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I doubt much can or will be done with this game.


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I doubt modders will be able to do much with this game other than your usual nood and s#x mods.. the game has no replay value and is quite frankly boring during and after you beat it...also microsoft purchased the studio and we all know how microsoft is the disney star wars of the video game industry..I think all future releases from this company are doomed to fail because with microsoft there is just too much politics, totalitarianism, and messaging/censoring/gaslighting/propaganda etc (we cant even have an evil playthrough to kill NPCs or factions) its ludicrous..even the Nexus is censoring mods now :sad:...I hope im wrong but doubtfull..Im even worried alll the pc and wokeism will also carry over into the next elderscrolls game (dont get your hopes up).. its so sad to see such greatness be subverted into failure.


Just look at how years ago when microsoft started talking about aquiring activision blizzard...suddenly COD started removing in game chat and trash talk, severely punishing aggressive playstyles and pampering the weak, then proceeded to seperate people from lobbies after each match .and now every COD for the past 4 years has been abysmal.. the future looks bleak for gaming.


we need a miracle/savior...or to just go out and touch grass for a while...speak with your wallet and time...or maybe just read a book or two for escapism.

Edited by shoringu
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Anyone who says "y'all" or "go out and touch grass" has simply proven to anyone who bothered to even read their 'output' that they have literally has nothing of value to say- just a friendly observation.


Your rant firstly talks about the game, Microsoft, Beth, Nexus and their shared promotion of the agenda. All true of course, and happily admitted by the three entities. But you claim modders are somehow unable to fix the issues in Starfield because- reasons. Now just because YOU could never aspire to the creativity required to over-haul Starfield does not mean the modding community has the same limitations.


There was a 1-in-10 chance Starfield turned out even OK after Fallout 76 and Redfall. Instead Starfield continued the trend, and perfectly encapsulated the massive decline of all game production skills at Beth. The agenda problem is not in the 'story' content of starfield (admittedly as awful as all current Hollywood output), but in the technical quality of the game. Beth does not hire based on skill and experience.


However, we cannot redo the TV show version of Lord of the Rings or Foundation, but we can redo Starfield. Will Nexus host all the great mods that over-haul Starfield? Will commerce and good art be placed ahead of ideology? It won't matter, because if Nexus makes the wrong choices, it will cause the next 'Nexus' to arise. Wherever they are hosted, starfield is going to witness some astonishing transformations. And for those asking why...


Look to star Citizen, and the money that hopeless project has raised. Look to Eve Online. The enduring support of NMS and Elite, despite the mediocrity of both. Gamers love space and SF, and Starfield is a modding sandbox unseen in this industry. And modders can aspire to creating entire planets. Second Life eat your heart out.


It doesn't matter what the industry does, or how vile their 'politics' become, because the modders are not accountable to the dark forces that operate there.

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I admit that after just completing Ryujin as the last thing I did, I have zero motivation to keep playing the game, and if the DLC is just another mission pack, I probably won't play it.


I did put in 250 hours, which is impressive, but the problem is that I wasted a lot of time goofing off like surveying planets. I spent the first 20 hours - without understanding the systems at all: stealth, outposts - imagining the order I'd approach the content. I kept that "to-do" list in my head, and I was motivated because at the 20 hour mark I was thinking stealth would be deep, outposts would be deep, I could run a trading and mining empire. I didn't know the systems so I set up that plan in my head.


I also played in a very RDR2 sort of way, manually walking through my ship to board and so forth.


So there was a lot of time taken up in pursuit of an experience which, it turns out, was not there. A lot of time was spent earning perk upgrades. A good system, I think, but with no reward.


The last 70 hours were just grinding, until I hit a point where I didn't care anymore about the role play and just sleepwalked through Ryujin.


I realized that the most fun I had was 8/10 fun, and the story was 7/10, and my investment in playing it all through was almost a muscle memory of anticipating fun to emerge like I remember from older BGS games, then grind, then a little more fun as I NG+ and had to struggle a little for a minute to build up my inventory and ship, and then just grinding through the remaining content. The 8/10 fun was about 15% of my play time.


The result is the capital BGS has built was spent by this game. You can't just leave the game half-finished, polish it a bit, because you've made me waste my time learning that it's shallow and can't provide a better experience without major overhauls.


Hey you got 250 hours out of me. But, probably won't get DLC money and no hype without evidence for TES 6. Don't care about the other crap like "Elder Scrolls: Castles" because I guess 12 year old girls need to be playing BGS games now.


Sorry, not bitter or salty, just disappointed. This game cannot be modded into something better than the time waster it ulimately is. Not unless the mods almost completely rework the game. I've offered some suggestions about the core gameplay loop, but I don't think it will happen.

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Anyone who says "y'all" or "go out and touch grass" has simply proven to anyone who bothered to even read their 'output' that they have literally has nothing of value to say- just a friendly observation.


Your rant firstly talks about the game, Microsoft, Beth, Nexus and their shared promotion of the agenda. All true of course, and happily admitted by the three entities. But you claim modders are somehow unable to fix the issues in Starfield because- reasons. Now just because YOU could never aspire to the creativity required to over-haul Starfield does not mean the modding community has the same limitations.


There was a 1-in-10 chance Starfield turned out even OK after Fallout 76 and Redfall. Instead Starfield continued the trend, and perfectly encapsulated the massive decline of all game production skills at Beth. The agenda problem is not in the 'story' content of starfield (admittedly as awful as all current Hollywood output), but in the technical quality of the game. Beth does not hire based on skill and experience.


However, we cannot redo the TV show version of Lord of the Rings or Foundation, but we can redo Starfield. Will Nexus host all the great mods that over-haul Starfield? Will commerce and good art be placed ahead of ideology? It won't matter, because if Nexus makes the wrong choices, it will cause the next 'Nexus' to arise. Wherever they are hosted, starfield is going to witness some astonishing transformations. And for those asking why...


Look to star Citizen, and the money that hopeless project has raised. Look to Eve Online. The enduring support of NMS and Elite, despite the mediocrity of both. Gamers love space and SF, and Starfield is a modding sandbox unseen in this industry. And modders can aspire to creating entire planets. Second Life eat your heart out.


It doesn't matter what the industry does, or how vile their 'politics' become, because the modders are not accountable to the dark forces that operate there.




Yeah i get it .. btw you mentioned EVE online hahaha...i loved that game havent played in years tho..I suppose i was just ranting about the replay value this game has and wondering if modders will even try due to lack of players after they all beat the game.

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IMO anyone who talks about "beating the game" in reference to any of the Elder Scroll or other Bethesda games does not have anything of relevance to say.


It is an incredibly juvenile statement, pretty much ignoring the existence of mods.

lol in past title where you could role play i would agree..but this title there isnt much to do after you complete the factions and main story.. just alot of empty planets ..and ship tinkering.


im about 12 powers away from having completed nG+ 10 have been for weeks..but just cant find the motivation to finish it..did all factions and most side quests..nothing left to do.

Edited by shoringu
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