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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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To those that were experiencing 'lag' when scrolling (aka poor rendering performance) in some browsers/configurations, I'm hoping you would've seen some improvement on that since 1800 UTC today. If you didn't, not to worry- we aren't done on improvements we can make there.

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Apparently, no single web or app UI developer ever has heard the phrase "If it isn't broken, don't fix it."
I really do not see any justification for these changes other than they just felt like it, almost every change I've looked at has been a downgrade from how it performed previously. What could possibly be the reason? Mobile browsing? Who is downloading mods on their phones?

Edited by Anonoymous
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1 minute ago, Anonoymous said:

Apparently, no single web or app UI developer ever has heard the phrase "If it isn't broken, don't fix it."
I really do not see any justification for these changes other than they just felt like it, almost every change I've looked at has been a downgrade from how it performed previously. What could possibly be the reason? Mobile browsing? Who is downloading mods on their phones?

Read the first post in the thread.

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Just now, Anonoymous said:

What could possibly be the reason? Mobile browsing? Who is downloading mods on their phones?

Nobody is.

Sorry I mean,

The 40% "majority" as stated previously on here.

Don't ask how 40% is a majority because nobody f*#@ing knows. It's whatever inverted maths they use.

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2 minutes ago, WndMll said:

The 40% "majority" as stated previously on here.

Is that what was said though?

It was actually: 40% of our users browse Nexus Mods on a mobile device, you're not the only user we are catering for. Whilst we always keep desktop users our focus (as modding happens on a desktop), we have to cater for everyone.

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9 minutes ago, showler said:

Read the first post in the thread.

The first post reads as rationalization as opposed to justification, as many of the goals are either unmet or are implemented but in an objectively worse manner than the previous iteration. There is little actual reason justifying a UI overhaul in the initial post. You can make technical improvements to your infrastructure without destroying and replacing the existing UI.

Edited by Anonoymous
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So are you going to address the health and accessibility issues that some of us have with this new redesign, or does that just not matter? I can't take acetaminophen or ibuprofen every time I want to download new mods, that's just not a feasible solution because sometimes my headaches get so bad that meds just don't help, and "just take medicine" isn't safe or good advice for using a website.

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I'm not searching for images or videos I'm searching for mods I don't need that redundant crap in my search results. Change it back.

Also changing between mods and games wasn't hard it just wasn't a snap of the fingers thing. And that's good I don't want to search the whole site I just want to search for the game I want to mod if I want to change games I can do that there's no rush. We could see the images just fine before! And we have this nifty thing called clicking on the thing we're interested in to get a better look or just zooming in which is standard on browsers!

Also your "Quality of life improvements"?

  • Who gives a s#*!
  • Who gives a f*#@
  • The only one that was remotely needed and you could have done that on the old UI! 

And who tested this? Because it obviously wasn't someone who used the site! This new UI makes everyone's eyes bleed we don't want it it's unintuitive and worse than the original get the f*#@ out of here with this horseshit marketing speak saying "Change is hard" It wasn't broken and it didn't need to change your design team just wants to justify it's own existence. Yeah, don't think we didn't notice that out of all of that wall of text there wasn't a single good reason to change the UI of the website.

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15 minutes ago, jmharris said:

Is that what was said though?

It was actually: 40% of our users browse Nexus Mods on a mobile device, you're not the only user we are catering for. Whilst we always keep desktop users our focus (as modding happens on a desktop), we have to cater for everyone.

I still fail to see how that argument means replacing the UI for DESKTOP users.

Mobile can, and rightfully should, have it's own UI/UX, designed specifically for it. Not some singular UI made for both. That just winds up being s#*! for everyone.
So if mobile is being used as an excuse for the redesign on desktop.... that's just the wrong way of designing for mobile. (And I say this as a mobile (Android) dev.)


And to elaborate, many of the design changes on DESKTOP seem to be mobile focused:
- Bigger UI elements, less mods visible, each one is larger, etc.
- Lots and lots more padding between the elements, almost like you're trying to make it easier to tap or something.
- Very vertically oriented designed for scrolling on a portrait screen, not a landscape one.

All very much signs the DESKTOP UI has be mobilified in a bad way. (Since all of those are generally a net negative for DESKTOP users.)

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