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this forums feel very outdated


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All bow down to your mighty overlord Google! You WILL surrender all of your personal info to them, including your web surfing habits. Your dreams of privacy are just that, dreams. Google is all-knowing, all-seeing, and you WILL support that.


That said, I don't have any desire to hand google any more information about me than they can already collect.... I don't have any type of google account, and I don't want one.

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no google sign up or anything not raging please dont flame me just saying feeling abit outdated over here


You're not wrong that the forums are a bit old. The problem is they are hard-coded into major parts of the website. We've been decoupling it piece by piece over the last few years (user service and membership system are the main changes you may have noticed).

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no google sign up or anything not raging please dont flame me just saying feeling abit outdated over here


You're not wrong that the forums are a bit old. The problem is they are hard-coded into major parts of the website. We've been decoupling it piece by piece over the last few years (user service and membership system are the main changes you may have noticed).


Old though it may be, I still like this forum, and its functionality MUCH better than the "modern" crap beth went to. Please, please, for the love of all that's right in the world, DON'T do that. :D

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