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5 minutes ago, RuneZool said:

Please bring back the ability to search the comments.  Quickly.  Like this week quickly.  This is hugely frustrating that you have to page through comments to search.

This is frustrating. It is one of the features we are revisiting post-migration, though I don't have any specific news about if or how it might return.

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1 hour ago, Zanderat said:

@Demorphic Thanks for the response.  Now about that friends issue.......  If the friends feature is truly gone, can our old friends list be migrated as followers, at least?

It would be good to understand how you were using friends as a feature. Are you using this to track content from other authors etc? Would it be redundant with a more effective notification centre?

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43 minutes ago, Demorphic said:

It would be good to understand how you were using friends as a feature. Are you using this to track content from other authors etc? Would it be redundant with a more effective notification centre?

Personally, I used Friends lists to get an impression of the user. As in: tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are... or something like that. 🙂 This cannot be replaced by followers, that's a completely different thing! Friends were nice exactly because they had no consequences to them: no notifications on posts by the users, no notifications on them updating their mods, sharing screenshots, etc. It was a brilliant place to find the users - people - every now and again, and see what they've been up to. May be send a message to say hello. A social thing, nothing like following. I too find it sad that this "useless" feature had to be removed. 😞

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1 hour ago, Demorphic said:

It would be good to understand how you were using friends as a feature. Are you using this to track content from other authors etc? Would it be redundant with a more effective notification centre?

I think LenaWolfBravil  summed up pretty nicely how I used the friends feature.  Far from useless, as the devs here seem to feel.

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A question about settings. If you click on your user name then go to Settings -> Content View Behaviour, you can presumably change where in a thread you start reading. Is that right? Because I selected "Take me to comments I haven't read", but when I try to read this thread, it always takes me to the beginning. There is no button that I can find and no way to skip to the first unread comment in the thread. Am I missing something? How is this supposed to work?

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59 minutes ago, Demorphic said:

It would be good to understand how you were using friends as a feature. Are you using this to track content from other authors etc? Would it be redundant with a more effective notification centre?

Well it said "friends". It seemed to be for people to add whoever they considered a friend. I don't know it did any content tracking, and I'd bet for most it was a social feature, as Lena said.

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3 hours ago, Demorphic said:

I agree, there should be a connection between main site and forum. It should also be more intuitive and simple to message a user via the main site. These were removed following stage 1 of the forum migration. This loss was planned. Next stage is bringing them back.

The loss of the 'donate' button was not planned. It was removed along with the other buttons in that area but should not have been. It will be returned.

'About Me' was also a planned removal. Work will be done on an updated 'Profile / About Me' feature but it is not currently being worked on and I don't have a timescale for this.

if all these changes were "planned" why were they not communicated as part of the "plan"?

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1 hour ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

A question about settings. If you click on your user name then go to Settings -> Content View Behaviour, you can presumably change where in a thread you start reading. Is that right? Because I selected "Take me to comments I haven't read", but when I try to read this thread, it always takes me to the beginning. There is no button that I can find and no way to skip to the first unread comment in the thread. Am I missing something? How is this supposed to work?

I don't know about that but clicking on the circle or star that marks threads with unread posts will take you to the first unread post.

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55 minutes ago, showler said:

I don't know about that but clicking on the circle or star that marks threads with unread posts will take you to the first unread post.

I see. Well, that's not intuitive at all. I clicked on the topic title.

Apart from that, even though I now "follow" this topic, I still cannot find it in the forum. I know it's there somewhere... But where? Isn't it the whole point of following a topic is to have it in some list under your profile or something so that you wouldn't have to remember in which forum-subforum-subsubforum it was located? Notifications should not be the only way to find it.

I was never big on forum before because I find forums hard to navigate. And I see I won't be big on it now either. Still hard to navigate. All my posts are in the mod comments, all 900 of them or so, not 5 as listed here. But that was said already before - post counts are gone. So now all of you think I'm a complete newbie... well, to forums - yes. To modding - no. So much information lost with those simple things like friends and post counts. Thank goodness at least kudos could be saved! Otherwise we shall have no clue at all as to who is who on Nexus.

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