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Trying to understand


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I really disagree with this take. Bad take imho.


I don't care if you think it's a bad take. Doing stuff like that is pointless. It's usually done just to troll people, and try and irritate them. It's a tactic to rile people up. Do you think I should start posting one line posts anytime I agree with Showler? Or post gifs anytime I think someone makes a good point?


What is this 4chan?


Edit: Is 112 pages not long enough for you? You also want it filled with gifs and senseless one word posts?



Dude, it's just standard internet social interaction. Your overthinking it.


Also, funny that you bring up page count since you've added more pages to this thread than most.

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All you quoting ownership terms of use and such I too can do that if you want to go this way on the discussion.



By submitting content to our services, you are granting an infinite, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license for Nexus Mods to store, distribute, copy or reproduce, edit, translate, reformat, publicly display, or perform the submitted content, at our discretion.



If you were actually here for more than a minute, you'd have seen the endless threads on this very topic.

You are not adding anything, you are rehashing what has been gone over ad nauseum over and over before.

Do all of us a favor, and go read the past threads. I'm sick of having to provide the same links over and over to people who don't know the history, haven't done the research, and refuse to accept what's documented fact.


I know it's nothing new. It's just that people started bringing up terms of use and eulas to prove their point on ownership once again like always and then the same reply (as always was used) once you upload it here you allow nexus to do what it wants with it. It might not have been enforced before, but it will be now. If you don't want the same things repeated over and over tell the guys bringing it up again and again to stop it.




Okay, one more time, for the last time.

Licensed rights are not the same as ownership. They have nothing to do with ownership. You can't give away ownership through licensing.


Responding to verifiable fact that mods are owned by the mod author (and if done under license protected by copyright as derivative works) (in a discussion where multiple people are claiming otherwise) with the fact that NexusMods is stating anyone using the site grants NexusMods a license is responding to a discussion about fish with a post about lemons. Sure, you can draw a link between the two, but you're really talking about two very different things.

Until last month everyone "knew" because it had been said officially for years that the Nexus respected author's rights and the author's choice to post or remove their work, despite what the "boilerplate" (as some called it) in the ToS said. That ToS, and the 180 degree turnaround in policy to start enforcing it, is part of the problem because it claims all six rights granted to a copyright holder, eternally, and that wasn't policy until last month regardless of what the ToS said.


Think what you will about the topic. The facts are out there if you want them. As a poet said, I can't make you want the truth, it's up to you.


I mean sure, I never said nexus owns the mods anyway, that wasn't what I was saying. But they can do whatever they want with them, since that's the license the owners signed.

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Dude, it's just standard internet social interaction. Your overthinking it.


Also, funny that you bring up page count since you've added more pages to this thread than most.


I don't know. Usually respectable forums typically have rules against things like that.

Which btw

"Spam is...

1) Posting one liners. Replying to a thread and just saying something like "hey!" "yeah!" "lol" "I agree" "no" etc.."


And ya, I have added to a lot of these pages, and so have other people. My point is we don't need to add more to it with what is pretty much spam.


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Now that we've been reduced to posting gifs, even I'm in favour of closing this thread.



Or you could, y'now, just leave the thread and stop reading it.

That's always an option, you don't HAVE to post in every single thread, or have the last word you know.


Says the 19k posts guy.

Don't understand why a certain sub set of people are being so aggressive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Dude, it's just standard internet social interaction. Your overthinking it.


Also, funny that you bring up page count since you've added more pages to this thread than most.


I don't know. Usually respectable forums typically have rules against things like that.

Which btw

"Spam is...

1) Posting one liners. Replying to a thread and just saying something like "hey!" "yeah!" "lol" "I agree" "no" etc.."


And ya, I have added to a lot of these pages, and so have other people. My point is we don't need to add more to it with what is pretty much spam.




Again, I don't agree that what you're complaining about counts as spam. Some people just don't need a paragraph to say something.

Edited by CrashRakashe
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Says the 19k posts guy.


Don't understand why a certain sub set of people are being so aggressive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's people who want to assert their dominance like a t-pose character when someone doesn't agree with them. <--- just a joke not actually serious.

In reality it's just a hot topic, something that is going to create a lot of back and forth with differing opinions, especially in this community specifically where it has gone through a lot of issues in the past with resposting of mods without permission, or mods being included in packs without permission. It's really create a lot of animosity when it comes to things like this and not being able to delete their mods ... will likely feel like they have just been backstabbed by Nexus.

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Now that we've been reduced to posting gifs, even I'm in favour of closing this thread.



Or you could, y'now, just leave the thread and stop reading it.

That's always an option, you don't HAVE to post in every single thread, or have the last word you know.


Says the 19k posts guy.

Don't understand why a certain sub set of people are being so aggressive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



Eh, I'll give this one a C- for effort. I can see that you're trying, but you gotta study more.

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Says the 19k posts guy.


Don't understand why a certain sub set of people are being so aggressive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's people who want to assert their dominance like a t-pose character when someone doesn't agree with them. <--- just a joke not actually serious.

In reality it's just a hot topic, something that is going to create a lot of back and forth with differing opinions, especially in this community specifically where it has gone through a lot of issues in the past with resposting of mods without permission, or mods being included in packs without permission. It's really create a lot of animosity when it comes to things like this and not being able to delete their mods ... will likely feel like they have just been backstabbed by Nexus.



Oh no, its not a "feels like" thing but more of an out right "we have been backstabbed".

Edited by CrashRakashe
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In all honesty, I get the impression that they never planned to give us the out they are giving until people started raising a fuss about the missing delete button, which only happened because a modder who's name I can't remember accidentally uploaded the wrong mod to a page he'd just published, messaged the staff to have it removed upon realizing the button was missing, and was denied, despite having a valid reason to have the file deleted. The possibility that this situation could've been much worse genuinely frightens me.

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