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Virus scan reports now visible on file pages, more security incoming


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This virus scanning is a good idea, but its inconsistent. I uploaded new files, and while my initial ones took 5-10 mins, these took 1hr 30mins and still didnt scan. Reuploaded again, been 20mins, still waiting.


These are only ~150-250kb files, 3 of them. Why so long?

Edited by FireFreak111
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Nicely done. Who's idea was this ?


As a security professional with a bit of a hacking background I like to consider myself pretty good at out of the box thinking, but I wouldn't have thought of this.


Great job.


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Length of time for the scan depends in part on what's already in the queue.


Since the Nexus is using an external provider for this service (VirusTotal) we don't control the pipeline, and it's not just files from the Nexus in that pipe.

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In response to post #16500929.

First let me say that it's great to see that the Nexus is adding this level of security for their users.
I do have to add my voice to Xazomn concern about these malicious ads, as I have definitely seen an increase in the number of these ads in recent months.
Not sure how much control you have over which ads are displayed, but would be nice if you could look into why there seems to be an increase of potential malicious ads.
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In response to post #16467319. #16468479, #16472064, #16472239, #16474589, #16484429, #16484479, #16485009, #16501439, #16508664 are all replies on the same post.

You guys have to keep in mind that the group does not always agree, no two individuals may have the same stances on the same issues. Any number of their members with the proper skills can do as they please, be it attacking a government sever structure because of an agreeance of opposition to what ever said body had done.

Or in some cases attacking game sites because a user or group of users felt that had been wrong and applied their skills to making others life hell.

I personally do not condone, or condemn anon's actions as just like any other other group in the world there are scum bags and saints in every level of every office in every corner.

Welcome to the internet~
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In response to post #16467319. #16468479, #16472064, #16472239, #16474589, #16484429, #16484479, #16485009, #16501439, #16508664, #16519229 are all replies on the same post.

So it's already been established this obviously isn't Anonymous; But hey, if you saw someone type something like that, I think most of you would've said something too.
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