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What's with the password requirements?


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Not a single other website or service I use in 2022 still forces it's users to use such annoying password constraints.

This is the type of site you'd log into every once in a while when starting a new game, and I'm sure a ton of your users forget whatever convoluted password you forced them to commit.

It's just a modding website. Get real.

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You should be asking why the other sites you visit aren't imposing more strict requirements. It's done for security reasons and a bank should be ashamed of themselves for only requiring 6 or 8 characters.

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Why complain about the requirements, just go somewhere else for your mods. That'll show them!

Literally what is even the point of your post? There's no argument here.



You should be asking why the other sites you visit aren't imposing more strict requirements. It's done for security reasons and a bank should be ashamed of themselves for only requiring 6 or 8 characters.

I'm not quite seeing the comparison between a website where you download video game mods and one that provides access to your personal finances.

What's at risk here?

Better yet, why force people to log in just to slow download?

Edited by StygianX9
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This is simple. Robin Scott's website, Robin Scott's rules. If you find the rules intolerable, leave; nobody will even notice nor care when you're gone.

Edited by ScytheBearer
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Of all the websites a visit, this GAMING site has the most draconian rules for a password. Even my bank isn't quite so demanding.


Of course, my solution to it is simply have my browser remember my passwords. Not like physical security for my machine is even remotely an issue.

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I'm not quite seeing the comparison between a website where you download video game mods and one that provides access to your personal finances.


What's at risk here?

The same thing that's at risk anywhere. Access to personal information, email addresses, reused credentials, that sort of thing.


The common inference to be made here is why does Nexus have better security than most banks. So you should instead be asking why isn't your bank or other much more important website using better security measures.

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