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I doubt much can or will be done with this game.


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9 hours ago, TheFallofApril said:

The number of mods already went down from over a thousand a week to under 100. That is a massive decrease. Still there are great mods being released on a weekly basis that fix many annoying things in the base game. They just don´t get much attention due to the relatively small user base the game still has. Four months after release the biggest game of 2023 (at least in terms of marketing, hype, expectations) hardly has over 15.000 players on Steam. The two best ways to increase the player numbers again is a steep discoint (the game is already available for under 40 €/$) and working extremely hard, patching the game, releasing new features and giving the fan base the feeling that the devs actually care. 

There is only so much you can do without the CK. 🙂 We should be seeing that in the not too distant future, and we should see at least one decent patch, if not more before that happens. I would expect that more folks will become interested after the CK releases, some folks will want to mod the game, even more than they already are, others will see what new and interesting things the modders are putting out. Should be fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah.. months later..still barely any updates to the game with so many bugs.. it has zero re playability..you can only do procedural generated stuff so many times before being bored, I have no doubt there will be a few good mods for the game..but im certain that the game will not get anywhere near the types, quality, and sustainable mods that past titles have gotten...you simply cannot fix boring...you can mod all you want but if noone plays the game..meh..whats the point?


I even thought I might create a few mods myself.. but i really dont want to put time into mods for a game that i cannot stay awake playing.

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3 hours ago, shoringu said:

Yeah.. months later..still barely any updates to the game with so many bugs.. it has zero re playability..you can only do procedural generated stuff so many times before being bored, I have no doubt there will be a few good mods for the game..but im certain that the game will not get anywhere near the types, quality, and sustainable mods that past titles have gotten...you simply cannot fix boring...you can mod all you want but if noone plays the game..meh..whats the point?


I even thought I might create a few mods myself.. but i really dont want to put time into mods for a game that i cannot stay awake playing.

I think one of the more popular categories of mods, for both users, and authors, is going to be additional content for POI's......

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Bethesda really shot themselves in the foot when they decided to go for procedurally-generated samey looking locations rather than a smaller, tighter game filled with only individual handcrafted locations like in skyrim. They seem to not understand what made skyrim so successful , it was always the exploration, getting lost in a huge HAND CRAFTED world filled to the brim with UNIQUE things to explore. Starfield universe is far too boring, sterile, safe, and bland to really get lost in, and the repetitive environments just make things so much worse. I do think once the creation kit comes out things will get better, but whether it's enough to attract players back who have given up on the game? That remains to be seen. It's just such a shame because conceptually, on paper at least, the idea of a bethesda open world RPG set in space sounds absolutely awesome. I would not have believed bethesda could falter so badly, and it really makes me doubt the direction of the studio as a whole, and what is coming for ES6.

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fallout 4 and skyrim are already games with everlasting playability. starfield and fo76 are not. the non essential updates for skyrim and fallout 4 are a shot in the other foot.

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I have not followed the debate here much but in the middle of NG+, I start to get a bit bored of the game. Maybe some cool faction/quest mods in the future might make the game fun again? The thing is, good quest mods will not be sen until months after the CK is released as that is something that cant be made over night for sure.

A good thing with the generation of cells when we land at a random spot on a planet and a moon is that the risk for conflicts between mods will be small, well as long as not many add stuff in the cities, so that is an advantage. Most conflicts or glitches shows up when 2 modders changes the landscape within the same cell mostly or edit the same itemlists without pointing at Wrye bash patch ability.

What the game lack compared to any TES game is a variety of monsters and cool monster dungeons. The wildlife is the same at all planets, both animals and plants and all planets with life looks the same and all moons without life looks the same. Surveying a planet is extremely boring and I did install the mod that allows you to scan a single target to make a scan 100% a few days ago but still, it is boring. Fighting in the same type of stations/facilities for the 20th time is boring. The caves are to small and, smaller than the Morrowind caves mostly, and mostly contains dead critters anyway, are pointless.

I did plan to make a similar mod to the legacy mods and add quests and use the generic stations/bases for some quests but I am not sure that is a good idea. Well building a museum/cool base is something i still plan to do, but I do think I have to rethink how to make the quests really. In oblivion, I did use all those dungeons that did not have quests related to them, well those boring dungeons containing low life creatures, those that was more or less pointless to visit at all and I think it was 60-65 dungeons if I recall correctly, the Cyrodiil sewers included for the mod, the legacy of the Champion, but I doubt I can make it better in Starfield really right now. Who here would like to visit any of these stations again, no matter if I manage to add quest items to them or not?  😉  Making cool dungeons is extremely tideous and the biggest one I made took 2 years to make with lots of pauses and breaks for other stuff, the Ancient Caldera Mine for Morrowind, but maybe something like that is needed to make any questmod appealing? No matter what, the game needs more creatures, more monsters, even Morrowind and Daggerfall was more diverse, well when it comes to the variety of monsters at least. Maybe more monsters could be added later by the community?  What I do think is that a lot of work from the modding community will be required to make this game funnier to play really but lets see what new content will show up in the first DLC? How much editing will be needed to make any new cell to look good or unique really later after we get CK? I do wonder right now if it will be worth it at all? Will I have the time? Maybe during the summer as I am a CG student and I am stalling the current projects I have to make with all types of Graphic tools, both 2D and 3D, so I should not touch CK if it gets released not until June at least...  Is it fun to be a CG student? Well not as we get new peojects and new stuff to make every day, so if each step or assignment it is not completed right away, the same day, they will never be, i guess.  😕  There is no chance to relax and we cannot postphone anyhting, and do it later, as that will most likely never happen.  😕  Well i better stop typing and make some animations instead,.  😉 making a ocean floor right now with fishes and crabs and stuff like that in Blender, which is fun, but still, time consuming. I do guess I am not alone in this situation? I do have more time over in 1.5 years from now, maybe...  😉  It is a shame that it takes so long time to make a cool mod really, both with cool and fun story, good looking, unique and that it lasts for more than an hour?  Both my 2 favorite mod projects, took 2 years each to complete, but 1 of them is far from completed anyway...   😕

My guess is that CK will not be released until the first DLC pops up, as when it does, then full nod support will be a requirement.

Well, to sum up: Any TES game is funnier and more diverse than Starfield. I do like the towns, as they are awesome, but that's it. I did like the stations/factories/lab facilities from start, as long as they felt new, but not any longer. I do get the same feeling about some dungeons in Skyrim as well, after visited them 20 times from the repeatable quests you get in the taverns....  😉   Specially one on the east side, above Riften, well NE of Riften, that I most likely visited 50 times.  😄   I will play other games from now on until CK or a DLC pops up and honestly, I guess there must be a lot of funnier games to play right now, doesn't it?

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I expect that some of the first mods will be new POI's, or a mod that varies the number/locations of bad guys/loot within the existing ones. That will go a long way toward relieving some of the repetitiveness of the game.

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Yes...  I have been trying to figure out what to play while waiting for the DLC. I took a peek at the No mans Space and it seems cool but I have never played Fallout, as I focused at TES so i will try Fallout 4. All say Lost Vegas is better but I start with F4 and I can always play the other later...

I read a comment about the mod releases decreased from 1000 a week to 100 and no wonder as when it comes to the types of mods, ships, weapons, armor and building bases, what more is there to add right now without CK? What we lack is new factions and new quests and dungeons. I do bet new dungeon objects, meshes/textures will come with the DLC as that always have been the tradidtion with every DLC Beth has released, and then we have something new to explore and new monsters hopefully. My guess is that a majority of the quest/dungeon mods that then will pop up will have a lot of content from the new DLC.

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