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Please update the browser UI!


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I know you don't deliberately block service to ad blockers. I don't use ad blockers and I have like the last lifetime membership (Thanks once more to Dr. Ren).


None of that changes the fact that browser updates are not allowing us to fully access the Nexus. Brave is that way and so is Firefox. I'm not going to use Edge and Chrome gives me hives.


Please work to match the updates. I know it's a pain, but it's needful.


Thank you.

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Trying to go to udpated instead of date duplished, 80 instead of 20, the text is all white and it DOES NOT CHANGE.


It did before the update, the text was right before the update.


I don't use adblockers, I don't use VPN, and I DO NOT have an IT department.


Also I have Premium. Lifetime premium, as have done since before they ceased to offer it.


This. Is. Nexus. And Firefox. And they NEED to come to terms. Firefox is so bad they try to make feedback impossible without saying so.

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It's happening because of the built-in ad blockers. Add an exemption for Nexusmods.com and you should be fine. And since you have Premium, you still won't see any ads.


If your browser is breaking websites, it's up to the browser to fix it. Someone probably just added something stupid to the adblocker exclusion list they all draw from.

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Guest deleted34304850

i run on firefox as its the best browser by miles - no issues.

if you're running firefox, is it up to date? there were a couple of updates over the last few days. make sure your browser is absolutely up to date.

i repeat, for me, the entire website is 100% fine - no issues whatsoever.

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It seems like the Brave built-in adblocker is breaking the site, not uBlock.


Strangely, it seems like jQuery is being disabled for some reason. The error that seems to be repeated in console is:


Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined


This is a common error when jQuery is using the $ symbol, but jQuery cannot be found. Which makes sense, as everything that is suddenly no longer working would be linked to JS.


If uBlock is disabled, it's still broken. If you disable Brave's built in Adblocker by clicking this icon:




Then it works again.


Edit: Submitted a report, it seems to be working now

Edited by llihP
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Firefox and uBlock Origin here. The site is behaving normally as always. No issues with Javascript at all.


Sounds like the issue is whatever level of paranoia the Brave devs have.

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Guest deleted34304850

With uBlock Origin + FireFox site does not work as intended

uBlock Origin + WaterFox also does not work

so don't use those addons if they break stuff. that's the fault of the addon, not the site or the browser.

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