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"View all 2,850 games" button does NOTHING.

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The "View all 2,850 games" button does NOTHING.
I had to manually type in \games\ in the url myself, to get the the screen where all the game on the Nexus are listed, the button seems dead.
My browser usually displays the address bar in blue when it's changing URLs, but the "View All" button elicits no response or action in my browser (Vivaldi Browser, Chrome based) 

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From https://help.nexusmods.com/article/113-troubleshooting-website-issues:


Try to replicate the problem you are having after doing each of the following. Please note that we officially support the following browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Yandex, Chome Mobile and Safari Mobile.

We cannot help you with Vivaldi browser. Sorry.

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14 hours ago, HadToRegister said:

I reported it because it's a recent development.

Does it still happen in another browser?

(I mostly use Firefox myself, on both PC and mobile.  But I keep (Chromium-based) Opera installed on my (Linux) PC too, and never uninstalled Chrome or the Samsung browser from my (Android) phone, so I have alternatives for troubleshooting.)

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On 4/29/2024 at 9:03 AM, Pickysaurus said:

I'm sorry to hear that, but Vivaldi remains a variant of Chrome we do not support. It has been modified in a way that breaks this functionality. 

The button itself is just a link to https://www.nexusmods.com/games/ as nothing "normal" can break that. 

When was it modified to break the functionality?
Because it has worked for YEARS, until the day I posted this thread.

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