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This is technically a quick question. I want to sidestep CK's warning message, to wit: "SuchAndSuch is AIMED but has no Magic Effects with Projectiles". This happens with each of my spells that are associated items on cloak spells. As far as I know, having them "aimed" is the only way for things to actually work as intended. Nothing is broken in-game, but the warning message in CK makes my mod look badly-constructed, so I'd like to take care of it.

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Script fragments are small snippets of code. In essence each script fragment is a function on a larger script. Setting a GlobalVariable would be as simple as:




The thing to note is that the GV would require a property and you can't add a property until the script exists and you can't compile the above without the property. So you have to compile a commented out line first, add the property then recompile with the correct code in place.


This would go on the perk under the activators.


As far as the player alias, you've got it set up right with the exception that you do not need to re-register for the crafting menu. It is a register once and its good for the rest of the game. So if you may want to consider an uninstall capability that will unregister the event for you.


As far as getting your stuff to work inside the event, I don't know cause I don't know your code.

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Thank you Ishara, I will give this a go as soon as I get some time to really sink my teeth into it (3 kids keeping me busy).


I have another question in the meantime.


One of the traits that I have added to armors is 'Impenetrable' which gives resistance to critical hits by a perk entry point modifying enemy critical hit chance. I don't think it is working correctly. When my player gets hit with a killcam move, rather than dying, they go into a kneel-down position like a follower, and no longer get back up, and I don't know if it has actually improved their resistance to critical hits (do killcams count as criticals or something else?). Any suggestions?

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I am adding custom body textures to some NPCs as part of a mod...while I don't get the grey face bug, the body texture has a grey look to it. Does anyone know what is causing this, and how to fix it?

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Does anyone know anything about how the entrypoint 'modify enemy critical hit chance' works, any items that use this, or any mods that do? I looked through all the perks but couldn't see one that uses it. I also need to work out the best function to use for stacking it with several pieces of armor (if it is in fact working). I think my original amounts are OP compared to the other trait bonuses, so was thinking of capping it at about 85% when 5 pieces are equipped with 17% critical resistance each (that is, a 17% reduction in the enemy's critical hit chance).

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I am adding custom body textures to some NPCs as part of a mod...while I don't get the grey face bug, the body texture has a grey look to it. Does anyone know what is causing this, and how to fix it?

This is a problem with the settings in BSLighteningShaderProperty. One of those color settings I think.

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I've asked this elsewhere but the question has since then been buried. Is there a resource instructing one on how to include their textures into their mods so that the players settings determine the texture used? IE, low settings will use a smaller/less detailed texture vs high settings.

No. You have to provide different download files for the users to pick which textures they wish to use.

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