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My dogs (two of them, one around 80 pounds the other probably over 100) just ran (like full on play time chase ran) into my knee and damn... This freakin' hurts. It aches and then slowly dulls away to nothing but I keep getting a sharp pain if I walk, then my knee goes out and then it aches, dulls, repeat. Hope it goes away but it's done it three times now, and even just sitting I feel a dull ache. Gonna be hard for me to remember not to cross my leg (I'm sure turning it sideways is a terrible idea, since it's probably definitely bad for it without just having had 80 pounds slam into it at dog speed), and that's the leg that rests on my other one damnit!

Edit: Ooo but page 5585 is mine! :tongue:

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Clearly a Modders hang out. I'll take my winnings, quit while I've got some of the winnings more then I had, and go.


Well, you are on a forum that revolves around modding, so... :laugh:



My dogs (two of them, one around 80 pounds the other probably over 100) just ran (like full on play time chase ran) into my knee and damn... This freakin' hurts. It aches and then slowly dulls away to nothing but I keep getting a sharp pain if I walk, then my knee goes out and then it aches, dulls, repeat. Hope it goes away but it's done it three times now, and even just sitting I feel a dull ache. Gonna be hard for me to remember not to cross my leg (I'm sure turning it sideways is a terrible idea, since it's probably definitely bad for it without just having had 80 pounds slam into it at dog speed), and that's the leg that rests on my other one damnit!


You have to admit though, big dogs are the best. I mean, not for getting run into by, but in general they're just so good. :happy:


Woah! That looks awesome (probably say that about all of your swords, but it's true!)!

I told myself I wasn't going to get any unneeded things this time, but between Torus, Wraith and this new one... Can't resist. :tongue:


I'll probably make a pack one day (once I have a few more) so that should negate the multiple .esp issue. :smile:


Billy you just get better and better with every new weapon, awesome job :smile:


Thanks! It's probably like my millionth sword so I hope so. :tongue:




EDIT: I think I've finished finalising the normal maps! I suppose that means it's almost ready to be uploaded.







Also, I've been designing a sword for mlee3141 for his companion mod, Aurlyn. This is what it looks like currently (still awaiting feedback from him).






Yeah. :tongue:




Aaaaand currently updating my Wisp Mother Retexture. So much going on, today!

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You have to admit though, big dogs are the best. I mean, not for getting run into by, but in general they're just so good. :happy:


I'll probably make a pack one day (once I have a few more) so that should negate the multiple .esp issue. :smile:

Yeah they are. :tongue: My knee is still feeling weird today though, which sucks.


It's not really an issue of having too many .esp files, since I really don't have many mods installed anyway, the game just runs pretty poorly so I thought I would avoid getting overloading on items this time and stick to quests and things I wanted to try but never got around to.




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Me either but it's also very creepy. :tongue:

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