 12 or 14 compressed (Now it is 4GB compressedwhich means it went down a lot. As you can see compression has went a long way I'm sure a lot of the experienced modders know that.) Skyrim is over 50 GB and compressed is 7Gb or so (But that is a rumor know one knows yet.) As you can see and as I said before compression has come a long way. As you can see from this its obvious why Oblivion had to be "dumbed down" People may ask why not just the 360 version then. That is obvious you know how console people are they basically demand as much as the PC (Most at least) Hence if Bethsoft just did this for PC Console owners would be angry among other stuff. I'm sure you can see why now.
  15. Talked to GStaff on Facebook and this is what he told me "Should be able to share more on voice actors soon. Those guys might be working on Skyrim... but have you ever heard of either of them?" Seems he doesn't even know. But he said it is possible.


  16. Here is what I think would be a cool ending for Skyrim:




    In Oblivion, the last heir and last of the line of dragon-born was able to change into a dragon.


    In Skyrim, you are dragon-born and are able to gain new abilities (like shouts) by killing the little dragons.


    Imagine the last shout learned is the ability to change into a dragon in order to fight the mega-sized world-eater! Or possibly gain the ability after defeating the world-eater. If this was the case, you could certainly see why they would avoid talking about the transportation, riding of dragons and transforming. :thumbsup:




    Would be sweet maybe overpowered in a way so it is limited to that quest only, or something. Reminds me of Divinity 2 I loved that game, pre-ordered it on 360 and beat it in a week. Though I wish it was open-ended. If you can't turn into a Dragon how are you supposed to even kill Alduin? A big battle perchance? Still many think Alduin won't appear because you will stop him from doing so. But they built the Collectors Statue of Alduin from in-game resources of him. Though I wonder something Alduin is very large, so will you warp to another realm, would make sense if so.

  17. Also say "General" is supposed leader of the Empire, then is Mercer Frey the Leader of the Rebels or something like the head of The Companions which you need to talk to him to join the Shield-Brothers (I think that is the name.) But I believe that Mercer Frey is the leader of the Rebels in my opinion.
  18. <br>I just think I understood one of the small differences between bosmers and dunmers. The Dunmer with the blades, which is confirmed to be a dunmer has sort of banana shaped ears, and the ones that are supposed to be bosmers have straight and sharp ears. I could be terribly wrong and it turns out that you actually can change your ear shape, idk.<br>
    <br><br>Actually you can customize your Ears I have heard. Zaldiir, can you confirm this it was in a Link from Bethsoft about one of the screenies. If not in the OP make sure it is. by the way it seems there is one more actor that has been named (At least on IMDB.) The NPC name is Mercer Frey voiced by Anthony De Longis. And as I said before Brandon Ellison was "General" If I'm right and IMDB is actually accurate the General would most likely be "General" for the Empire.
  19. You forgot the closed square bracket :P And yeah, I hadn't thought of that, very good point.


    Question: What if you are female? I didn't think the people of Skyrim were very keen on female rulers, and wouldn't they be queen as well?


    The closed square bracket was there but the errors removed it. Hey Zaldiir would you be able to ask an Admin about this? It's annoying lol.

  20. <br>Mind you, lore-wise it would make more sense for the Blade guy to become high king of Skyrim. First off, it would fit in with the lore for consecutive games, so that they don't have to say the king was "an unknown person" or "a character with no distinguishable name or easily definable race" to cover who it is who actually is king for that period.<br>[/<br><br><br>And whoever said BGS can't make it happen? Still _____ left for an expedition to Akavir and hasn't been heard from sense. It was the Nerevarine. I am sure Bethesda can think of a way to do it. Just because they don't have your name doesn't mean they won't just call you by a Title ie Champion of Cyrodiil, Nerevarine, Hero of Kvatch, that sort of stuff. It is not impossible BGS just needs a way to confront it which they did in the other games and I'm sure they will do in the ES after Skyrim in a similar or different way. But it's true without these Titles the lore would be hard to write. It's good to thank Bethesda for this because unlike some companies they give you customization but for the later games it can be difficult because you have a custom race and name (custom race by meaning you can customize it in the Vanilla game not meaning a mod added a Drow race or something) vs something like TES Travels Redguard you had a preset name and face. (If I remember right.). So as I said BGS gives us more Freedom of the game but for the next ES it will be "Logged" in to lore. and gives them more thinking it Limits versus say if the Champion of Cyrodiil they made have a name and preset race they could of easily named the Champion of Cyrodiil the Emperor. I agree with you mostly but there are ways to get past those limits like with Titles.
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