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They both have bouncing and the like. Unp is more real and has less skimpy armors, but don't even think there a real protective armor for CBBE. That bod is not real by the slightest. Maybe there is, but I never saw one anywhere.


Personally, I use unp because there is some really nice armor-clothing mods around.

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- I use CBBE because it's closest to my own body shape. I don't have the wide shoulders, high waist, bulky back/top-heavy torso, or the gravity-defying breasts that the UNP-based bodies have. The only thing UNP has over CBBE is more polys and a few better (see: non-skimpy) outfits...although as they're non-skimpy, I can use them if I don't mind my character's shoulders and breasts getting bigger, and as Caliente, then creator of CBBE, also released Outfit Studio, this is becoming less of an issue. Note that I'm not saying either one is more 'realistic'; both are. Both have very different body shapes, just as women in general have very different body shapes, and I happen to prefer the one that looks the most like my own.

- It has outfits that range from revealing/ultra-skimpy to realistic/lore-friendly/protective.

- It has a scripted installer if you use NMM or MO.

- It's been updated a number of times over the years with various improvements from high quality textures, more natural default shapes, and general tweaks to things like weighting.

- It has a huge mod list, with links and short descriptions to almost every CBBE-compatible mod on Nexus.

- It has BodySlide. With it you can make as body as realistic or as outlandishly ridiculous as you like, with or without T/BBP/HDT/JellyBoobs/'bouncing'. Also, Outfit Studio, which is part of BodySlide, is an invaluable tool for the modding community, allowing modders and mod users alike to convert pretty much any outfit to fit any body...with some work.

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I went with CBBE because, as Jeir stated above, it's a little less idealized. I would like to add that I've found that most (but not all) armors that are made for UNP will also work on CBBE. I've only run across one where I had a problem (my follower's nipples were poking out over the top of the outfit) but as pointed out above, you can fix that with Bodyslide if you really want to (I'm too lazy for that, I just switched to a different armor set).

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honestly i dont mind either one, i used to use CBBE but decided to switch to UNP to change things up. i might be switching back to CBBE and see if i can get it to work. it really all depends on what armor mods you wish to use in the end though

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- I use CBBE because it's closest to my own body shape. I don't have the wide shoulders, high waist, bulky back/top-heavy torso, or the gravity-defying breasts that the UNP-based bodies have. The only thing UNP has over CBBE is more polys and a few better (see: non-skimpy) outfits...although as they're non-skimpy, I can use them if I don't mind my character's shoulders and breasts getting bigger, and as Caliente, then creator of CBBE, also released Outfit Studio, this is becoming less of an issue. Note that I'm not saying either one is more 'realistic'; both are. Both have very different body shapes, just as women in general have very different body shapes, and I happen to prefer the one that looks the most like my own.

- It has outfits that range from revealing/ultra-skimpy to realistic/lore-friendly/protective.

- It has a scripted installer if you use NMM or MO.

- It's been updated a number of times over the years with various improvements from high quality textures, more natural default shapes, and general tweaks to things like weighting.

- It has a huge mod list, with links and short descriptions to almost every CBBE-compatible mod on Nexus.

- It has BodySlide. With it you can make as body as realistic or as outlandishly ridiculous as you like, with or without T/BBP/HDT/JellyBoobs/'bouncing'. Also, Outfit Studio, which is part of BodySlide, is an invaluable tool for the modding community, allowing modders and mod users alike to convert pretty much any outfit to fit any body...with some work.

- It has Jeir.

Fixed :P

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I gave CBBE an honest try, and there was always something off about it that I couldn't put my finger on. Even with "make it look like UNP" bodyslide preset. Though at the end of the day it all boils down to preference. Which means installing and uninstalling the two mods a few times and staring at a naked girl on your screen.


Some things to keep in mind:


- Both bodies have a crapton of mods, skimpy and non-skimpy armor. Some modders are religiously devoted to one or the other body, but in about 90% of times when a good outfit emerges a conversion emerges shortly after.


- CBBE has Bodyslide, which affords a wide range of body shapes and is one of its main selling points.


- UNP uses vanilla UVMap, which apparently makes it easier to make skimpy armors, I wouldn't know anything about it as I'm no graphic artist, but it's what I've heard.


- UNP has a "neck seam" problem that is rather difficult to get rid of. This means that there is a noticeable difference between the texture of the head and the texture of the body (generally, this manifests as the head and neck textures having a different "sheen" to them than the rest of the body). Some mods address this to a variety of degrees. ENB goes a long way towards reducing it; Coverwomen has a very nice "seamless" texture that I am currently using, and Navetsea's texture set also fixes it. Coverwomen makes your girls look fairly idealized, which may or may not be your cup of tea - especially if you apply a sportsy normalmap; again, personal preference - I like my fantasy girls toned. Navetsea swings the other way and a bit too far (in my not so humble) - this texture has some "wear and tear" to it and the nipples in particular are, ehh... go see for yourself. How much you care of course depends on how much time your characters spend topless.


- One thing in UNP's favor is that it can use unconverted 7BASE outfits, but it means that your character's boobs and butt will get larger when you put the outfit on. You may or may not care.

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Hum... CBBE ! because I made the CBPE This is a custom variation of the CBBE body. It shows a slender body with A-cup breasts, a small bottom, and slender waist. The weight slider is working and makes the chest up to B cup. Because Big breasts frustrate me !

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