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i liked the old one more, it looked so much better and advanced then this one.


Change it back? please? :sweat:

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I like the design of the white skin for this forum... the whole dark theme was rather depressing


I have the "Dark" skin option clicked, so the site for me is about the same color as it was before, various tones of gray going to black with a dark granite outer edge. I think it looks as good, if not better than before tbh. Can't say much for the "original" skin though...my eyes!

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I much prefer this dark skin; now it matches my Opera skin. Now if only we could get the actual nexus and the forums on the same aesthetic wavelengths, without upending the entire UI :laugh:


That, and I wish our banner was a bit more... elaborate, than just text. I feel with all the talented graphic artists we have here, we could come up with something that would very stylishly represent the whole of the Nexus network.


Also, there are some smilies missing when I hit "show all" in the pane on the right, fyi.

Edited by SATMA
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I prefer the dark skin too. Easier on the eyes.


And what I said before about being faster? Yeah, it DEFINITELY is faster, now that I've used the new board a few days. :thumbsup:


The only things I miss are the site links at the top and the full forum list in the dropdown, which made navigation easier despite having to scroll so much.

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I don't know if it's related to this or not, but I haven't been able to get on to TES Nexus for the past couple of days. I just get a lot of clocking and "Page cannot be found" messages. Fallout Nexus and Dragon Age Nexus both work fine.




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To post a video YouTube here it was possible, but now not !

Please, how we can make today ?


Just use the http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_images/underground/rte_icons/media.png Insert Media Button to post youtube videos.


Or you can use:



And you'll get:


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