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*sleepwalks into this thread*  ...How did it take me this long to post in here?

I win for now!

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44 minutes ago, Oblivionaddicted said:

Sleep walking always makes me think a bit about the zombies.

*shuffles through like a draugr before dropping into bed for a nap* 😴

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I had a dream about being outdoors on the campus grounds.  All that warm sunshine made it hard to study.  I went to get my girlfriend so we could go on a picnic that fine Spring day.



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Memory?  It was a dream.  I only knew I was looking for a girlfriend before I awakened.  Because of how hard it was to keep on dreaming and/or think about studying when I awakened.

I am home schooled.

I am still a student, of life and wisdom of our history compared to present time.  One book I found in an old crumbling house was written by H. G. Wells: Footnote.  "The Outline of History" in which he compares the past with his people's present.

He was the first to pioneer such a work since most history books were stifling uninteresting and were boring.  Only a hard core explorer would read the fact loaded history books; hoping to find a clue to help them discover where some lost city was, a lost civilization, and/or maybe treasures to help them gain Fame and Fortune, because the old history books were precise in reporting just the past.  H. G. Wells method got people interested because of how it revealed how different and similar the past was with the present days of his life time.

Footnote: I discovered H. G. Wells was also an author of Sci-Fi.  Everyone's favorite from back when was The Time Machine by H. G. Wells published in 1895.  A movie about his work was made more recently around 1960.

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3 hours ago, Pagafyr said:

A movie about his work was made more recently around 1960.

There was another in 2002 that strayed quite a bit farther from the original story.  IMO, it wasn't bad, but wasn't as good.  Though the timelapse scenes as the guy was traveling forward through time were still good in both -- especially the clothing store windows with the changing fashions.

And I'm winning for now, as I travel forward in time at the usual 1 second per second rate.

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Yeah!  You won.

You traveled back in time while you were writing about the movie.  I sense you enjoyed time traveling back to when you saw it too!

Other wise those history books, known as journals recorded for posterity, were collecting dust in libraries at the colleges that the stuffy old professors who wrote those left them to when they died.

H. G. Wells opened a whole new way to get attention from non-students who barely ever got interested in their back yard history.  Or got sight of those ancient journals made into history books loaded with facts, maps with where X marks the spot, showing any wise student where the last adventurer had to give it a rest.

A new adventurer could get rich and famous.  Taking the boring time to go looking through them dusty old history books and find out where the last person's journal was who the books were written about.  Find the journal, find any clues in the Journal that wasn't in the stuffy history book.  All not in the history book to find.  But were in many old journals which had marked on maps hand drawn by the owner themself.

That lay where the previous explorer, archaeologist, cartographer, might have had their journal returned to their family for safe keeing.  Any old adventurer might find it and pick up where the journal's owner ended it without finishing it in their lifetime and find the treasure of an ancient civilization that really exists.  During those days in the past before H. G. Wells got some info out that interested the poor uneducated children the children likely never ventured far from the water sack or well back in those days.

Thx to H. G. Wells changes in writing history books so we eager readers now see.  History by H. G. Wells awakened thousands more adventurers out roaming the land.  While only one fifth of the water covered lands has been explored to this day.

I win!

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