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OK, out of nowhere I suddenly realized what I was doing wrong... I made a bone-headed mistake and was looking for the Nightshade Extract by name rather than by the item ID I gave it. Sorry if my n00bieness was annoying, but I understand why no one answered the question... I was asking the wrong one! My bad everyone.

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So does any of you know why Code doesn't load when viewing dialogue scripts?




You don't have the relevant script file accessible to the CK in the Data > Scripts > Source folder. This is common with the DLC, BSA packed mod scripts, and base game scripts prior to unpacking the scripts.rar file.

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I have asked this question elsewhere and maybe no one can help me.


I am creating my own horse mod with all the textures I can find. I would like to have the horses, once they are not marked as the players last ridden horse, to stay where I put them, but wander in a radius doing various idles. (such as eating grass, pawing, maybe trotting to a different place etc..). I found a playerhorsestayput (or something) and modified it to have a radius (before it was radius 0, I gave it a radius 512). However, when I tested it in game, the horse just stayed put. It didn't wander or anything, it acted like all the other horses (I put hte horse in playerhorsefaction). I also *think* I changed it from it acting on being the last ridden horse (I set players last ridden horse to false) to not being the last ridden horse (as I want it to wander when it is 'released' from stand, which is done by the player choosing a different horse to ride).


Does anyone know a way to do what I would like it to do? I do not want the horses (There will be more than one) to go back the stables I bought them from (as I plan to at least try to have stables sell some of the various horses) or where I Found them, but rather stay where I ride them to and then choose a different horse to ride. I would like them then to act like a real horse in a pasture would: wander around, grazing, (I would love to have the roll, but not sure the animation is there for that, i Know they have a get up animation, but don't see a 'get down' or a 'roll over' animation) things like that.

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Thanks IsharaMeradin, I hadn't even thought of that. Personally, since this is a personal mod, I don't really care if they wander around the minute I get off of them, I just don't want them to wander off back to home or just stand there like I glued their feet to the ground....


EDIT: Nope, while the horse wandered off at first, it then proceeded to stand in one place, and just pawed at the ground, didn't go through any other idle the horse mesh is supposed to have.


Also, when I got off the horse a bit of distance away from where I placed it, it went back to close to the original place.

Edited by kittybrod
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In the middle of creating a mod that utilises new keywords for ammunition such as arrows and bolts to be used in a SKSE script. List is currently as such:


AmmoTypeArrow, AmmoTypeBolt

AmmoMaterial****: Adamantium, Aetherium, Bonemold, Chitin, Daedric, Dragonbone, Draugr, Dwarven, Ebony, Elven, Falmer, Forsworn, Glass, Imperial, Iron, Mithril, Nordic, Orcish, Silver, Stalhrim, Steel, Wood


I'm going to add Wyrmstone to the AmmoMaterial**** list, but is there any others that I may have missed? I went through the UESPwiki pages, but I've probably missed one or two. The aim is so that the mod that these will be used for will not need Dragonborn or Dawnguard or so forth, but if they are added, they can be patched to utilise the crafting table that the script in question uses. I might also include AmmoTypeEnchanted and AmmoTypeExploding as well, mainly for the additional ammo variations in Dawnguard.

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I try to make an activator wich on activation: cast a spell on player, play a sound and display a message. This activator enable other effect not include in the script.


I just want it to on activate (state01): doing the stuff,

on activate again (state02): stop everything

and if you reactivate it (state03), it reset itself to (state 01) and so on.


The script work and do the job, but only once:


Scriptname aaf_PoolSpellRestore extends ObjectReference

Spell Property aaf_PoolRestoreSPELL Auto
Sound Property aaf_PoolSpellSoundEffect Auto
Message Property aaf_PoolRestoreSpellMSG Auto
Message Property aaf_PoolRestoreSpellFinishMSG Auto

int count ;stores the number of times this object has been activated

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
count = count + 1

if count == 1

aaf_PoolRestoreSPELL.Cast(akActionRef, akActionRef)

elseif count == 2





If you have an idea Thanks in advance! :D

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Hi everyone,


I don't know if this is the right thread for this question. I'm trying to console decorate and right now I'm trying to build a pool using player.placeatme commands and jaxon's positioner. Is it possible to place a water plane using console commands and if so, how? I got a water plane in place, but it just reflected black. Thanks.

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I try to make an activator wich on activation: cast a spell on player, play a sound and display a message. This activator enable other effect not include in the script.


I just want it to on activate (state01): doing the stuff,

on activate again (state02): stop everything

and if you reactivate it (state03), it reset itself to (state 01) and so on.


The script work and do the job, but only once:


Scriptname aaf_PoolSpellRestore extends ObjectReference

Spell Property aaf_PoolRestoreSPELL Auto
Sound Property aaf_PoolSpellSoundEffect Auto
Message Property aaf_PoolRestoreSpellMSG Auto
Message Property aaf_PoolRestoreSpellFinishMSG Auto

int count ;stores the number of times this object has been activated

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
count = count + 1

if count == 1

aaf_PoolRestoreSPELL.Cast(akActionRef, akActionRef)

elseif count == 2





If you have an idea Thanks in advance! :D



Your script with slight modification



Scriptname aaf_PoolSpellRestore extends ObjectReference

Spell Property aaf_PoolRestoreSPELL  Auto
Sound Property aaf_PoolSpellSoundEffect Auto
Message Property aaf_PoolRestoreSpellMSG  Auto
Message Property aaf_PoolRestoreSpellFinishMSG  Auto
int count  ;stores the number of times this object has been activated

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
;add the below
	If count == 2
		count = 0
;add the above
	count = count + 1
	if count == 1
 		aaf_PoolRestoreSPELL.Cast(akActionRef, akActionRef)
 	elseif count == 2



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