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LocalTimeVar + 1 in your example would be 1 hour, not 1 day, right?

In my example, it would be 1 day. This is because the value stored in the global variable is in days with the decimal part making up the hours, minutes & seconds of any partial day amount.


Local Float & Int properties...

They won't reset when you load a save. However, each new instance of an object will maintain its own value, if changed, for the local property variable.

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You can only have one OnUpdate event that runs at a set interval? Any other attempt I make to modify another script's OnUpdate's event will run with the RegisterForSingleUpdate from my other scripts.(I've set it to 5 seconds for example, but it will still run once every 1 seconds like the other scripts.)

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Hello, I'm trying to make a creature use a specified spell when low on hp.


So far all I did on the script was this:


actor SelfRef
Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)
Now, I'm trying to set up so it casts the spell on the floor and near the caster.
I found this in the list of scripts:
mySpell.cast(myActivator, playerRef)
Ok so, "mySpell" is the name of the spell that the player will see in game right?
myActivator is the actor and PlayerRef is the player of course.
But I don't want the spell to be cast on the player, what should I type?
I'm guessing in the end it will stay like this:
actor SelfRef
Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)
mySpell.cast(myActivator, playerRef)
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Hello, I'm trying to make a creature use a specified spell when low on hp.


So far all I did on the script was this:


actor SelfRef


Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)





Now, I'm trying to set up so it casts the spell on the floor and near the caster.

I found this in the list of scripts:


mySpell.cast(myActivator, playerRef)


Ok so, "mySpell" is the name of the spell that the player will see in game right?

myActivator is the actor and PlayerRef is the player of course.


But I don't want the spell to be cast on the player, what should I type?


I'm guessing in the end it will stay like this:


actor SelfRef


Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)


mySpell.cast(myActivator, playerRef)





You may want to use OnHit and chdck HP instead.


OnDying is called like a second before they die. It's not low health. It's like the game is getting ready to kill them.

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You can have one onupdate event per form or object reference.

If I put these scripts on an Alias or a Quest will that change?


This magic effect that I attached to a bear's attacks using a spell lingers permanently on the target the bear attacks, it never dispels itself. I made the duration of the paralysis/effect 1 second in the spell, what the hell is wrong? http://puu.sh/eOVLx/1662d1c28a.png

Edited by Kerberus14
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