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I would also like to support those who point out the eye strain caused by the new color scheme. Being mildly myopic myself I understand that other users might find the high contrast theme more accessible, but I really hope that you can implement some kind of switch between high contrast/classic colors for when you extend the updated design to all mod, article, media pages etc.

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59 minutes ago, lefttounge said:

That is exactly what reddit is, and does. You have to agree wholly with whatever topic is presented. Any attempt to comment in a way that others don't agree, will have your comment thumbs down to high hell.

Democracy is a sub-type of tyranny after Aristotle. If many people say, black UI is better IF your visually impaired well you have to accept it in case the majority of people complains. If the majority of people does not complain before black UI was a case well you can cleverly say the majority of people would not complain since they didnt complain in the first place.

In fact having the option to split the theme into black and white, and somehere in between, like "classic" man this would be wonderland. 🙂

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1 hour ago, HollownessDevoured said:

I try to assume everyone online has no gender till I find out for sure, just to be safe XD

Yah, I do much the same with ambiguous usernames -- and use the generic "they" if I don't know if they're a he or a she.

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16 minutes ago, AaronOfMpls said:

Yah, I do much the same with ambiguous usernames -- and use the generic "they" if I don't know if they're a he or a she.

Gender for human beings is the logical consequence to reproduce. To find a solution, gender is irrelevant.

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36 minutes ago, Qrsr said:

Gender for human beings is the logical consequence to reproduce. To find a solution, gender is irrelevant.

The whole 'gender is irrelevant' thing, is what's tripping me up the most with these new improvements. 😵

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Against my initial judgement, I'm going to weigh in on gender in online forums not related to dating sites.

I have a dear Nexus friend whom I met here through the image share many years ago, and we eventually spoke several times on steam chat and then even played Grand Theft Auto Online together for a year or two. The whole time I knew her we had and have strictly enforced lines. No flirting. Period. I don't want it, and she doesn't want it. But in my early days of knowing her, she talked about how she was stalked hard by somebody on the Nexus private chat. She had to ask for help from a moderator, and she withdrew from Nexus for a long time. She visits now, once in a while, but nothing like how it was 7 or 8 years ago.

First, I'm glad people are saying gender (how someone identifies their self) and not sex (biological distinction). This said, and in respect for my friend lefttongue and my begging forgiveness for what I opine, I am not convinced gender field belongs on Nexus.

We have an open ended field where we can say something about ourselves, but, I am scared of what can happen if youngsters or stalkers start viewing Nexus as a dating site.

Please forgive my dissent, my friends, but I feel this sincerely.

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7 minutes ago, Karna5 said:

Please forgive my dissent, my friends, but I feel this sincerely.

You shouldn't have to apologize for your opinion. I'd like to think we are mature enough to disagree and still have civil discussions. The suggestion itself isn't a need IMHO, best if optional or not at all. Announcing your gender in an "about me page/tab" (as some have suggested) does come across weird though.

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1 minute ago, HollownessDevoured said:

Announcing your gender in an "about me page/tab" (as some have suggested) does come across weird though

I kind of miss the name field. I never used my real life name in my profile, but a lot of my Nexus friends did, and it made it easy for me to call them by their names when they wanted to share it.

I'd see a name field as a better substitute to the gender field. If someone wants to be known by their gender, they could give their name. *Shrugs*

I'll bow out of this debate now and leave it to those who feel strongly about it, but I do miss being able to see the names of people I follow in Nexus when they wish to share it.

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