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Modding in the Witcher 3 Next-Gen Update


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This is great as i was already mid playthrough so this should be fun, i have little to no mods and the ones that i have are texture mods on small things like the hunting knife and whatnot so i should be ok
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In response to post #118723158. #118728738, #118732598 are all replies on the same post.

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brothers in arms bring quest fixes and stuff that is already in their bug fix list for the next gen update so there is no need , whilst Nitpickers fixed environement details  which i can only guess it saved them a s#*! load of time and allowed the dev team to focus on other stuff, such as incorporating ray tracing etc

-its only my guess from looking at the files of what both mods do
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In response to post #118723158. #118728738, #118732598, #118732753, #118732863, #118733073 are all replies on the same post.

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yeah, thats really the only issue I have with Next Gen. It seems that they incorporated mods based on popularity/downloads, instead of quality. (not counting HDRP, that mod is essential) Edited by MagikLamo
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In response to post #118723158. #118728738, #118732598, #118732753, #118732803, #118733073 are all replies on the same post.

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@Gothwrath Brothers In Arms fixes a lot more environmental issues compared to Nitpickers, it even fixes stuff nitpickers fixes but properly, as nitpickers tends to just remove objects or put stuff in front of them, rather than actually fix them. Edited by MagikLamo
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In response to post #118723158. #118728738, #118732598, #118732753, #118732803, #118732863 are all replies on the same post.

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@MagikLamo yeah i'm realising it now , i'm still looking at the files (there is a lot)
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In response to post #118721838. #118722318 is also a reply to the same post.

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true. They basically just cleaned up the facade.
Sadly I only have Steam and therefor can't downgrade later. But I have backed up a fresh installation of the entire game plus ducuments folder already. Just to be save.
I guess I will test the new stuff but depending on the mods, I might not stay on the next gen for long without BiA.
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