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It Seemed To Be A Good Idea At The Time (Redux)


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One 26.1[39]{39}


Jennie sat at her 3D desktop computer, 3D-DTC, and studied the data in front of her with some surprise. She then spun her office chair to face Carmel who was standing calmly a short distance from her. "According to this you were at the Brandt Outpost and you vanished there. I was there but I did not see you."


Carmel nodded. "My children, and I, lived with others at the very edge of the project site. We had no idea of what was going on but we did pick up the growing tension between factions in the project team. Only idea I got, from my husband talking in his sleep, was that some feared that the project was racing too far ahead without being cautious enough with ancient alien forces that they were playing with. My husband was a cautious man, almost to the point of cowardliness, and he was very worried. I also learned he was having sex with another woman, which did not surprise me as it was not the first time."


She went on talking. "The Rainbowman came and saved many of us, giving us resources, helping us take many of possessions along with our pets. Some of his followers took us to a small town where most of us staid but I moved here, to Tarrytown, because the Rainbowman asked me to do so. The other town is quite close and I visit there now and then. The Rainbowman transformed us somehow because it had to be done. He spoke of something called the 'infestation'. He also said that my husband, along with most of the research team, were doomed because they had become heavily infested."


Jennie frowned softly even as Ginger leapt onto her lap, curled up, and went to sleep with the clone-triplet stroking her. "Why did the 'Rainbowman' want you to come here to Tarrytown?"


Carmel smiled. "To meet you, to be with you, to help you. You see each of you supposed triplets were born from a different surrogate mother. You are clone-triplets through your father but I am your mother, Jennie. The woman, at the cafe, is Jessie's mother. I do not know the identity of Jonnie's mother. My transformation made me younger looking than I did as I was rejuvenated."


With mixed feelings she got a hug, and kiss, from her mother and then so did the cat.


Carmel smiled. "Your father is the Rainbowman and I suppose that makes you the half-sister of Jonnie and Jessie. You three, that are almost one, are far more than you think you are for the Rainbowman is greatly more than he appears to be on the surface and you inherited much from him."

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One 26.2[40]{40}


Jennie nodded but truth was she had much to work out, both within herself and as part of the clone-triplets.


Soon Jessie, and Jonnie, came home with eight other supersoldiers being 'old' comrades. They were moving in with the 'triplets', six being female and two being male. With them came some pet-companions but also two metadogs being fighting-pets. The newcomers had been at the UNPSIA airport base and had helped to destroy the zombies, and ghouls, using xolaserguns.


Because Jennie had already gained the knowledge of their father, and two of their mothers, it was no surprise to either of them.


Jessie soon had Carmel's daughter held in her arms, quite comfortable and content, even as the older daughter played with some superbugs and another cat. She did so with the dog pressed against her.


It was not long after the newcomers arrived that a strange sparkling shimmer went through the building and everything in it, including all lifeforms who felt it intrinsically. Yet none felt any concern though the superbugs did make some odd jiggling, wiggling, motions for a few seconds.







One 26a


Shifts of energy, of matter, took place through out the true nature of the ancient AraArtefacts that were linked in ways incomprehensible to mortal humanity. Complex, subtle, transformations took place as instigated partly by the transformation of that one structure in Tarrytown.


Yet who, or what, had set off the transformation was most difficult to say. Perhaps it was more than one source that had caused it to take place as the building started a series of transformations, a transition, to becoming something very special.


Soon there was more space, more utilities, some interesting extra functions and some exotic features appearing in that once typical house. The irony was that the great majority, of those living in Tarrytown, had no idea at all of what had happened and was continuing to happen.

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One 27.1[41]{41}


The UNPSIA went through the process of examining the remains of the ghouls, and zombies, that had attacked the airport. The big military jet airfreighter, that had been converted into a troop carrier, was also carefully explored. Information was gained and it turned out that the aircraft had vanished over part of the European Balkans region; it was a Russian Federation machine taking soldiers, plus equipment-supplies, to a troubled border area where Russian forces were battling Islamic fundamentalist forces.


Demands came from the Kremlin, in Moscow, that the aircraft be returned and when this was proven to be impossible, demands came for a billion UN Dollars in compensation from the United Nations. This was simply refused as a ridiculous claim for the UN was not responsible for what had happened to the aircraft or those that had been in it. The Russian Federation was not even a member of the United Nations any longer. Nor could the demands be met that bodies be returned.


Guns were carefully stacked to one side. Most were AKM16A2 autorifles equipped with grenadeshell or grenaderocket launchers. AKM16s were reliable, effective, versatile weapons that were used by many nations, and other forces, since the end of World War Two and the defeat of the infamous PanAxis. AKM16A4s were more advanced but earlier models were far more common as were some variants. They used international standardised ammunition.


There were big tarps spread on the tarmac and well ordered stacks of rejuvenated equipment, and supplies, along with other items such as dog-tags and personal effects. At least the dog-tags, and few personal effects, could be returned to Russia easily enough and would be.


Scully frowned softly. "Somehow the biovires, and biovamps, of the living-dead are linked to the undead such as the ghouls and zombies. The trouble is that death brings the destruction of strong scientific research material, for both. The traces that we have been finding help, but not enough, to gain the deeper truth. We need to do more research into the histories of such entities, even the mythologies."

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One 27.2[42]{42}


Mulder had been helping to collect fingerprints from various devices except that many were obscured by distorted ghoul, or zombie, prints. He stretched. "Like the stories of the PanAxis using horror forces of both the undead and the living-dead."

Such stories were quite common and there were XFiles based on them.

Which was when the discovery was made that a small, exotic, piece of technology was hidden inside the rejuvenated old Soviet airfreighter. Further investigations proved that all of the jets, that had materialised, had such box devices deeply hidden inside them; the Western machines had them much better hidden.

The next discovery was provided by Mulder, and Scully, when they showed that the boxes were actually grey-human hybrid technologies, being powerful but dangerously unstable. They were also dangerous in other ways.


The married pair had, as yet, no idea what the devices were and why they had been so carefully concealed in the aircraft. Yet it was a massive breakthrough, in the investigation of the vanishings of aircraft, and soon searches were being made of thousands of aircraft back on Terra. It was not long before such devices were being found in about 12% of larger high altitude jet aircraft. Yet nobody seemed to know what they were, what function that they had or how they got to be so well hidden inside the machines.







One 27a


The long planned operation had failed and the irony was that those running it had no real idea what it had been about except that certain exotic devices had been carefully planted inside certain aircraft.


With the project so dramatically failed, and knowing how ruthless their contractors could be, most of the program personnel escaped quickly. They went to ground in the infamous Undercity beneath LabyrinthCity or out in the countryside of the Regional Lunar Labyrinth. Some had already sold information about the hidden complex, the strange operation, and others planned to do so but truthfully they had little to sell.


One staid, being Marcus Rayne who was a tall elegant man with a pronounced hook nose and sharp eyes. He wore a moderately expensive business suit and carried a black briefcase through the empty, partly looted, secret complex. There had never been any real data, of any real consequences, there and the secret masters could well afford to replace what was stolen if they wished to do so; they had no wish to do so and had no further use for the complex.


Marcus Rayne finished touring the important areas of the complex before he left. He could have set off the self destruction devices but there was no real reason for that. As it was, since the complex was hidden fairly close to a newly built refugee town, tremors caused by the explosions would only attract unwanted attention.


As it was the tall man had only just departed in a fast moving tunnel car, along a tunnel that only he had known about in the complex, when the first platoon of supersoldiers entered through an armoured security airlock; it was not even locked down.

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One 28.1[43]{43}


Jetfighters fought grey saucers in the greyish winter sky of Moscow. Showing changes that had taken place, Russian machines were supported by NATO jets, including American stealth fighters and European Union supersonic jumpjets. Yet something else came to fight the multitude of saucerboats and smaller zippier saucerdarts, and they were glowing spheres; they went right through the other kinds of alien craft, causing them to disintegrate, but they were greatly outnumbered.


The Rainbowman had made sure that the Russians did not try to shoot down the Graynari, with conventional weapons, from the ground because it was too dangerous for human aircraft. Instead he had assisted with the upgrading of human technologies to given them greater chance against the Greys; that is reflector-deflector shielding, pulselasers, special scanners and projectiles that could easier penetrate saucer force fields, including missiles and rockets. More importantly, in many ways, were medical treatments for exotic damage done by Graynari energy weapons.


He stood high in mid air, quite comfortably as if doing so on solid rock, and yet nothing seemed to detect him let alone react to him. This was not totally true as the glowing white-yellow spheres not only knew he was there but drew energies from him at times for repair-recharge. They were Lightvari and their ancestors had been Silvernari as had been the ancestors of the Greynari, along with others of the Nariri Splintering.


A Soviet Super Fulcrum exploded but the pilot escaped thanks to the new technologies, being ejected hard and fast into the atmosphere. He was bruised but he was alive and dropping fast to the ground, zigzagging all the way, in a new hitech kind of powered paraplane.


The Rainbowman was concerned, in the fashion of a greater celestial being beyond true mortal understanding, an entity of greater balances, and he found that he did not know 'things' that perhaps he should have done.


The Greynari were being drawn to Terra almost against their will and in great numbers. Soon others would arrive that were their involuntary minions and displeased allies. This would draw other forces to the small world, could easily be doing so already.


Some 'force' or 'faction' was attempting to break the greater balances, of the Multiverse, and yet the Rainbowman doubted that this was the actual focus of their plans. No, something they were doing was leading to those results as 'collateral damage'.

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One 28.2[44]{44}


A Graynari saucerdart, full of the grey minions of yet a more terrible force, accidentally got too close to the Rainbowman and the saucer became a rainbow one while its crew became Rainbowlari. Freely they had chosen to serve the Rainbowman and set out to serve him elsewhere, away from that battle, in other ways. The Rainbowlari saucerdart vanished faster than any Greynari saucerdart could; it had been upgraded totally.


A grey saucer crashed into a skyscraper, that was thankfully vacated, with a dramatic explosion. Special charges then exploded, directing the falling skyscraper section to go more inward than to land on anything else. Cities, around the world, were voluntarily getting rid of such high, vulnerable, structures even as energy domes were being developed. The Greynari, inside the saucer, had escaped a terrible form of slavery. The victims of the Greynari were the victims of victims and it was a great Multiversal problem that was being steadily undone.


A European supersonic jumpjet, an American stealth fighter and a Russian Super Flanker worked together to destroy a bigger Graynari saucerboat but perhaps the Greynari crew subconsciously helped in their own destruction.







One 28a


The rainbow saucerdart, of the Rainbowlari, departed the atmosphere of Terra and was soon shooting towards a point in space beyond Luna. It moved with amazing speed thanks to the changes made to it by the Rainbowman. It was speeding towards a destination with a vast Multiversal ship that was larger than Luna. Yet it had no gravity influence on the worlds of the solar system and none could even detect it except for a very few. None of this was by accident as the vast vessel was designed to move with amazing stealthiness in what were considered to be dangerous zones of timespace.


The great, perfect, silvery sphere became visible to the Rainbowlari who were astonished despite the great space going history of the various Nariri Species and Subspecies. Then the saucerdart had vanished with a shimmering as it was taken into the great sphere.

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One 29.1[45]{45}


The Rainbowman visited his children, the J-Triplets, and they remembered him clearly while he was with them just as they always had vaguely remembered dreams, at times, when they were not with him with him; dreamlinking is what it was called. With the Rainbowman they could clearly remember all of the dreams.


The three were having difficulties with their feelings; they had never really been prepared for actually meeting their mothers outside of dreamlinking. Even then they had met only two of their mothers excluding the woman at the diner. Nor did their program-conditioning, as elite killers, lend itself to such things.


A transformation was going through the building itself as it became an ancient alien artefact, or at least the extension of a massive one that absorbed the human structure. It remained the same from the outside but expanded 'bigger inside than outside' as the old internal building spaces were kept and new emerged separate from them. The process was steady with new spaces forming in stages and then becoming accessible.


To the clone-triplets it seem natural to add a growing population of stray cats, dogs and other creatures including superbugs. They added plants. Then Carmel brought in the first 'stray human', a so called social misfit of an old man who was soon tending a great big 'indoor gardens' area; he was harmless, peaceful and only mildly sociable but the animals liked him and the plants grew well with his attendance. He knew of a semiwilderness system of gardening called permaculture and was soon providing food for the household.


They also added things and the ancient alien artefact also began to provide resources of a kind of basic exotic kind being foams, liquids, solid cubes and gases along with pure water and air.


Then Carmel began to bring more people, more of those who needed to live inside that amazing place that had a special positive healing, transforming, influence of its own. She also brought animals and plants that thrived.







One 29a


Modestia Blaise, Jane Scully, other agents and supersoldiers moved through an area of LabyrinthCity that hearkened back to the earliest days of the colonisation efforts. The buildings, of prefabricated foamcrete sections, had meant to be temporary but they were standing decades later as working accommodations. basic pay allowances subcontractee workers dwelt in such places along with those who served their various needs, students, aspiring artists, exotic subcultures and others such.


They made their way over thick muddy soil past heaps of rubbish that, in theory, should have been sent to recycling centres. The only few windows at ground level had thick armoured glass and were barred both inside and out.


The thing that came crashing through a foamcrete wall, into the twilight of evening, might have been human once but it had transmutated into a heavy muscular female humanoid. Clothes and other gear having been shredded, pushed off its body, it was naked. She roared in horror, fear and pain.


The supersoldiers aimed their compact black guns and stunned the creature with a series of careful aimed shots. She fell to her knees with a grunt and supersoldiers were there, with flickers of speed, to lower her gently to the ground.


Perhaps the process could be largely reversed. Jane Scully had done special medical studies, researches into paranormal biology, and with her was a field doctor who also had experience dealing with such exotic matters.


On the other side of the broken wall was a cramped bedsitter apartment for a young woman student. The two soon found evidence that she had been well paid to take part in an experimental program, taking hyposhots of serum. The program would prove to be a false front, of course, along with the corporation supposedly behind it and the rest of the data that they found in a cheap plastic desk.

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One 30.1[46]{46}

The Rainbowman smiled at the J-Triplets as they sat together in the Sanctum, as the transformed-transforming house was now called. "This place has many qualities and has reached out to us because we need it to do so and because ancient entities, forces, with it need to do this to stop trouble happening to the Lunar Labyrinth. Humanity was manipulated to come here and, as you suspect, Apollo 12 astronauts were not the first humans to discover an active, unconcealed, Airgate. That took place a very very long time ago.:

Rainbowman: "The astronauts were not even the first humans, from your Alternate Earth home world, to do so. The PanAxis launched a foolish attempt to reach Luna; the big rocketship would have exploded but some force saved it and sent it into the Lunar Labyrinth. After that many PanAxis rocketships made it to the Lunar Labyrinth, with help from the Shadowman, including one of the very big ones that held Hitler and his entourage, along with much else."

Yes, the Free Alliance had failed to stop the rocketships departing though they had stopped the Holocaust before it could kill more than 1,000,000 people; this included Jews, so called psychic mutants, Gypsies, and many others. World War Two had finally ended in 1949 with the collapse of the Zaztek Empire of the Shadow Continent. By then there were both former PanAxis forces, who had turned upon it, and Japanese forces taking place in the assault on the much feared-hated Zazteks. Yet most of the world did not know about what had happened there and did not seem to want to know.


The Rainbowman went on smiling. "Do you remember the time previous to the incident where so much varied computer data was given over to an ancient alien artefact, much of it being of the nature of advanced game programs?"


Jennie shook her head. "We can remember no such incident. There seems to be large blank spaces in our memories, in our shared memory that we must share or choose to share."


This revelation seemed to surprise the clone-triplets far more than it did the Rainbowman, their father. It was as if he had expected such a response.


Rainbowman: "How did you get from the ancient alien complex, where the incident happened, to Tarrytown? I suspect that you seemed just to appear in the Tarrytown Glowcavern."

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One 30.2[47]{47}


Jonnie shook his head in puzzlement. "We met somebody first, of an exotic but good nature who was just a little grumpy. Except we can not quite clearly remember her and her entourage. She was on the surprisingly small side."


The Rainbowman smiled even more. "Yes, she reached out to you, and that is no surprise at all. As for you forgetting the 'incident', that will pass. I suppose that 'she' may had done it to you in order for your minds to prepare for the truth. Though very young, and in some ways naive, she is both extremely smart and intuitive. I suspect that she is closer to us than you know though you may 'sense' her in a more subtle fashion."


The small chubby muscular baby 'popped' into existence, out of mid air, with her rainbow colouring as did a range of single coloured other such babies, each with small exotic device and wearing a rainbow leotard like garb. There were also black clad versions, clad from head to foot, holding small gun like devices that seemed to be exotic versions of cloned supersoldiers such as the J-Triplets.


The Rainbowman sighed softly. "Yes, now she has her very own versions of you supersoldiers, a sign of her bond with you and her growing fears." He reached out to take the Rainbowbaby and draw her to himself before kissing the small one on the top of her bald head. The Rainbowbaby made strange joyful musical noises in response that seemed to come from the very air itself.


Superbugs had already been there, drawn by the J-Triplets and the Rainbowman, but more now arrived to swarm around the floating babies.


Carmel entered the chamber and brought a large tray of goodies with her plus some cats, dogs and a big old parrot eager to snack on some of them. Life had become even more interesting but there were many more surprises to come.








One 30a


That, which was truly the Rainbowbaby, was only partly represented by the floating rainbow baby shape. In another place was heavily secured, and hidden, her core. Rainbowguards, in semiautonomous existence and service to the Rainbowguardian, protected it along with its own powers and avatars. Floating supersoldier baby figures floated in swarms through the air with very small guns that were far more powerful than their size might indicate; those small ones also had other 'tricks' to call upon.


The nature of the Rainbowbaby was both greatly complicated and subtle; her influence moved through the ancient alien artefact networks and added to the transformation already taking place.


The Rainbowbaby reached out, carefully and gently, to empathic-telepathically 'touch' the secondary shared mentality of rising Unity. She wanted healthy functional Unity as an ally along with the supersoldiers and others; she also wanted to build up forces, protections, against her powerful enemies and especially against three of them. Then there were other ancient factions to deal with, such as the Rainbowguardian and the AraAncients.


She 'sensed' the presence of a great silvery sphere of a Starsphere and wondered what it was doing there, being both curious and wary of the forces, and factions, transdimensionally 'inside' it.


Then there was one that she was always ready to call for if she needed to do so.

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