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Starfield Vortex Documents

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Hi. I'm starting to despair. The first time, Vortex did what it was supposed to. Install the mods in Documents\My Games\Starfield, and create the Backup. Then there were problems and I had to uninstall Vortex and removed the backup too. So reinstall. Since then, Vortex has refused to create the backup and also refuses to install the mods into Documents\My Games\Starfield. The Extension is installed. I've been trying to get the mods to work with Vortex for hours, but it won't work.

Edited by viruz017
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Please read the pinned post about 0.4.1 - you should not be manually downgrading as this means you'll not get any further updates.

That makes no sense.


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Please read the pinned post about 0.4.1 - you should not be manually downgrading as this means you'll not get any further updates.

That makes no sense.



To manually downgrade you need to turn off auto-updates. So "you'll not get any further updates". What makes no sense?


With the hotfix they changed some elements to no longer re-run themselves every time you launch Vortex. Likely the OP needs to know how to make it re-run those things since they wiped their game and reinstalled after Vortex had initially done the full setup, which is probably preventing it from re-running that full setup again.


They really should slap a big "BETA EXTENSION - use at own risk" warning on the Starfield extension until they've sorted all the problems. Bethesda and Microsoft really went weird with this one.

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Guest deleted34304850

good to know but going to be honest here and say, until you mentioned it in this message chain, i had no idea that this is how extensions work. is this documented anywhere? i have been through the knowledge centre and searched on extensions and updates but there's nothing obvious.


mind - to be fair - until the starfield extension this area of vortex has been somewhat trouble-fee, which is probably down to the steps required before an extension makes it to the public.


still, all that being said, this is good to know.

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