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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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3 hours ago, WileCoyote68 said:

why are my tracked mods gone?

This is the biggest issue i'm having right now. I used to use the "tracked content updates" tab to quickly view any new comments on my mods (I have like 150 or so). I'm no longer able to find this (if this functionality still exists at all).

I'm sure you guys are getting bombarded with a lot of feedback right now, and I don't want to pile onto that. I do wish there was a longer "beta" period for this redesign - I thought the last 2 weeks the site looked pretty good, but suddenly i'm seeing the whole "beta" design rolled out today and i'm not sure it's quite where it ought to be. 

Like a lot of others stated here, I feel like the new UI design is very overwhelming and doesn't seem to make good use of screen real estate - spacing things out way too much and pushing more things further from the center/focus of the screen. The bigger tiles that display mods are nice, but now you see far fewer mods meaning that many don't even get seen or discovered by the people who need them. 

I get that you have to roll it out at one point or another, but I wish there was a slower rollout / longer feedback period, and I hope that we can get back the functionality that's currently missing.

Edited by mike9k1
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How can I switch back to the old design?

Earlier that day the main page of a game was still fine, even though the new collor palet was already way to dark to be comfortable. I have my screen on brightest seetings and still need to focus on the elements to see their borders. (That's not dark mode, that's "I have turned of the lights" mode, if I may sa so.)

But now I came back some hours later and everything is WAY to spaced out too.


1: Why is there the game name with a cover at the top? I CAN SEE which game I have selected in the navigation bar. There is litteraly no need to display it a second time. And the mod/media/collections counts can also be placed at their sections and don't need to unneccessarily use up space at the top of the page.

2: Why the the "trending mods became so much larger? Before that it was just half the screen size. and I could see the mods tabs below it. Now the trending mods section is larger then my screen. And when I decrease the zoom level of the page, so that the element is just as large as before, the content only covers the middle of the screen, leaving 50% of the website empty. And the text and images are way to small too, when zooming out that far.

3: Why is there a "popular collections" section ABOVE the mods section? It's called nexusmods, not necuscollections, if you excuse me that wordplay, means the mods should have highest priority.

4: Why is there a "go premium" banner in the middle of the page, above the mods and with that still before the actuall main content of the page? I already get reminded that I can go premium EVERYTIME I want to download a mod, due to there being a fast and slow download option. If there absolutely has to be a space-consuming element at the top of the site, instead of displaying the games name and cover a second time in that space, place the "go premium" banner there.

5: Why is the mods section called "more mods"? Besides the trending mods section, this is the first actuall "mods" section and with that the first encounter with the main content of the page. So, why is it called more mods and not just "mods"?

6: why where the tabs replaced with these sperical "options" elements? Yes, the function is still the same but they take up more space, and becasue they are now detatched from the mods section they are also not as intuitive (seemingly, at least to me) as before.

7: Why is there a "trend" option (I refuse to call that design "tabs") in the "mod" (sorry, "MORE mods") section? There is already a dedicated section for trending mods at the top of the page. Which, btw, only leads to the "all mods" page, when clicking on "view all".


That's my first impression. Maybe I get used to it (but I guess not) but for now, when seeing this for the first time, everything thtcrossed my mind was a bunch of why's.

In my opinion, this desidn is a massive downgrade.


I hope all of this doesn't get read with a rude tone. I definitelly didn't mean it that way.

But please, please PLEASE(!!!!) tell me how (not if) I can go back to the old layout/design.

Or, if the new layout is still work in progress and subject to change, and will settle at a design choice, closer to the old layout, I would be fine with it too. In that case, only the color palet is still WAY too dark.


[edits: improving my own english]

Edited by LiloLila
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5 minutes ago, mike9k1 said:

This is the biggest issue i'm having right now. I used to use the "tracked content updates" tab to quickly view any new comments on my mods (I have like 150 or so). I'm no longer able to find this (if this functionality still exists at all).

Oh no! I didn't even notice this in the mess of the front page. Even non mod authors use tracked mods to check for replies to questions (since the notifications are very unreliable), but this is very bad for mod authors. Please fix this Nexus folks.

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5 hours ago, JustThatKing said:

There is no reason for us to go and respond to every single comment. We're monitoring feedback and recording it. As we have said, that doesn't mean we will be responding to every individual who has a subjective opinion about the changes. 

Repeating the same point doesn't make it more important, you are being disrespectful to other users who want to give feedback. 
You've posted more complaints about other users in this thread than feedback about the changes.
You can either stop aggressively complaining about other users or we'll be forced to remove you from the discussion. 

I've posted complaints about ONE USER, because they show up in every single thread that's even slightly critical of the Nexus, and constantly drag the threads off-topic defending it, rather than letting people speak their mind.
I have to repeat the same point because that person always immediately responds to push the comments they don't like, off the main page and fill the thread with “No it's not” posts in order to bury any dissenting opinions.

I've posted ONE, count them ONE COMPLAINT about that ONE USER, in this thread, yet, here you are, taking their side, as usual.

Count how many times that ONE user has responded in this thread as if they're a staff member, and count how many times that ONE user is in every other thread in this forum acting like they own the place.
And you wonder why I'm angry when the rest of us get 'shut down' for having an opinion.

I'm not the only person who hates the new “QUICK” Search, but those people are also being ignored (As usual), and I'm being threatened with removal from this thread (as usual) for giving feedback.

I would've only posted ONCE, if the usual suspect didn't come into every one of these threads and dismiss and argue against everybody's opinions and feedback.
Maybe you should talk the THEM instead. 


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Why was that pushed. It's so obnoxious. I DON'T USE VORTEX. I want the space back for things I actually use.

New layout just waists so much space on a game's root page. The compact layout that was there previously was so much better.

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Okay let's Compare just the main page of SSE. 
New Vs Old
These are my Opinions viewed at 1920x1080 Resolution downscaled from a native 2560x1440 monitor on the Microsoft Edge browser with no Extensions/Addons logged out of my account on Nexus.

  • Can see the # of Mods, Collections, and Media right at the top.
  • Larger Images for Trending Mods 3+ , Named "Trending Mods" instead of "Hot Mods"
  • Collections Now show the most popular ones instead of a Banner
  • More mods tabs have a small icon next to them.
  • Mod previews and descriptions are Larger.
  • Extra tabs made redundant with being able to choose time frame without going into /mods Page.
  • More Mods and Media look like they're part of the main page instead of a separate box module.
  • Footer has Manage Cookie Settings.


  • Top bar is now Elongated with Nexus - Support being on the left side, and Search - Register (User Profile) being on the right side Vs being centered closer to the Middle.
  • 1/3 of the Site is still empty space on the sides.
  • Lack of Background on the sides. (Can have the normal background gradiate into the blur as you scroll down)
  • Complete loss of the signature Nexus Orange on everything besides the Logo icon, Register button (Upload outline), Go Premium button, and Full NexusMods Logo
  • Cannot see Trending mod 3+ without scrolling down with Ads.
  • Only 2 Collections shown, always the most popular. Quite a bit of empty space between Trending and Mods.
  • Random being renamed to Surprise. (This isn't a lootbox you need to sell)
  • Loss of Tracked Content Updates
  • Mods listed are 4x4 compared to 5x4 (Can currently fit 6 per row with the negative side space)
  • Media images are not Resized
  • Site News lost the small Category tag on the top of the Article.
  • Vortex advertisement is gone.
  • Longer to load page. 0.291s vs 0.114s (Variable)

There are some good ideas and some bad. I mean The Main Homepage Hasn't gone under the same UI change yet.
In my Opinion this needs some more time cooking in the Kitchen.

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