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Vortex Just Deleted 430GB Worth of Downloads


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That's all well and good. But if it went done the way the OP says, then Vortex needs a hot fix to prevent what happened from happening to someone else. I could easily see myself doing what the OP did.

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I can't help but think the problem is tied to the "was interrupted" message. Like Vortex thought it had failed to move the directory so it wiped the destination directory to begin again from scratch.


But honestly, my biggest question is why the OP deleted the original folder before making sure the new one worked. Copying to the new drive wouldn't take up any extra space compared to moving.

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There's only so much we can do to account for unexpected user inputs. If I get a chance I'll try and follow the exact steps, but I'm highly sceptical that Vortex actually deleted the files, or if it did, it would've shown a confirmation.

I understand your skepticism, but considering that the original drive gained significant capacity(430GB worth), and the second drive ended up completely empty, I'm not sure where else the data could go.

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I can't help but think the problem is tied to the "was interrupted" message. Like Vortex thought it had failed to move the directory so it wiped the destination directory to begin again from scratch.


But honestly, my biggest question is why the OP deleted the original folder before making sure the new one worked. Copying to the new drive wouldn't take up any extra space compared to moving.

I agree, I think this might have been what happened as well. I also wonder if the lack of confirmation had anything to do with the quantity itself. I did notice that, when deleting the original folder, I received a warning from Windows that it would not be sent to my recycling bin, but completely deleted.

And Vortex was throwing an occasional fit over the filled capacity of the original drive, to the point where it almost completely ceased functioning altogether. This, admittedly, is my fault for waiting too long to switch to the larger hard drive.

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