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I'm trying to get a cape from a mod to work with the Mage Armor perk. The mod originally had it as Light Armor. I did some searching (since I know absolutely nothing about modding) and managed to edit the item in the Creation Kit. In-game, the cape is now considered clothing and has an armor rating of 0, but it still breaks the Mage Armor perk. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have a guess:


Does the cape have the right keywords?


A cloth item will have three keywords:

ArmorClothing, ClothingBody and VendorItemClothing ( not needed.)


Yes, ArmorCuirass, ArmorLight, and ArmorMaterialLeather... I think I see my problem now, haha.


Thanks for the tip. I never would have figured that out!


EDIT: Just tested it, and you were absolutely right. Everything is in order now.

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But I do have another quick question...

I'm trying to do the same thing with a mod that creates hoodless versions of the Dragon Priest Masks. The hooded and hoodless versions are separate items, but the hoodless ones are still light armor (breaking the perk). I tried loading the .esp in CK and it just crashes every time after throwing error after error at me. Any ideas there?

I found a bit of a workaround which gives me the stats and keeps the perk, but the mask doesn't show up on my character. I'll live if I can't get it working, but it'd be nice to actually wear the mask.

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Does anyone know how to remove a place from removing a place from radiance system? I'm trying to stop troops taking over fort greymoor. Do I just remove the keywords?

It depends on how the quest handling it actually handles it. If it fills based off of keywords, do that. If it specifically fills off of Fort Greymoor and does NOT Allow Reserved on the location alias, in another quest reserve the reference of Fort Greymoor on game start. If it's a specific location/reference thing you'll have to change it manually.
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Does anyone know how to remove a place from removing a place from radiance system? I'm trying to stop troops taking over fort greymoor. Do I just remove the keywords?

It depends on how the quest handling it actually handles it. If it fills based off of keywords, do that. If it specifically fills off of Fort Greymoor and does NOT Allow Reserved on the location alias, in another quest reserve the reference of Fort Greymoor on game start. If it's a specific location/reference thing you'll have to change it manually.


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