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Your Most Frustrating Oblivion Moments


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Now that you mention it: Knights of the Nine was one huge, neverending frustrating Oblivion moment.


1.) The wayshrine bug. Isn't it wonderful that there are several shrines named after the same deity, so that there is a 50% chance that at the end of your pilgrimage one shrine does not count and you are basically screwed?


2.) The fact that KOTN conflicts with almost everything, so that there is a VERY HIGH chance that as soon as your pilgrimage ends and you are teleported into the sky, you are stuck there? I can not count how many times that happened to me even when there were no mod conflicts detected.


3.) The "knight follows you to the end of the world and beyond" bug. Taking into consideration that this is one huge, almost unavoidable bug (unless you read online tutorials on how to work around it) in an official Bethesda mod, I am SO glad that those guys never included real companions in Oblivion. Would have been one hell of a bug fest >.<

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My most frustrating moment in Oblivion is when this blonde, pointy haired freak showed up with his torch and annoyed the hell out of me outside the Arena.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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My favorite has to be not only the fact that again your horse seems to be the most hated creature on the planet, but when storming the castle or anywhere else that your helping the NPC militia or guards and in mid swing a guard jumps in front of you and you get charged with murder. I mean it's bad enough when I purposely take someone out on a DB mission and get sloppy, but if a guard is suicidal I shouldn't have to foot the funeral charges.
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NPCs running in front of my line of fire when im letting off endless streams of very deadly...very rare and very enchanted!!!! aRRROWS!!!!!!....

then being attacked by allies for thier sheer incompetance!!!!...

RAWR@!!!!212121!!!111!ione1!!eleven!!! :wallbash:....

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