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Mod authors should have made a master list of locations


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I'm not the weird one, stop thinking with emotions and think with your brain.


You're so convinced that you are right that you can't accept that other people have thought of this idea, discussed this idea and discarded this idea as unworkable more than fifteen years ago. You are convinced that you are the smart one and everyone else is stupid.


It's not your brain that you are thinking with.

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I'm not the weird one, stop thinking with emotions and think with your brain.


You're so convinced that you are right that you can't accept that other people have thought of this idea, discussed this idea and discarded this idea as unworkable more than fifteen years ago. You are convinced that you are the smart one and everyone else is stupid.


It's not your brain that you are thinking with.


Gotta agree with this. This has been an issue since Morrowind. Way back in 2001. If this idea had even been remotely workable, it would have been implemented by now.

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Then they're idiots. When I sell a product, I want my customers to be happy with it. I want it to work despite them having bought something elsewhere aswell. Would you manufacture a TV that only accepted input from one of your own DVD players?


So, you are saying that the developers at Apple are idiots?



Of course. They make incompatible stuff. Unfortunately there are a lot of gullible people out there.

Your naivete is eclipsed only by your arrogance. Making 'incompatible' stuff is one reason why Apple is a trillion dollar company. Competition doesn't lead to generating supra-normal profits. Building a 'walled garden' ecosystem and providing incentives for users to remain in that ecosystem does.


Had you read reasonably widely, you would know this already as it has been written about and discussed on the interwebs abundantly.


But regardless, at least the devs at Apple actually build things and solve problems rather than whinging on internet forums about why other people haven't solved their problems for them.

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I'm not the weird one, stop thinking with emotions and think with your brain.


You're so convinced that you are right that you can't accept that other people have thought of this idea, discussed this idea and discarded this idea as unworkable more than fifteen years ago. You are convinced that you are the smart one and everyone else is stupid.


It's not your brain that you are thinking with.



It's a such a basic simple idea it can't possibly be unworkable.





Then they're idiots. When I sell a product, I want my customers to be happy with it. I want it to work despite them having bought something elsewhere aswell. Would you manufacture a TV that only accepted input from one of your own DVD players?


So, you are saying that the developers at Apple are idiots?



Of course. They make incompatible stuff. Unfortunately there are a lot of gullible people out there.

Your naivete is eclipsed only by your arrogance. Making 'incompatible' stuff is one reason why Apple is a trillion dollar company. Competition doesn't lead to generating supra-normal profits. Building a 'walled garden' ecosystem and providing incentives for users to remain in that ecosystem does.


Had you read reasonably widely, you would know this already as it has been written about and discussed on the interwebs abundantly.


But regardless, at least the devs at Apple actually build things and solve problems rather than whinging on internet forums about why other people haven't solved their problems for them.



They make huge profits from gullible people paying double what the item is worth and not caring that they'll have countless problems down the road. If Apple made a car it would only drive on the wrong side of the road.

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I'm not the weird one, stop thinking with emotions and think with your brain.


You're so convinced that you are right that you can't accept that other people have thought of this idea, discussed this idea and discarded this idea as unworkable more than fifteen years ago. You are convinced that you are the smart one and everyone else is stupid.


It's not your brain that you are thinking with.



It's a such a basic simple idea it can't possibly be unworkable.





Then they're idiots. When I sell a product, I want my customers to be happy with it. I want it to work despite them having bought something elsewhere aswell. Would you manufacture a TV that only accepted input from one of your own DVD players?


So, you are saying that the developers at Apple are idiots?



Of course. They make incompatible stuff. Unfortunately there are a lot of gullible people out there.

Your naivete is eclipsed only by your arrogance. Making 'incompatible' stuff is one reason why Apple is a trillion dollar company. Competition doesn't lead to generating supra-normal profits. Building a 'walled garden' ecosystem and providing incentives for users to remain in that ecosystem does.


Had you read reasonably widely, you would know this already as it has been written about and discussed on the interwebs abundantly.


But regardless, at least the devs at Apple actually build things and solve problems rather than whinging on internet forums about why other people haven't solved their problems for them.



They make huge profits from gullible people paying double what the item is worth and not caring that they'll have countless problems down the road. If Apple made a car it would only drive on the wrong side of the road.


You obviously have no idea of what you are talking about.


There is the rule of One. Only ONE mod can change any given thing. If you have two mods that change the same thing, the one that loads last, wins.


Conflict resolution has been a thing on Beth games since Morrowind. (because of the two items in the line above here.) Given the sheer number of mods out there in the world, (keep in mind, nexus is only ONE of many sites that host mods) The database would become unwieldy within 15 minutes of a games release. You would need to list each and every change a given mod made to an area. That can run into the thousands of records. Now, lets use the Sanctuary example here. 350 of them...... the potential for MILLIONS of changes.


Trying to track all of that would be absolutely pointless. Very bad case of information overload. Thus, it is up to the END USER to resolve conflicts in THEIR SPECIFIC setup. If the end user doesn't know how to do that, then they need to learn how, or use fewer mods.

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You only think it's a simple idea because you've never sat down and tried to work it out completely. How do you mark a specific section of a wall? Does a vending machine occupy the floor below it or the wall behind it? If you have to accomodate all other mods does that mean you can't put up any decor in a claimed spot? Won't that look awful for anyone who is only using your mod?


Patches can solve all those issues. Your database can't.

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Guest deleted34304850

what i find breathtaking is that this guy cannot/will not read a mod description.

can you imagine if he had to wade through a database of what elements a mod alters?


he's beyond parody.

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They make huge profits from gullible people paying double what the item is worth and not caring that they'll have countless problems down the road. If Apple made a car it would only drive on the wrong side of the road.

I thought you had earlier abandoned the use of analogies given how demonstrably bad you are at them.


And you just hijacked your own thread.

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Guest deleted34304850
They make huge profits from gullible people paying double what the item is worth and not caring that they'll have countless problems down the road. If Apple made a car it would only drive on the wrong side of the road.


if apple made a car, it would drive on the right side of the road, but what would be different would be it would only use apple fuel, you couldn't repair it yourself, and if you tried to, it would shut down and become a brick

basically the tesla model.

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