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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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In response to post #10262139. #10262310, #10262477, #10262561 are all replies on the same post.

as said i'm not for randomly banning/deleting/blocking, i'm for talking and discussing, and most of the times explaining stuff calmly and politely to an unpolite user makes the user being polite the next time. If someone goes to far, the previous system: *hide a post until moderator review* was perfectly fine, if used with brain and only when it was really necessary.
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A minority of Modders WILL block some people from their mods, for the merest hint of negativity or whiff of dissent. For Nexus to say that under no circumstances will they lift such a block seems heavy-handed to the point of autocracy.
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In response to post #10262139. #10262310, #10262477, #10262561, #10263581 are all replies on the same post.

Modders weren't happy with that, this hasn't come out of the blue, the modding group has been asking for this. The question has to be asked why? if everything was fine before then why would so many want this system?
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In response to post #10262139. #10262310, #10262477, #10262561, #10263581, #10264628 are all replies on the same post.

I'm a modder, and i was not asking for this. There are way more important things to take care of, than a revamp of the moderation system.

And note that the Steam Workshop =/= from Nexus. Modders must realize this asap, if something works on the Workshop it doesn't means that it automatically works here.

Workshop is meant to be a no-brain-required product, so Valve doesn't really care about moderation because people will use it anyway, most of the time without even reading descriptions/comments.
Nexus is before everything a community, users are the biggest value here, and it needs to focus on what the Workshop isn't, in order to keep running fine. Thinking to beat the Workshop in its own territory is just wrong, because it's something that can't be achieved, for the same reason copying features is not a win-win, because they need to be done in relation to the environment. Edited by aLaaa
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As a mod author, I agree with blove here.

Blocking PMs and posting to one or all of your mod pages will solve any problem you might have with a user.

Banning a user from your mod page gives you the power to abuse the user whenever you want. It gives you absolute power to discriminate which user can download your file and it's a slippery slope. If I decide no Black, Asian or gay people can download my mod, I can and the user can't do anything about it.

My point is the only thing you gain from banning a user over just blocking his ability to post is to coerce him to your will, to take revenge. That's not right as you transform the bullied one into a bully. As an example, cops are there to arrest people when they do something wrong, they can't beat the "criminals" whenever they want for whatever their reasons with authorities over them saying it's ok... The same principle applies here. Mod authors should be able to get a "restraining order" so the user can't contact them in any way, but denying them download of your file is a form of retribution making the mod author the aggressor.

I strongly respect Arthmoor for all the wonderfull things he gave us, but he's not thinking clearly. We can't give mod authors blank check to do whatever they want with someone in particular. Edited by TheThirdRace
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We can't give mod authors blank check to do whatever they want with someone in particular.

So I guess you'd prefer the old way then, where mod authors ONLY recourse was to take the entire mod down and make it unavailable to the entire community as a whole?

"Because it could be abused" is a horrible approach to take, it's how your rights in far more important matters than mod publishing get taken away from you while the people cheer as it happens.
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In response to post #10262139. #10262310, #10262477, #10262561, #10263581, #10264628, #10264822 are all replies on the same post.

There are not impolite users if you are a dedicated and polite Modder who really loves his community

You must be new to the internet :P
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In response to post #10262139. #10262310, #10262477, #10262561, #10263581, #10264628, #10264822, #10267213 are all replies on the same post.

It's a bit of a problematic situation.

On one hand, you can stop people from posting if they're the kind of person who just likes to start up arguments that don't go anywhere or don't have anything to add to the conversation and generally act like an ass. A good way to clean up your comments section of situations like that.

On the other hand, you have those authors who can't take a bit of constructive criticism and will abuse the system and ban anyone who doesn't give unconditional praise for their work regardless of quality. If you know a mod author is a bit sensitive, there'll be people who might afraid to comment in case they set that person off and get a ban.

However, I'm not the target audience and I only recently heard of this so I'm not going to provide an opinion on whether this would be good for Nexus or not. Edited by Deepblue321
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